Page 148 - YB1952
P. 148
MAJORETTES In spite of its relatively recent addition to the Hill, the Mnjorerre Corps has proudly won a r.mong rbe Western Maryland College This corps holds special esteem since it shares the privilege of and adding to the spirits of our undefeated team. The four smiling lassies, all of them veterans, nimbly strurred before the band attired in their colorful green and gold satin uniforms. Numerous twirling and step routines were ably executed by the girls in which they artfully used their bright, flashing batons. Besides making their nppearance on the football field, the Majorettes also made a fine showing at the Pep Rallies and in the downtown Under the leadership of Ina the girls never failed to show their and Cold weather and even in on Home- vivacious gals. CHEERLEADERS Be it foorbnll or basketball season, fair weather or foul you'll find the W. M. Cheerleaders right on the job cheering the ream on to victory. Late on many fall afternoons you may have heard the TEAM or Terror yell being practised by these hard-working girls in Robinson Garden, so yOll see it rook more than jusr the mere ability 1O yell to make a good appe:u;mce at [he games. We started the football season off with wonder- ful WMC spirit as we rose from our sears to sing "Win Western Maryland" H[ the pre-Gettysburg Fep rally. From that moment on we were con- sranrly reminded of [he following Saturday's game by the after-dinner rallies on the porch of Old Main, and the parades downtown Pep, spunk and enthusiasm, three very conm- gious elements when ploced before a crowd of spectatOrs, have made it possible to say that the Western Maryland roorers, led all by their cheer- leaders, are the loudest and most enrhusiasuc to be found anywhere. l44
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