Page 151 - YB1952
P. 151
First rOw: B Hale, N. Walker, Paul. M drews, D Corkran HOME ECONOMICS CLUB The Home Economics Club strives [Q serve ;IS The fall meeting of the Maryland College Clubs a social organization for majors. Some wns held in Washingron ur the National Head. of the programs are planned to bring in subject quarters of the American Home Economics Asso. matter which is nor rouched upon in the classroom. cinrion. Several members attended the meeting Our first meeting of the yeflr was held in the and had a very memorable day Home Mnnagemenr House with ]inny, Tip, One of our most enjoyable meetings was a Mickey, Herma, and Nancy acting as hostesses demonstration on cake decorating by a prominent While our homecoming displ:ly didn't win first baker. Everyone became 50 interested rhey forgot prize, we all had lots of fun working on rhe large to go home unril three hours later. frying pan with the Drexel dragon in the center. As springtime carne around we had a hshion The slogan-cLer's fry their hides on the gridiron" show in McDaniel Lounge. The sophomores mod- In November we had as speaker a beauty coun- eled their dresses and blouses; the seniors, their sellar from New York who told us how to "PUt suits and coats. your best face forward." 147
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