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Firs/ row; J. Willis, ,\. HCl1flen, A. Haines. S. Han·ey. SeeD",1 'ow: B. Wurn(;r, C. Ilonlliville, 1\1. Puis, C. Jones. J. Althouse. H. Cole, F. \'('ilson. Third row; J. Benson, J. Temple, P. Lar- more, P. Johnson. fourth rOI~; 1. Cermak. D. Phillips, B. Par- SOilS, J. Sullivan, B. Norwood, Carol Bauer. K. Hule, P. Spes surd, E. Crawford, N. Brown, S. Je[feries. D. Rhoad~. J. Hlllu!'i SOil. 1. Tayi(),', B. Callus,.I. Voss. J. Clayton, N. Bayliss, M. Troop. e. Shoemaker, 1\1. Chenet, 1. Lee, M. Meyers. LE CERCLE FRANCAIS I.R.C. On the second Monday evening of every month To help attain its purpose, as indicated by its students interested in French gathered for an name, the IRC has had discussions on Sweden, informal meeting in McDaniel Hall Lounge. India, China, and Japan. A key speaker was These meetings of Le Circle Francais are under Mr. John H. Jukes, a member of the Economic the sponsorship of Miss Margaret Snader and Section of the British Cabinet, noll' serving at the provide and opportunity to employ knowledge of British Embassy in Washington. trench in a social setting. John Seiland was Another noted speaker was Dr. Harold Benja- president during the first semester and upon his min, Dean on the College of Education at the graduation, Janice Benson became president. University of Maryland and author of Sabre Priscilla Johnston was the secretary and Bill T oath. Curriculum, Callas was treasurer. Serving us officers of the club first semester The club activities began with two one-act were Betty Duvall, president; Anne Van OHler, plays, as always, and a Fete des Chansons high- vice-president; and Betty Shivers, secretary- lighted the November program. The traditional, treasurer. Officers chosen for second semester beautiful Christmas carol program included were Edward Early, president, Corinne Schofield, many lovely solos and the reading of the bibli- vice- president; and Betty Simpson, secretary- cal story in French. treasurer. The second semester also held many interest- Western Marylaud holds membership in the ing programs including the hilarious bingo and Maryland Association of l nternatlonal Relations bridge party and dancing a la [rancaise. And, Clubs, the Collegiate Council of the United as usual, the semester ended with an accom- Nations, and sends delegates from the IRC to plished presentation of one of the masterpieces or attend Middle Atlantic State Conferences. French Drama. Sealed: Doris Reck, Betty Shep- ler, ,'larty Buchman, Betty Duvall, Ann Van Order. Second row; Amy Chamberlin, Betty Simpson, Kay McLaughlin, Rosa lie Ono, June Beaver. Betty Shivers, Lionel Lee, Herman Suuerbrei. Third row: Bill Simp- son. Allan Albert. 57
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