Page 98 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
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_'.j'"l'~e.IIl_il:~:(:I:;1:~:::f-1o."'":(~I[.]:1IJ.1o.1IJ _ Micah Shelton Moves BestWishes Ben Faber Ah d B · ~ h F OMAR8ROWN me tennis team having been the best in four years, t uture ~~t:.~:~;ato and me being the captain ... so I'm a legacy of 'Ioff'.po,'" improvemem." Capstone Projects Favorite classes/prcfessoe "Role of Symparhedc Innervation in Pancreas "Physics Classes. All the physics professors are Development" challenging, and even entertaining" Favorite classes/professor (and one reason Reminisce about your best McDaniel year: whyi) "Senior Year,because we had our own house, had «Drumming from Africa to America because J my besr eennts season, and had the most fun," like jamming on the drums with rhe master per~ cussionisrhimself,jonSeligman." Your legacy at McD~el: "I'm leaving with Job you have scored? ~Myadvisor helped to get me a research oppor- BethAnn Fusco runiry ar Johns Hopkins last summer which was a great experience and has shaped my choices for the future." What was the most embarrassing thing to happen to you in the "last four years? Reminisce about the best McDaniel year: "Slipping down a flight of stairs in Lewis when 1 ~TIlI:hestyearisaiwaysrhe6rs1year, My fresh- was a fresbrnan." man year was one of [he best years of my life." What do you wish you could tell your Your legacy at McDaniel: What are you scared for in the future? Freshman self. knOwing what you know "Cosbyness is next godliness." "No~ being able [0 have a family and owning now? "That worrying gets you nowhere and to enjoy the time here because it goes by so fast. And to not change for anyone." Adieu to April Ruthke . "What are your last words to the McDaniel community? "Thanks for the memories!" AMANDA SMID nights and weekends. Oh and of course, Phi Mu, LIZ MIRIZIO because rhey are pretty cool. .)" Stoff Reporter5 Future Plans: Major: Exercise Science "Living at home- going to nursing school-after I finish gerring certified to be a CNA(certified Senior Capstone: Iwill be working in a hospital. nursing assistant) "Heart Rate response to Aerobic exercise ana Also working at Kids First Swim School where I Circuit training exercise (comparing heart rate teach people how ro swim," ofboth).~ Favoritedass: ~Arhleric uaining class and Personal training class." Favorite professor: "Doctor McKen2;ie. She is such a cool teach- er, who is very undersranding and helpful. She is very intelligent, reaches very well and makes you Want to learn. You can tell she loves what she does and cates very much aboul her srndents. A change you've enjoyed seeing campus: uGLAR!{ Greek life expanding!~ Things you'll miss: ~rve met me most amazing people h<':reand I'm going to miss seeing them every day Or whenev, er J want. I will definitely miss hanging OUt on Seniors Share Their Stories and look Forward BEN GRANT Staff Reporter cation. For her senior project, she wrote a paper history minor, agrees whole hearredly with this Her Favorite class was, in fact, lnrro to Soci- titled "Escaping the LabYrlnth: Young Adulr Lit- sentiment. ~ Lrarely .ate in old Glar, as I com- ology, becau.5e" it had a lot cfdffferemaspecrs to eraUlTCas Bildungsroman." She is interested in mute, bur new Glar IS good enough, food-WIse itanditwasconstandyinterestingaswellaseye_ i~~rporating her ideas inm a high school cur- and aesthedcaily, rhat I have made a couple of opening. I feel as though that class was a turning Nor having to register for fall classes. Feeling point for me in college. 1 found something that wistful while scrounging for quarters fo! me flCUlumsomewhere. When asked to share a ran- ViSi~ s~ce.~~: o;:~i:~ :~:e~r:~e~:a~:~ was really for me and would be in IJlYfuture a doni fun fact about herself, Fishetti showed me washing machine. Two days of glorious weather how the freckles on her arms and legs are pat- :~ein: [ha;~ew direction he has planned for The catalyst to many experiences I would open my- in 11 row. AUindisputable signs that spring is here self re. and many young people on campus are experienc_ terned like the constellations Libra, Cassiopeia, colle~::ry knowS she will miss all of her friends, For her Spanish Capstone, Thomas studied the Somhern Cross and Scorpio. ing seniorltis. They are finishing Capstone proj- along with the opponunity to take imeresring ects,andchucklingasyoungerstudentsstfuggle Josh Lebrun, Lebron ro his friends,is a senior dictatorships in Larin America, concenrranng on with finals and the end of year grind of big papers. who switched majors from mathematics to exer- ~1~:;Sfa:Uoc~[eascl~:~itti~ca6~~:\~e;h:~r~~~:t;~ Chile. Her focus was on how popular culrure Portrays historical events, specifically dictator- cisescience:during his sophomore year because, In JUSta few weeks, most of these seniors will be ~Mathematics was too difficult ar the tinle.n The share one quirky fun 0cr abOUTherself, Berry told ships and authoritarian governments. graduating imo the wider world. A few have an ming Lebrun expects to miss most about McDan- One cool change that Thomas was happy to eJ(rrasemester lefrbe.fore graduation. iel is playingbaskelball and golf with his friends. :::::::It quite ~:;f~l~~.~, a horse by doing a wimess was til<: new president being inaugurated Kurt Miller is one of those seniors who will "J enjoyed playing sports all year Berry doe.~ not ac.rually Aip off horses regu_ be returning in r.he fallbe.causc he still needs ase- round. Whether it was football, baskctball, soft- larly. Wednesday, Apnl 2Qth she was thrown off ~he wasn't alone; all five seniors, at $Orne point nior seminar and one history class to graduate. ball or volleyball, immmurais was always fun. It a horse and injured her foot. Afterward, she was In .thei: interviews, mentioned the new president This is what can happen when you change majors also helps that! have won a [-shin or two,n L:b- told she looked quite graceful as she fell off. This bemg maugurated as one of the coolest things in your junior year. At that time, Kun decided he run said. has not caused her to fear horses, which is a good they saw during their time at McDaniel hated journalism and no longer wanted to be an Lebrun does not have a job lined up after col- thing as her job after college will be working seven Fi~hetri summed it up best. "One cool change English major. He switched to HiStory and sec- lege so, ~ I will be staying at home while I search days a week at Fox Quarter Farm. was ,wlmessing the inauguration of Dr. Casey. ondaryeducation. for a job. The piece of furniture that I am sure I Kaidyn Thomas is graduating wim a major in Thats not something every McDaniel student will "History was my beSt subject and I have a will spend plenty of time on is a recliner chair." both Spanish and Sociology and a minor in Latin be able to say they witnessed while at McDaniel. greater passion for it. I like to read and write, Lebrun is enjoying his last few weeks using America Swdies. Like two of the Other seniors I He is only our ninth President and this college has been around for 1"5+ ycars.~ but I hate grammar, thus the prospect of teaching the n~ly upgraded Glar. ~ I'm a big fan of the interviewed, she starred McDaniel ¥ one major English was unappealing," Miller said. new layout, its JUSta more enjoyable atmosphere but switched during her time here. Thomas was Good friends, life-changing classes, an up- Lauren Fischetti is happy 10 graduate as an to eat in." originally a Psyche major. When she took Intro graded cafeteria, a new college president. Things English major with a minor in secondary edu- Alyssa Berry, a SOCiologymajor with an an to Sociology, it changed her life. these young people reAect on, as they themselves become pan of Mcdaniel's long history.
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