Page 69 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
P. 69
Dinner with Sandy: The Personality of Glar the President CHRIS MERRILL time you're all seniors." As the omelette line fills up, Sandy can jugglc four to five orders Contributor at a time ZACH BROWN 011 Tuesdays and Thursdays, an addi- Staff Reporter rional chore is added to her list. Sandy makes ~~~~~~;v~;:%~:~el~k~~yEb~il;~t~~:~lfyHt~I;~ rhe ever-popular elabarrn bread from scratch in between omelette making and lunch time, :o:~~s ti:n~t~de~t~i~F~~~;~cl~t~~::h- where her hard work pays 01T. Reading through the campus announcements on Nov. 4, I ershehasa.lsembl.edyour~andwjchorgiven Throughour rhe day, Sandy makes sure came across (he heading, "Dinner with the PREZ!~ J couldn't youahealthyportlonofchlckcntende~,you her-servers are keeping up. She feels chat as resist reading through {he explanation, so I discovered char walked back toyourrablewjtharleastasmile srudenrs, we "pay tOOmuch ~o not ~t:t great on your face. service." As a supervisor. she is definirely nor President Roger Casey and his wife, Robyn Allers, were host- Her namerag reads "Sandy V," and {his hesiranr to get on people co make sure that ing a dinner party for the first 20 students to reply to the an- long-rtme Scdexc employee is by no means nouncement, and that those srudenrs would then be going burdened by her J'osition. Students are :'~J~~~nlgi~nt~eTIo~::pl:~~~r ;ohd~.!'Thi~~; a vital pan of a successful operation: some- 10 rhe current theatre production. ~Wonder of rhe Wor!d.~ often greeted by a wharcha need baby?" as onewl.lo truly cares about the work that they I replied directly after reading [hat, thinking rhar any Presi- ~~~r~~~rlYH~~:1:1~:/:~o~~~d t~X:I:~rtb~ nre dcing. dent [hat raps at Convocation must be interesting to have It does not come as a surprise co learn that Sandy is a mother dinner with. ::~~~~;;~os~;:eu~~'~' 1~~Sr~r~~~~~';~:~o~~ to four children, in- that she genuinely enjoys coming to work. cluding a set of twins. It may be a sli~ht J was not let down. The atmosphere was so friendly and As Dr. JelfMarx, chairofthc Physics de- welcoming! Dr. Caserus Salad, Green Beans, Cuban Sweet Po- partment puts it, "her demeanor bright~ns d~~~·!~wb:;:' ~~:t~::hg~I~~u~f~~:c t~~ tato Mash (Mrs. Allers' own recipe) , Caribbean Jerk Chicken, up (he dining hall." That is what makes her grand kids three or four days a week. They're and for dessert, a S'Mores Brule. We all indulged in both (he standout. me best; [ love 'em!" This has a lot ro do with why she came to McDaniel in me first :ood and me conversation with Presidem Casey, with tOP- Sandy Von Bussenius arrives at the din- jng hall on weekdays just before 6:00 a.m. place.the fast-paced real estate business was ICS ranging from registration for classes and the new name Her duties begin with preparing her omelette not one which cooperated with motherhood. for the former Sandella's (which has been chosen ... but he station by slicing lunch meat and pu[{ing the Sandy, who was a licensed realtor in Mary- 2:30 p.m., sh.e can be found biking. swim- wouldn't tell us) to our hobbies outside of school and where land as well as Pennsylvania, left her work as we were all from. "fixi~e~ntili:he;:u~~~~a~::~0~5he really :or~~d :~;h~:&n~;to have more time ili~~fu;e:!h~~~~ev~l~t~\)e;~~~o:~rSi~ot~ summer monrbs. She might also be found After dinner and dessert. was finished, we gathered our- gets busy. When asked what her favorite Sandycurrendy resides in Frederick with at the occasional casino in Charles Town, parr of working in Glar is, she said, "sslde selves up and walked across the way to the Theatre. "Won- from being around the kids, it would have her husband, Bill, not far from where she WCSt Virginia. where she enjoys slots and der ~f rhe World was a comedy of unexpected proportions, to be breakfast. I could make a thousand grew up