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FirJt row: M. Hawkins, M. TulJai, E, Rice, D. !l.fakosky,D. Keesecker, I row: L. Schubert, N. Ned, ). Hoyt, ]. LambeH, B. Simpson, J. Hampel, D. Schmidt, J. Neimeyer, D. Reck,]. Curl. Third row: D. Lien, M. Amos, S, Fisher, K. Shook,]. Moore, y_ Hale, B. Tipcon, J F. Paul, E. Walz, P. Morris. FUTURE TEACHERS OF AMERICA Adding New England blood to our veins in the humorous elements personage of Mr. Bernard De COUfCY, the Future One of our definite Teachers of America surged forward to accomplish of an F.T.A. Club in our their many goals. With the aid of a program com- of Taneytown. mittee and frequent Grille sessions, interesting, Somewhere, somehow-a few of us found time worthwhile, and entertaining programs were to create a Homecoming display, the theme of planned which was progressive education in action, but we One of our early programs featured an audio- did not forget the little red school house. Even visual aids specialist, Mr. William Neelands of from under a blanket of snow, our modern teacher Social Security's Training Division, Baltimore. As raised her head to meet that same spirit of the a result of conflicting LR.C. and F.T.A. meeting terror football team hours, a compromise was finally reached and we Also, our club is proudly represented in the enjoyed several joint sessions. One of these sessions srnre F.T.A. organization. OUf state officers are included the famous debate between the pacifist Imogene Weybright and Libby Schubert and Dr. Theodore Whitfield. Another F.T.A In spite of their rime-consuming meeting featured a panel discussion with tWO excluding the education classes, Dr teachers, former students of W.M.C. and Me. Joseph Bailer have helped us to steer the In February, the spotlight was focused upon club. It may have taken some high-h
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