Page 150 - YB1952
P. 150
Boltom to top: M. Haw- kins, O. Lien, Dixon, D Makosky, J c. Hammaker. C ALOHA After we finally decided that we couldn't pIll derclnssmen on the staff, and we feel thur the ven- everything into our yearbook, we set about the ture was well worth while. We thank rrcrnendous task of eliminnring. Those of lIS who Barbara Bankson, Essie Zies and have known the burning of midnight oi!, and the It is with pleasure and pride that we bundle up neglecting of many other things, realize the nmouru the 1952 ALOHA and send it to the primers. of work and worry that lies behind the Thanks go to all of you for making this book pos- page. We owe a greac deal to yOll sible. We hope it is worth your while Or. Marshall, Don Makosky (the ever steadying hand), the entire staff, and Mary "never say die" EDITORIAL STAFF Hawkins. Our rribuhltions were many, but we Editor Mary Hawkins Weybright, don't wanr you to get the idea that we didn't en- Assist-nu. Editors Jeanne Imogene Dottie Lien Dixon, joy it. We hunted for something a little different, and though we don't expect all of you to agree, Dottie Shoemaker, Jack Lambert we think we came through with that different Chuck Hammaker, Ina Grice approach. Ed Early, Nan Smith Joyce Schmidt, We really battled the clements there for awhile. Mary lou Mumford but we managed to survive exams, measles, and even practice teaching. As a senior publication, it BUSINESS STAFF is only right that we include those underclassmen Don Makcsky who weathered the gale with us, and many times Mcl.aughlin, helped us keep the ship afloat. The 1952 ALOHA Schofficld initiated the procedure of including numerous un- Advertising Mtllli/ger Jim Sullivan 146
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