Page 83 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
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Slade Offers Indie Documentary Recommendations 7. "Restrepo" (2010) Directed by Tim Hether- recred by Chris Paine CHARLES MULLIN ington (who sadly just tragically died filming [he Staff Reporter "The director is one of the most amazing docu- "It is an eye-opening film about The death of mentary filmmakers out there who uses highly- Libyan conRict) and Sebastian Junger srylized archival footage. He uses revolutionary! American innovation. After California makes a techniques like reenactments and jump cuts. The "lr is the best portrait of the futiliry of war that I law about forcing rhe creation of an electric car Jonathan Slade, Associate Professor of Commu- GM goes OUTto create the first one. Later, Cali- nicauon & Cinema, specializes in the produc- documentary focuses on the life of Secretary of have ever seen. The two things rhar jump OUI at fornia repeals chat same law and GM, along with tion and critical analysis of American indepen- War Robert McNamara. It came our ar a time you are that they are forced to leave after work- dent film, movies that are made well outside the where people had forgonen how devastating war ing so hard to push the line and then [heir ef- oil companies, desrroyall of the elecrric car pro- It is an totypes to cover up the new technology. Hollywood studio system. This includes the doc- could be. It is borh analytical and emotional." fort is just lost. The scenes JUStblew my mind in umentary genre. Below are ten micro-budget doc- how the twOcultures collided. It is a heartbreak- expose on how large corporations want to keep selling wh"arthey want to sell and how they force umentaries from the lase decade that he highly 4. "Gasland" (2010) Directed by Josh Fox ing movie u on you. recommends: "It is a very recent film. I first saw ir on HBO and 8. ~My Kid Could Paint Tha( (2007) Directed I. "Anvil! The Story of Anvil" (2008) Directed by it blew my mind. Everyone should see this fill1l':" by Amir Bar-Lev!e/n09125921 Sacha Gervasi It focuses on corporations that are destroying en- hup:/ vironmfflts to drill for gas. It has amazing shots "l love it because rhe filmmaker becomes a part "The documentary is about a guy who never let only using a handheld camcorder;" ofrhe story halfway through the film. It starts go of his dream. To me it is awonderfu! porrrair out focused on this painting prodigy, bur ir turns ofanarristand how lonely it can be, but also how 5. "The King of Kong: A Fistful or. QuarTers n into the filmmakerbecomingsuspidous of the rewarding. It is a wonderfully sincere film." (2007) Dtrecred by Seth Gordon kid's ':skills." At [hat point he decides (0 dis- cover w~ether me kid is actually painting rhe 2. "Capturing the Friedmans" (2003) Directed by "It has grearcharacrers! I love documentaries rhar pIctures Andrew Jarecki take you into a world tbar you would never enter in realUfe. I[ is a classic David and Goliath STOry. 9. "Unforgivable Blackness: The Rise and Fall of "You never really get to know the answer to rhis Can a guy who lOSThis job beat chis guy who is Jack Johnson" (2004) Directed by Ken Burns film by the end. It is a very dark documentary a legend?" about child molestation. It has amazing use of "It is a great historical documentary done in al- archival footage. It is an emotional movie about 6. "Man on Wire" (2008) Directed by James mOSTall black and white film and pictures. It is about racism and how a black boxer, Jack John- growing under the suspicion of abuse. The fam- Marsh ily is slowly torn aparI. The documentary is ac- son, rakes away a title from a white boxer. He is tually helmed by a member of the family, giving "It has wonderful use of reenactments. It sers up kind of an arrogant guy, but it is a story about as acaJX'r movie. How do they get inand how do how his life is crushed by racism. He was his own D it avery personal touch. they get out? It surprises you as how it presents man at a time when that could get you killed." 