Page 44 - YB1951
P. 44
GAMMA BETA CHI Gamma Bela Chi launched into the new year lain, treasurer; Russ Derngon, chaplain; Gill under the leadership of Lou Pietro forte, presi- Clough, sergeant-at-arms; Bob Tulner, vice- dent. Assisting ollicers were Dan Honemann, treasurer, and Dick Stone, vice-secretary. vice-president; Jay Eggly, secretary; Sid Albrit- The first project of the semester was the redec- oration of the old clubroom which included the purchasing of a [JCW TV set. CB made a dean sweep of the Homecoming prize, winning first prize for their display and parade float. Another successful project was the Gamma Bet sponsored Christmas dance. Under "Doc" Straughn's fifth year of appre- ciated sponsorship, the Gamma Bets enlered the second semester with Jay Eggly as president; Phil Sack, vice-president; Russ Deregon, secre- tary; Sid Albt-ittnin, treasurer; Tom Lang, chap- lain; LOll Pietro forte, sergeant-nt-crms ; Carl Seiler, vice-treasurer, and Sam Winston, vice- secretary. The Camma Bets will miss the thirteen seniors who have helped make this a great year! 40
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