in Pikesville. A graduate of Pikes- roulette. ft When Sandy was asked what else people :usm g the audiem::e to burst with uncontrollable laughter omelettes and nor get tired of ir." But, as ;\~;e~tfe~d Sh~;~. she was an athlete and might like to know sbour her, she responded, roughout the entire: production. she admits, the best part really is "watching Outside of work, the Engler supervisor "I'm Simple." She is not one to brag or tell you guys grow up. It's sa funny to see how stories, just a person rhatenjoys life--and al! of th;~i:r;lIi the experie~ce was wonderful in every sense you change from when you come in as fresh- ~i~~et~e "~:utn%t~~~nw~:rnsh~;: :~dsrr;.~ thoseomeiectes. Thanks to the would c~rtamly go again if given the chance. men and then come OUtof your shells by the and especial! t;cQ~f\Jd lhearre for their fine production, us into their ~o~r~~d:nt Cas~ ;::d h~~;~~~:;t~::~n:ing Too cold to play outside? CHECK OUT THESE IDEAS FOR SOME INDOOR FUN Stoff Reporter to have something fun in store. ~~~i~gf:;~heS~:lf.S t{heunn~!DO~~r:1 ~;soh~~ ~\!~~~ea~~ Here is whal McDaniel students do 10 occupy Ironomic snowstorm last year, students were left strand- their time when wandering outside is definitely not an ed inside wondering what to do with no homework to option. . p05¥h:n:':~'h~!e~~~ !i~~,~~b!~~e:.t;:j!~1!~:re~"!~~e wat;~f ::';;vf:ld,i.~::j,r;;":u';ic~I~~J~~;:Joh::i~':~~:":'O;:; agoin and we know that wmter .. ,uJl around ,h. eor- and tea. M KV:",i Maduof-Porek, Junior. nero During February's snowstorm, 5!udenh! to uPuzzres. Video Games." Tyler Jusfice, get creative to avoid .bored~m. My.sulte-mates enloyed Sophomore. having fights and gOtng on mteresttng adventures. "I do the stereotypical thing; a cup of tea and a book From my experiences with the bitter cold weather thai Mother Nature has had in store in !he past, I. have ~:;~~h~~~h~rd~~~~' b~~~l~n~N}c~~tl:,n~:;hoe:;ree~o come up with a few pointers for times these III the I WILLIAMS :~':2P~h~teW~~~~~~::%lj"d~e~a~~e ~I~\~tt~~n~~_ Vickers ond Kri~lio Behrle before digging futuFfr~1 of all, to avoid the cold, make sure you are com- tiona Belinkie, Junior. dinner atthe President's House Thursdoy, fortable. Think of what keeps you warm: hot food and "I knit. Reading. lislen to music 'cause it makes you ky first 23 sllJdeots to respond to 0 compus drinks, fuzzy socks, a comfy sweater, and the warmest Kat Dales, bored." od dinner with the President and his wife ond leu UHang out with friends. Freshman. games. Crochet. I Video o d. U them 10 attend the theotre event, ~Wondllr of SPOt~~td~rc~~ra ;~uh:,~s~t to have on active or relax- sew." Alyuo lel/, Freshman. ing day. If you wanllo be ·acl!v~ it m';!y be a good .idea "last year when it snowed, me and my besi friends to call some friends to play mnla, tWIster, or a bOister- :/~:t~~n?:r~geons and Dragons all day." Nothan- ous ~~~inf~ ~a:~~s' rry exercising ?r eve~ simply The overall consensus: find a relaxing activity and make yourself a hat drink. If all else foils, make Cne~~t\~rtY !~;::rk~~tt~~t;~v~I;~i~~i~~/~~~lj~c~~ta~ a list of every activity that you enjoy and then pick the you'f;~e: ~::,ithceo~'7~~i~tl~;h~nythin , then turn to ~;~ t!::i~~uonndJ ;i~d ~f~te~ljt~a~~~: Or follow Britta- your fellow students for ideas because itey are bound HOWAREYOU SPENDING THANKSGIVING BREAK? "I'm spending my Thanksgiving with my family hunting deer and shooting targets in the yard. It's so much funl" COR I BOHN '12 "I' nding Thanksgiving baking pumpkin pies. While the pies are in the oven I will be ~t~~;jng Organic Chemistry. Aaah, the life of a biology majorl" EMilY REED '12 ' "I'm spending my Thankgiving break with my family and catching up with friends Ihot go 10 other schools." ASHLEY DAY '12 !..... ,n"~I'"m!:;k?n~~~;~~k~;~~~:~~~:,n~ ~:;o~~~ my family JESES HAGUE '13
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