3. "The Fog of WarD (2003) Directed by Errol the story. It is an absolutely gorgeous film. II is 10. "Who Killed the Electric Cari" (2006) Di- ~:I~o;~~~~:y~~~i~:~~~:;I~ctriC Cor~U Morris Transformational by the end of it," Where in Westminster? Charity for Cheese KRYSTINASHULTZ Ihave to say, thIS IS qUite the button! Who knew SCOTT WELKOS ters of Phi Mu in order to keep this vision alive. Staff Reparter ~ it would look so simple? Iwould have thought it Stoff Reporter "Phi Mu has been wonderful," she added. would at least be a color reflecting danger such as The event was similar to the clubrooms that red, orange, or yellow with green stripes. Mcljantel students are accustomed to, with a Does the arrow mean anything? Maybe it's Dancing in the clubroom served a better purpose few differences, the largest being that tickets poiming us to rhe right new-born universe, sun- than simply relieving stress and having a good were sold to the event, costing one dollar apiece. eating wolf, mirror of illusions or last piece of time on Monday, April 25. Proceeds will be donated to the Children's Mira- pizza. From eight to midnight "Cheeseball for ele Network, a group that runs hospitals in order Still, here it is, the burton that will destroy Children" was held in the forum, an event which to better the lives of children with disease . •hi. ",alhy. black ou, evcry.hing, flash the: blue: aimed ,0 udlJ:.e stud"""$' desire '0 wn.:c in order In addirion ro the cos<, differences included screen of dca,h, and suddenly Cllppy will appear <0 ... ;se money for chariry. me p..."..,.n= offi>od and drink, "'" wdI as a ,..m.,. to ask if you need help. Thc even< was hosted by McDaniel's Cheese· for i,emll such ;u Bin cards. Spring has arrived, and very soon we'lI all be Club,agroup whose purpose is to "eXplOreOlher Drew S.... hosky, a sophomore who fre- pushing rhe reboot burton, ending our lives as ev- cultures through cheese," :lccording to dub prcs- quents clubrooms, suggested That [he presence eryday college students and venturing into an al- ident Megan Robinson, a junior. She explained of refrcshmcms may "take aw:JYfrom [he pur- ternare universe as galacrtc summer warriors. that cheese is ~one of the most universal foods" suit of rhe grind, which mayor may not be a This one's for all of you seniors: good luck and thaT is "has amazing htsrory," good thing." rebooting your universes as you cosmically rear- The Cheese Club was founded in the spring The Cheese Club has been less active recenr- range your lives from that of a college kid to who of2009, although it did ncr become active until Iy than hut year, bur is looking to resume regular knows what. that fall. The club grew rapidly, becoming the functioning using TheCheeseball as a catalyst. The first ()Crson to find and push this but~ largest group on campus in 2010. Students inrerCl;ted in joining may conrnct ton will destroy the known universe and receive Robinson explained that the Cheeseball was Megan Robinson at marO a free lane from the no_longer-exisrent Budapest "one of the original events we a1Wl1Ysplanned "We love to get emails," said Robinson, "or join Cafe. Email kisOOI@mcdaniel.eduwherethispic- to do.~ The Facebook groUp.H The Cheese Club has teamed up with the sis- ture was taken! Possible Future Freshman Class looks Promising has a lot to offer the McDaniel communiry. thesrudent. KAITlYN VADENAIS "Some are looking only at liberal arts colleg- "We continue co see a strong academic pro- Stoff Reporter file, strong diversity in terms of geography, eth- es, or have read Col!eges That Change Lives and are looking at schools in the book- that is uu~ of nicity and socio-economic background, and (I wide range of eXtracurricular interestst said many out of scare applicants. Others ar~ lookmg As another school year draws to a close, an in- by locarion in the mid-Atlantic, and stlll others Hines. coming class is geuing ready to join rhe ~cDan- have iTon their lists thanks (0 rheirhigh school Hinesbl'lieves lhat all the studems accepted iel College community. Deposits are bemg sem at McDaniel are able to observe and respond to in and the Class of 2015 is preparing to starr counselors," said Hines. twO the communit)"and ideally the three classes in While deposits are not due for another their college careers on Augusr24. weeks, early signs show a larger class than last fron[ofthem. Florence Hines, the Vice President for En- year, which was one of the goals of Admissions. The Class of2015 has been the second larg- rollment and Dean of Admissions, is the source However, there are many uncertainries of eSt application pool ever, but Hines only mea- about incoming freshman and she was able [Q the process, making iThard to predict the exact sures success once admissions can see for certain share a lot about process. numbers. who is enrolling. There are many different reasons why stu- Even at these early stages, the Class of 20 15 dents are a[uacred to McDaniel. It depends on
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