Page 99 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
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Travis Kinder Ciao Carmen Wong OMAR8ROWN "Internship ar Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in KAITlYN VADENAIS What are your lase words to the McDaniel Staff Reporler [he summer of2009 through the Four Directions Stoff Reporter community! SummerR.e;earchProgram." "It's been real. .. keep it classy Westmanner!" Major: Communication Capstone Project: Reminisce about the best McDaniel year: Minor: Human Resources "Ultra low dose mrerfeukin-Z for treatment of re- "Freshman year I had a group of friends with fra~torychronicgraftversushostdi~ase" great breadth and depth. Although we still keep \Vhat are you going to miss most about in touch, we all used to hang out rogerher a lot McDaniel? Favorite classes/professor: more. We didn't seem to COIreas much about our "I'm going to miss the awesome friends I made "Philosophy of Science I Mr. Jeff Maynes The education as we did socializing, which was a good here, our crazy Sam adventures and greasy food professor effectively utilized a seminar style phase TO go through, as I am now deeply commit- from rhe pub." teaching method where discussion and srudenr ted ro my educarion." engagement was nurtured. Although it is not a If you had to do it all again, what would requirement for my biochemistry major, it was Your legacy at McDaniel (what are you you do differeody? extremely relevant and crucial for a "scientific" leaving at McDaniel): "Other than taking my classes more seriously my understanding." ~I hope I taught someone, whether it be a pro- freshman year I wouldn't do anything dHferently. fessor or seudenr, something thar will last longer It's gotten me to where J am now and I'm pretty Cool job you have scored: than my time at McDaniel. H content with how everyrhing has turned our." Wha[ song would you chose to represent your college years? "Chicken Fried by bc Brown Band" What is the most random thing you'll have to get rid of when you move out? "Mired and pink boas." USA VASAPOLLO Stoff Reporter Kristen Nuckles: , ~ Ma'ioring in'iochemistry/ChemistrytPre-PharMacy Would liko to soo ""Wsttlident involvement on Mc Campus. #' WiUMissh Invotvedwith Voo.ybolt SGA.Gospel Choir Darcy Sui ivan After,graduation Kristen will be attending pharmacy school at University Virginia Comrnonwl:4tlth OMAR PoROWN Cool job you have scored: In s years, Kristen ~ould like to be working as a pharmacist Staff Reporter "Internship with the Abused Persons Program in an~ living in the Bahamas. Rockville,MD." Capstone Project: "Campus body and tattoos" Reminisce about the best McDaniel year: "Junior year was my favorite year because I was very active on campus and I studied abroad in Ar- Favorite classes/professor (and one reason gentina for the second semesrer whicb wasquire Jed Barnes why?): "On What Is' with Peter Bradley because both anexpc:rience!" WARREN KRAFT possibly becoming a lawyer." the class and the instructor really made me think Staff Reporter Ahhough Barnes may look like a 17 year-old outside the box and opened my mind to new Your legacy at McDaniel fresh OUt of high school, his Story goes to show ideas. I was always excited to go to class! "Hopefully a bit of inspiration to my sister's of that one muse never judge a book by its cover. Gamma Gamma Sigma and students seeking for- eign language study." When you look at the blond haired, baby faced, 5' 9, Jed Barnes, you would think he was a fresh- man, but in acrualiry he is a 21 year old Senior of McDaniel College's class of2011. Barnes is a History major with a Business minor and is also a tremendous asset to the Me- Danid Men's Lacrosse ream. He is a serious, hard-working individual with great leadership skills and drive, but on cer- rain occasions he can be quite the opposite. He has been known to let his haif down when he is not swamped with work. One phrase you might hear Barnes repeatedly say when he is enjoying his leisure time is, ~ J like to party," or ~ sorry for partying." The more serious side of Barnes is upset that his time at McDaniel is coming to a close, but he says that ~ my schooling will not be ending after graduadl:!n, J plan on attending law school and Tos'in Abra "I have many teachers that I love on [his campus, mosr interesting students I've ever heard of" here behind. Plus, who's going ro do everyone's YICHONG II but my top three would have to be Dr. Dobson of Staff Reporter hair?!" the English Department, Dr. Trader of the Com- Upcoming plans (briefly): munication Department, and Dr. Ursin also of ~I have an interview at the Grad School of my the English Department." Major/Minor: choice this coming Thursday. If all goes well, I'll An and CommunicatiOn Dual Major, Art His- be sening up shop at the University of Baltimore tory Minor One cool change you'd like to see happen pursuing a Masters in Publication Design." (at this college): "I'd like (0 see all of the old resident housing ren- Capstone projects: One thing we absolutely should know "Besrnused" Senior Capstone Art Show. It opened ovated; ANW, Mcljanlel, DMC ere." abouryou! Wed. April 20,2011 at7p.m. ~Being a licensed cosmetologist on a college earn- The thing you'd miss the most: pus has been the mcsc exciting job I've ever had. Drawing by Favorite classes and/or prof.: "I'll miss the people the mOSI. McDaniel has the I'm sad to be leaving that part of my experience Yichong Li.
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