Page 154 - YB1952
P. 154
Leitto right: K. 1\.!cLaughlin, Dr. isanogle, C. Schofield. E. Schubert. TRUMPETERS Last May, the Junior girls gathered on the Presi- Freshman Onenrnrion Program. Kay, Corinne, dent's lawn for a rmdinonnl ceremony-the tap- Libby, and their sponsor, Dr. Isabelle Isanogle, ping of the Trumpeters. Kay Mcl.nogblin, Corinne met with the new women students and explained Schofield and Libby Schubert wefe chosen to wear the organization and its motto "For if the trumpet the Trumpeter Badge for the year 195L-1952. gives an uncertain sound, who sha!l prepare him- Each year one to five Senior women are selected self for the battle?" on a point basis according to leadership in extrn- With Dean Free's help, the Trumpeters and curiculnr ncriviries. They are rated on the basis some Junior girls decorated the dining halls for of scholarship, leadership, character and citizen- the Christmas Banquet ship. The purpose is to encourage leadership and Spring came again and it was time to tap the participation in extra-curricular activities on the junior women, bestowing the academic cap and college campus gown as a symbol of the honor. They will be the Their first official job was assisting with the Trumpeters for the class of 1953 150
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