Page 147 - YB1952
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fim roll': J. Hoyt, 1. Gri(-(\ R.Le- Few. Second mil': N. HLI,;he~, L P. Fetcho. N. D.TLlckĀ· B. Parsons, B. C Bonneville W.A.A. BOARD CAMERA CLUB Once again the W.A.A. Board made an earnest The Camera Club is an organization effort ro maintain enthusiasm in girls' athletics deavors ro stimulate a lively and worthwhile and to instill in all of the women students its est in the field of photography. Under the sponsor- ideals of good sportsmanship and love of ship of Dean Free and able leadership of Ernie The club indeed has been very successful in Greene, president, Mrs. Essom, vice-president, and as secretary and Dave ing its aims and has initiated a new award Billie Niemeyer photography club began Rhoads as the its four- treasurer, This newly adopted award is a cup which is teenth year on the Hill awarded ro the class that earns the highest number By means of illustrated slide lectures, demon of points. A system which takes into account srrntions and talks, we studied the basic principles sportsmanship, participation, and wins, losses, and of picture taking, developing and enlarging. Ade- ties of games in each season sports determines the quate facilities for lise by any club members were recipient of the cup. Each year the winning class provided in our dark room in the basement of will have its name engraved on the cup and it is McKinstry Hall. A gala hot-dog was gIven hoped that the trophy will inspire greater partici- by Dean and Mrs. Free before we under- pation and enrhusiasm in the intramural program way. and also that it wil! gain a prominent show place Early in Colonel Redfield spoke on his us the telling photography, on campus. exp~flences processes used in taking each of equIpment The club decided to have recognition keys for each board member in an endeavor ro make the the photographs on display As big Christmas project we made Christ- association and who its members are better known mas of different winter scenes On the Hill on the Hill and spring we plan a trip through pictur- esque pans of Maryland SlaIlJ;llg: F. Hubach,R. Wil. SOil, A. Gernand. Sealed: Mrs Essom. E. Green. A. Nic.
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