Page 45 - YB1951
P. 45
First row: Alonso, R.; l\ull, H.; Chirngos, l\"f.; Clay ron, 1. i\"l.; Cuhbericy, ,\1.; Dawson, P.; Eyler, n., Second row: Fraser, H.; Frilz, J.; COl"iOIl,R.; Cre~l1, E.; l~$ae, J.; Klinger, lj.; Kraus, fl..; Kunk!.:, B. Lamberl, J.; Landefeld, E.; Layton, R.; L~jg;hlon, H.; LesCalidle, n., Lockman, J.; Loper, .I.; Loper, Makosky, D.; McCall, K.; McTeer, H.; P"gc, T.; SallnHlrsh, A.; SumakOllris, T.; Schedcr, W.; Fifth row: Shook, K.; Smilh, D.; Thomas, .T.; Thomas, E.; Townsend, D.; Voss, 1. PI ALPHA ALPHA June, 1951, marks the close of another year of Alpha, Kendrick McCall; Vice.Alpha, Roland vigorous activity in Pi Alpha Alpha. The frat Layton; Bela, Bob Fraser; Vice-Beta, Brady contributed towards the success of the Mid-Cen- Kunkle; Camilla, Iohn Loper; and Delta, Mike tury Advance Campaign at Homecoming with a Chirigos. massive football float and the futuristic rocket display. After Homecoming sixteen new pledges were gained who willingly suffered through the agonies of Hell Week. During the first part of December, the frat was treated to a party by the Sigmas, and latter reciprocated. Just before midyear exams, the seml.annunl banquet was held at Scbotties'. In addition the Valentine dance WHS sponsored by the Bachelors. At the end of the semester the Frank B. Hurt Scholal:ship Cup was won as a permanent possession. Our officers for first semester: Alpha, Millard LesCallette; Vice-Alpha, Kendrick McCall; Beta, Jay Lockman; Vice-Beta, Esseil Thomas ; Z:ll:::~:'t~;::lc~~J)::;ll:~~~r ~\;;t::e~~ i:~J~~~~t~~; 41
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