Page 71 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
P. 71
iI~l:::l=-~~l~"fi.J~'~J:lm!.'~iWl~"JIi[. Thirsty? Bring a Cup. The top 10 1. REAllY?1 things I want to 2. Jusl ... REAllY?! KIM WILLIAMS say to 3. Seriously though. Editor-in-Chief the 10% of Okay. If you're on the go and prone to thirst, bring a 4. Wow. chcrccterlstlcs There ore a lisl of 27 dif- (which ferent an antichrist cup or water bcrrle, or brush up on the where- people who ~ctuC?lly lust means a non-believer- the an- abouts of the nearest water fountain. That which legitimately tichrlst we all think of was never named has traditionally been referred to as the "cour- that) must have. Of those 27 Obama I~ cup" is no longer a courtesy ar The Pub, so think Obama is matches the "vv to change la':"'s," "dif- think again before heading that way unless you ferent fro,~ other kings," and "rise from have some change. the Anti-Christ obSCUrity ones, He does not match I am admirredly a thirsty person. I know I everything else including, but not limi't~d should bring a water bottle, and I'm all for being to, tlie I/homosexual'~ one, the "from the environmentally responsible, but I have had sev- resfofed Roman Empire one," or the "es- eral unplessanr experiences involving the con- tabhs~,ment of a Jewish temple in Jeru- ~ents of my water berne ending up all over my salem one. Next time you want to use agoAnd my homework. Not cool. And thus, yc:-ur holy book to do stupid things just WIP~ your ass with it because that's es- ~b ::~oln~;::e~~~I~ ;:rc~;.ater from the sentially what you're doing already. .• Senior Mike Mandel remarks, "It's stupid, ~s ~Ota COUrtesycup ifir's not free" and senior 5. I'm done with you. You don't get 10 f::7t ~e~~~t:tr~~adds. "The cups are too small For anyone who used their water cups to get NATHAN WUERTEN8ERG things. Co-Commenlary Editor it' 2~ub employee Lisa Murphy says, ~I rhink sodap~~~d~:: ~eg:rq~~~~'says, "I suspect the w~ a ~~ 26 cents f~r a cup." Perhaps if the cup same people that might be rO'D by having to ce bl kel, or a dime, this would be more ac- pay a quarter for a cup of H20 might also think ON EATINGANIMALS d~t~es ~~~i:~ommunity whose hope of dean nothing of paying $1.25 for a berried water," :U$ up. ~u~: i~~r:~'a~;e;:; :oh~~!: wate~:~~h;:i:::y;~~!f:e~~h~r ~:~~ ~~j:~o~~ PART .4 vou're:r~l;n~u[~~;?ce again how likely is it rhar de, don't worry If you bring your own cup-- H and are honestly getting water-you can still get dent~~=;.this change may stem from Stu- water for free. Pub employees bring their own "I cups. Students can also purchase a 16 ounce cup DANI ALLEN ---------- The next day--------- begant~~:~t~:tal·m not SurP.tised that t~ey from the Pub, and ~hen refills for soda are only Sioff Reporter Day fWO in this barren wasteland called measures a d g. water cup With COStcumng 85 cents. So any thirsty students, heads up and vegetarianism: corn. For dinner. Nothing else. n slgn~ posted about no free refills. plan accordingly I've been a naughty little nugge[. I've still been Curses be upon you Glar! Even though cutting meat Out of my diet means I have far less food l en a hand this holiday season eating meat. Orat lcasr l was until I read about optionsonanygivenday,ir'sacluallynotso d bad. Now that I'm trying out this whole veg- in processed in rhis ccumry With- howchicken ~:~~~~;; COVER ~:~~o~:ro;;:~:~,:~':"~:~'~2~~:~",~~ ~~:c;~o~c~':~:~;~ :r',: :~~:c~I:(o ':::;~; ~::t the person sittin to machines in processing plants slice the chick- dinner . ...ictim :e!l who C(luidu: a h~~~r right. Now look at the person sitting ro your left. Today it is difll- ens open, the intestines often tear and leak feces I haven't finished reading Eating Animals Gro o ~hewre~hes of the e~~~gh~nd. It's difficult to differentiate berween those who have fallen oneo rhe meat. This feces, along with the chick- but I will! JUSt not befoTe the final newspaper Ie&.!fOfTU:Ulgup In Westmin$re~ Omy and those who have not. en meat, is then dipped into a cold-water barh deadline. As this will be the last commentary in kn h atc. r have volun ' I have come to know people from all paths, the fortunate and the to chill. This bath, ironically, spreads the feces this Series for the Year, I bclieve some condu- ch ~ repeople; I have w.teered at various shel.ers and have worJ<.,din (odour yeo>rs.r 1:~g~~C,':,~~~;~~n:r;~h~;":h~:~;;::::;;;~rr;:...d.:~:"r:!-;;'I~>::,r..~~:CI';:::~~:: eCln:":::n~fhow I'll b~t::::r: ~:;r~~u:r~~' r knQw whar irs like to I;"" (ro.m p:aye~eck.
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