Page 153 - YB1952
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STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION Freshman orienrntion week found the Srudenr ern Maryland's history. Despite a surprise snowfall, Government Council busily preparing the founda- projects rose co embellish our campus and an tion on which to build this year's activities under eighteen unit parade wound its way through West- the leadership of Martin Tullai, president; Libby minster ro Hoffa field. Schubert, vice-president; Tom Page, treasurer; and The council's main project of the year was at- Marvina Munch, secretary. tempting to obtain an informal lounge for studenrs The council had been occupied during the sum- use. It was felt that such a lounge was needed for mer in compiling rhe Student Handbook, which relaxation, dub meetings, and informal recreation is invaluable co srudems, pnrricularly Freshmen. As yet plans are in the renrarive stage, but it is "Terror" desk blotters had been planned, primed, hoped the lounge will become a reality by next and were disn-ibured to the students on their ar- year rivaiurWMC Spring found S. G. A. busily preparing for its In an sponsored concert by the Baltimore City College Glee Club. Planning a beautiful and effective May Day ended the council's major activities for the year. The success of May Day was an indication of the achievements rhe council had made in or- government's ganizing campus groups and individual students BlIg column, for the benefit of all. assemblies In the new council office the Student Govern- One of the first council sponsored innovations rnenr has formulated ideas and plans for its major this year was an athletic reception committee. The activities. This year's council has attempted to committees' duty is to greet and aid visiting ath- provide a solid basis on which next year's campus [eric reams. leaders can build an effecrive organization capable Under the of s. G. A., individuals of directing student activities, entertaining sug- and campus cooperated to make gesrions and criticisms and serving as a liason Homecoming the most successful in West- between students and administration 1>1.Tullai, M. Munch, S. Abrams. Sewnt! row· C. Reed, A. Collins, E. Rogan, D. Brimer, R. Jones, H. Cooley. 149
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