Page 146 - YB1952
P. 146
LE CERCLE FRANCAIS INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS CLUB On the second Monday evening of every month students interested in French gathered for an in- The I.R.C. is interested in foreign affairs and formal meeting in McDaniel Hall Lounge. These the disposition of our governmcnt in the matter of meetings of Le Cercle Francais are under the spon meeting rhe every day demands of sorship o.f Miss Margaret Snader and provid~ an intercourse. In keeping with this interest op~ortun][y to employ knowledge of French 1[1 ? began its activities with a talk by Mr social setting. Betty Lou Kellner was president rhis Young of rbe Class of 1947. ThIS vercrnn year. Thomas Douglas, berer known as the "Veep", World War II told something of his was vice-president, Priscilla Johnston was the sec- as a Red Cross worker in Korea in rerary, and Larry Taylor was treasurer In another meeting Professor Douglas R. The club activities began with a ler, of rhe Westminster Theological Seminary, re one-act play, as always, and a Feu lured his observations while visiting England and high-lighted the December program. This tra- western Europe lase summer ditional, beautiful Christmas carol An other time Mr. Chuck lmmler eluded many lovely solos and the cd pictures that he had raken while Biblical Christmas story in French. in Japan. The December The second semester there a discussion of rhe question interesting .programs including to our potential allies in Europe and bridge parry and dancing (i East. as usual, the semester ended with an On j anuary presentation of one of the masterpieces Hill Mr.James drama. rntcree. He the ropic
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