Page 155 - YB1952
P. 155
THE COLLEGE PLAYERS To the audience which views our productions, dy lle. We dosed the year by going back [Q 1845 the life behind the footlights may seem to be an to tell the stOry of The Barrern o] Wimpole Street. exciting, glamorous one, filled with thoughts of Any small pride in our own achievements turns grease pninr and applause. But ro the member~ of to humble gratitude for those who nre never seen, the College Players, these moments in the light but without whom we would be nothing. For make up only a small parr of the memories we "Prof" Bnilev, who executes miracles in his down- carry away with us after graduation. stairs domain and enhances our acting with ex- Time stands foremost in our recollecrions-c- quisitely right scenery and expert lighting, we time spent studying pans, rehearsing till [ate hours, have the gre:ttest admiration and appreciation painting sec,nefY, l~aking costumes, and Our thanks also go to Harry McCrone, a former Precious mmures stolen from graduate, who assists Don with the lights in which we should be But the most important person, the guiding papers or attending sorority ,:,cctings spirit of our College Players, the one who makes aCtivities nre abandoned dunng the us tick, is Miss Esther Smith. Friend, confidant, a play., We ,gripe ab~ut it, but never the and critic, she gives us the power ro rise above our dramatics which we think of g1vlng lip! ability. It is she, whose vocabulary does ncr include When we look back on the past year, we can't the word "amareur", who makes our work come help being a little proud of what we've ac- alive because she faith that we can make it so. complished. Who can ever forger rhe rollic~ing She tackles each with the determination that rramps and cheeky, charming old of Silver it be better last. Miss Smith has never WhiJt!(ll At Christmas, we a humble, failed the college yet, and her students think she reverent theme with [he moving oj Alary. never will. Thus, year after year, her graduates In the spring, the Juniors shown in rwo delight- return, sure that the play they see performed will ful comedies, The Wandering Scboiar and Opera be even better than those of their memories Nlalince, and ONeill's gripping, maddening trage- 151
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