Page 85 - YB1940
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DELTA PI ALPIIA F1RST SEMESTER Della ROBERT STROPP Vice Delta CHARLES COLE //Iplw MALCOLM KULLMAR Beta SAMUEL GALBREATH Gamma DONZEL WILDEY Epsilon LEIGH VENZKE GALBREATH STROPP SHEPHERD, Sponsor SECOND SEMESTER Delta SAMUEL GALBREATH will continue to carry out our aim, member; Vice Delta l\1ARBURY LINTON ship, guidance, and club spirit. Those seniors to graduate include "Charlie" Alplla \¥ILLIAM ROBINSON Cole, long an advocate of the "open door" Beta ROBERT FAW policy, and an intramural and varsity athlete Gamma HARPER LECOMPTE of some note. Charlie's pet job is keeping the Epsilon RAY/l1OND MYERS club "oriented." "Sam" Galbreath, one of our frat presidents, has been a club officer of much service. As president of the senior sud his Commanders to the Hill for their class, captain of the 1939 soccer team, batta- annual dance. This affair was the highlight lion adjutant, chairman of numerous com, of the Mid-Winter Carnival and Blanche mittees, Sam has given much to his club. Ward Gym was appropriately decorated with "Mac" Kullmar, fraternity officer, who, with a giant snowball, snowmen, and other winter his "ugly" roommate "Sam," have been the accessories. The fraternity cooperated as club workhorses. A budding dramatic star in usual in presenting the Pan Hellenic dance. his own right, a scholarship record of merit, The social year closed with the annual club he is still "Mac" a dependable gentleman banquet at which a copy of the second volume sir- if you please! "Marb" Linton, who has of the Delta Pi Alpha, the fraternity's year- helped run up the frat's expenditures for book, was presented to each member. cards, believer in a "broad general education," Unfortunately not all of the year's efforts finds time for athletics of both varsity and have been of such good fortune as those cited intramural nature. "Will" Prentiss, an above. Major Tyron M. Shepherd, the intramural athlete until tennis rolls around in fraternity's sponsor for three years, was trans- the spring, captain of the varsity squad his ferred to a post in New York State. Major senior year, always giving helpful advice to Shepherd's "freshman" year on the Hill was the club and its sponsor(s). "Ray" Roderick, immediately contemporary with that of the the Preacher's senior preacher was a "married class of 1940 and "The Maj" had made many man" even as a freshman. "Ecclesiastical friends among both seniors and underclass; functions" his office, serious and sincere, his men. The Major by his suggestions and club was one of his loves. "Bob" Stropp, c?unse.l,.hospitality.and friendliness, coopera- fraternity president and captain .of .three trve Spirit nnd guilding hand did much to con- varsity sports in his senior year, Major In the tribute to the fraternity's continued fraternal R.O.T.C. Battalion, and Rinehimer's room- aim making Delta Pi Alpha a progressively mate. An intramural star when varsity finer organization. activities permit, "Bob's" value to his frat By ~ur selection of Dr. Earp as new sponsor, has been overshadowed by his contributions we believe that we have the combination that to his Alma Mater. He really gave his all! eighty-one
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