Page 95 - YB1953
P. 95
ARGONAUTS This year President Henry Ernst proved that siva spring banquet if a cumulntive average of he was a capable and enthusiastic leader. Modeled 2.2 or .more has been attained. AI! members of ill name and purpose after the voyagers who the faculty are invited to become honorary sought the Golden Fleece, the Argonauts con- members. The sponsors arc Dr. Isabel lsanoglc tinued their search for their symbol of the fleece and Dr. William Ridington. -knowledge. With Karin Nowack as Vicc·Presi Proving that scholarly meetings need not be dent, Beverly Warllcr as Secretary, and Joyce dull, Dr. Thomas Marshall spoke on humorous Clark as Treasurer, the society had an interesting verse, and Dr. Charles Phillips probed the mean- and productive year. ingoJ the welfare state. Other activities included The activities of the organi;-;ation are carried the annual February tea in honor of all the on by associate members, those Juniors and students with a cumulative index of 2.1, a movie to Seniors who have a cumulative scholastic index supplement the budget, and the banquet honor- of at least 2. L At the end of seven semesters, ing those seniors eligible for membership as Associates are inducted as Fellows at an impres- Fellows. 95
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