Page 75 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
P. 75
Lindsey Wilson reAects on her stand out cross country career 0utPickNick SARA ERUCHMAN year before. Although Wi!son ts dlsap- Staff Reporter pointed about nor making Na[io~aJs, she ran her besr rime and is relatively pleased rhar all [he hard work gOt her It is crunch timt around th~ league lIS dillision titUS hang in Ih~ balance. So gtt r~ady to sir back, relax, char far. Coming lnro the season Wilson was and mjoy a Far wetkmd of NFL drama. !his week staff reportrr and sprm stClion work-hQrSe Greg Nolan nesvcus because she wenc to Spain for fIllru hi! ihlll 1111& chomp", sprl .. g ."",,,,,.c ... nd d.., __ Keep upwirhherworkoUfs.lnrheG.-e<:nli:r- Moirhup ArrordinstoNII:l ror Challenge, Wilson ran a srwng time ~rofdin8toGreg of 19.08, winning (he 5K and 3K. That While the: RntM have been playing better Ra'lll'af PlUsbori@ IOUIU i)neoflhrbc5[rivalril'Slnlhe was when she knew she was going to than ever. the greelers JUst gat pounded by Baltimore NFL, wnb l w,l't:p orth., SteeleB have a good season. Ibl'Rli\'rnssbouldcmrq:cfi'om The longest race Wilson will run is the Palnots Rlwtnt like ovcr Ihc f'oWrth ",Ih thilODlUG r3lionteto\\-1nlhe a 6K in season. Although she has ex- I win htre. AfC pressed interest in running mara(hon~, ClevtlatKkt Oolphial It ham', tlkrn Mlkr Holmgren Wil.,on will not participaie in one unu] Miami'S rsu hlP QB'J an: 01,11""11h inJunu, Brol'llU Miami JunE to rt\l'l'r the litNllling shegraduate5. In facr, Wilson plans on and Colt McCoy.nd Peyton Hillis arc running a marathon with her momer shining bnght In Cleveland, Bmwlls get' Browns who have lilr~ad)' after graduation. bigroad ....lninMi.mi. knocked OfTSOtncortM NFL's Amongst Wilson's achievements best turns, but Ihc OoJphuu ....111 at McDaniel were the numerOuS Ceo- find a \\a)' to!lrt It done II heme rennial Conference athlete of the week Oenyerli Broocos The wrld. w1ld AFt WUI ihould tides (hat she won. Atone poim, she Thc Chlds toUecl10n oflalcnttd rookitJ Cbltb Kansas City give UJanolh~rham,bllmer: look held her tide for three weeks straight, should It ad tlN!m a SlNlUlho9 Broocos Wilson was not even exactly sure how ttam lh.t might \\10110 use Tim Tehowmrtfl: fortbe Broncos o«cnK 10 bc 100 many rimes she won ,he tid;, ~, don.'t Sen much rorthc(hid"sill thi,one, even read sru!fabour myselr. Superstl- Houstoft hu Jputter~d down the ~trtrch......illl~ EaKin Houston(§! Eaelts Mike \',ck hutbe E3gltsl1),tng dous, Wilsoll does nO[ want to jinx ~er Philade!phia to nev. hClghl.'l_ \\-'bile the Tuaru success with thesalis&ction ofreachlllg Vic-k and t1t~ bglesoff~nuJuJt pllllndrd the hnt enough ofT~nSI\le jir(po\\I!f her manyaccompJishinenC5. "lam the hapless RcclskmJ &gluiOlrf3. W,I homf orth~lro\\tI [0 hang around I;:'u last person tosayhow;t weill. [can aI- Ilotulc, VlCk"ll1g~llIdone ways do better,M While Ibc Co>Y$looked grell under Colb Oallas$ Cnlb e COwb!)'llrf sbo".,1nS sign) a7l$werstolastissue£ITossword Ciarrettll$l wctk, it won'l bt enough to Sl.H IndianapoliS ofJi(c und~fnc.w(()JthJa.IUn t1wr~U50n," Ihe CollJ ride p(t)l>U (,amB, bUI the Coils ncrd a Win Manning's Irm 10 a ....lD to kecPPlccIRICOnlpthl1\1cAFC to Pc)'Mn make it happtn In a ballle lilr Ate wi QlprcmMy.lhc Jetl JfI~ NY Je~ 'ltrlo .. The Pals an: :l1I1I1hc bml.softh.' I(lppltlht P~lriOIJand \bo\\thc)"rc I1n;lIly ~ Ene1and WI arul T11m B~dy "'111b~on:a rCiidytobelnrllt~(L'ilmlnthecunltr~nct' nil ,,1011 10 PIl.l\'C II againJt Ih.:- mhnlo'al. .•tnllcltalkinllkl. Ex,Rcd~lLn J4H)n ampbdl LSicJdlll14 a Raldtn Oakl!ndIi Ch.rttn The CharJ.!~t'5l1r~ nuking 111m rl.'JUr8(nct1nOakland,lU1Jth~Ra.uJm"'111 San Dl&10 pat.nled run J.lta a .:10\\ swt and l!opil{'hilr@~nliltc!ttillOnrun dmllldbcglnlopull~ ....a}'llla v,(lIkAKWol Tmapa 81)' rllme "'1tbll1. h)udlllo\l-ll 01 BUr:tlllcr:rs Atlal1la@ hlcolU Mall Run IS 4IrcJJ~' on~ onhe bCJllnglbe Falconsll'l Atlanta in WcrkQ Tampa Bay \'Ft 'Ii b~" Q9', III onl)' hi$ 3 fU The~ .....,11 gd the Job done al hmnttht_ year The '::ttld~m of he and Rodd)' ..Hell. White mit,.. bt Ihe bc~t QBWR duomlbtNFC Eli M:mnang lind Big B'u~ \\111 bounce Giuu Washir'tjtOfl4! Giants Tht~v.,11 he a blll~k and blue_ hard 3gatn\IIISlaR$Dlhl'JlIltloltmbal1'lQCdon NYGiants hitlingdi\I\I<:mal glrt'h:.but tbeG Monda~ IIg3tll~1 Ptlllly IllI:n\\iIlJlmpi)'\)ulpb}m:illth~ siruggling Rcdskm~
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