Page 86 - YB1940
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GA~IMA BETA {;DI FIRST SEMESTER ci: FRANK SHIPLEY Pice Chi PAUL BURTIS Gamma DOUGLAS CATINGTON Beta FRANK MATHER Chaplain MASON SONES Sergeant-ai.rtrms CHARLES HORAN SECOND SEMESTER WUlTFIELD, Sp~"Jor SHIPLEY HORAN Chi CHARLES HORAN Pice Chi DOUGLAS CATINGTON Gamma PAUL BURTIS Beta A newly tuned piano, new furniture, new Chaplain . FRANK MATHER indirect lighting, and a freshly decorated Sergeant-at-Arms GORDON GILBERT SHIPLEY FRANK interior announce the progressive aims of the Gamma Bets. Stimulating Christmas eyes of their fraternity, the new members' spirit with an encouraging step by the stu- reputations. dent-faculty activities committee-c the "open October-new officers: Chi, Shipley; Beta, dance" ruling-e-Gamma Beta Chi put con- Mather; Gamma, Catington ; Sergeant-at- servatism into discard; hired popular Rudy arms, Horan, Beta Pi, \Veant-prospects: Killian's Baltimore orchestra; decorated and athletics-a good big touch football team, lighted the girls' gym exquisitely, uniquely; with perhaps enough power, to capture the purchased first-rate programs; set a new crown; pledges-as usual, be natural; let the standard for fraternity dances on the Hill. fellows bid see us as we are and join of their In the Gamma Bet clubroom, fellowship own accord; finances-several brothers in abounds whether it be over a game of cards danger of being dropped for accounts in during a jam session, or a reading hour. arrears; property-furniture going to pieces- Times occur when the exuberance of the with tender care, will last another year- brethren exceeds their desire to go to chapel. ceiling plaster cracked, threatening to fall- (It is then rha- an occasional downbeat no decent lamps-the precedented radio succeeds in penetrating through the Alumni trouble. Viewpoint: "The club's goingvro Han floor to the receptive ears of freshman need some work done to it. 1£ we want to take coeds.) The red and blue smoker echoed advantage of all our opportunities we've got the hospitality of the hosts and was alive to hustle." with the unsophisticated, hearty cheer of A full unbiased survey of the Gamma the brothers. Fun and fellowship are the Bets: a revelation to the interested observer keynotes in the north room of Alumni Hall of it friendly group-a group who are average all.d the proprietors there enjoy a happy in their arguments, yet unreflective of what existence. is known as group .opinion ; who are social Freshmen Bunce, Elliot, Friedel, Gelder; pillars oftheir fraternity, but mentally in the Jester, Lavin, Linthicum, Moore, Prettyman, unrefined ore state and absolutely 110n_ and Wiesand extended the lifeline of the altruistic, who are united and hard to con, fraternity to the class of '43. Pledge com- :vince within their own domain, ambitious mitteemen Gelder, Jester, and Chairman I!1 the Blanche Ward and McDaniel area; Elliott acted efficiently and responsibly: and who have more originality than com- Result: the pledges' afternoon social, with petitive spirit-and are stingy with that. sisters of Phi Alpha Mu guests, terminated There's Charlie Horan, second semester Chi- successfully, in no way enhancing, in the reserved, uncontentious, ever-frowning, care- Eigllty-Iwo
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