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_:_I.l-lI['_il~l:::l:ll:il~l~1."iI:r~'lIJ~l~ _ .Profile: Dr. Zaru bolsters Arabic Program On the Lot DANIEL AlDERMAN Contributor TH[ (QOl[IT AND NOTIO·(QOlEIT (ARION (AMPUl [1'1 2006, the Foreign Lmguage Depanmenr ar McDaniel was On The Lot with Jeremy Allen lefrwirh a retention r,;ueofroughly40% and no professor. After by Sophie Diven only beginning to offer Arabic classes in (he full of 2005, it looked as though Arabic may no longer be offered Make - Lond Rover That is unrll Dr. Mohamed Esa, Chairofthe Foreign lan- Mode~ Freelcnder guage Departmental McDaniel, duougb coincidence, heard of 2003 Y.IU- a Palestinian family living in M[. Airy, Maryland, only a short MSIP· $25370 ·$31970 distance from the college. With me need for a new instructor, consumerguideouta, Dr. Esa was able LO comacr me family. Four years later Mcljan. iel College now ofrers a rota! of five Arabic language COUI'$Ci and When did you punhate? - II was 0 JUSthad rhcir first srudenrgraduare with a Self Designed Minor hcnd-rne-dcwn from my dad. in the Arabic Language hl15pring. Stick or Automallc? - Automatic. Professor Carol Zaru, known as Carol ro her srudenrs and Do you lei your friends drive it? Yo. colleagues, carne to me United Stares in 2001 laokingfor asafer Best m.mory - When envircnmentro raise her farmly er, I gol 0 teli!lnogli!lmutont I was young ninjo turtle She was born in East jerusalem, Israel and grew up in Ra- and forgot to teke it out of the cor. Then mallah, in the West Bank. She is Palestinian and grew up in me middle of me Palestinian and Israeli conRict. She srnyeci in ~vee;~t'~k:i~~ ~~t~~~v;~di~t. ~~~,t~~~ Ramallah most of her life, even after graduating fiom Oakland obout Ave yean later ond we feel that Name that Car! Unlverary in Rochester, Michigan with a degn-c in Environ- we can't toke him out beeecse he has been in the cor so long. mt:maIChemistry. ; In the lare 1990sand early2{J()Qs, me polldcal siruadon in the fall of 2007 it was time for her first class, ~I was Expensive to maintain? Oh yo. []Slli!Iven.CloireOylli!lr'11 Ramallah became unstable. As the conflict escalated so did. the Yeiy,veryscan:d.Myfirstdaywaspetrifying."saidPro~r [] Suave·Cournli!lY violence, and Pro~r Zaru, now with three children of her .Zaru. But reaching came natural to her, and she quickly learned MPG (dty~ 15 Hitchcock '11 own, started co worry fur her famjlys safety. tb:!t she enjoyed it. It seems that her students really enjoy it MPG (hl.hway)- 19 17 MPG ((0111111""',. [] GO (for Great She said it was so dangerous u ••• you couldn't even move too, Almost all of her first students continued to the second Depression, becau'sa it is from town to town. Each town was [ike irs own independent Arabic class, Arabic 1102, which was the last available Arabic from 1991). Paul Donoghue territory Icould no longer even go to Jerusalem where Iwas class oITered at McDaniel at the rime. Hungry for more, the How 10111 do you .lIped 10 be llri..IIII '11 bern." students asked the administration ror another Arabic class and Ihls «Ir? . Unlil il brecke. Fonunareiy, bro hdd an Amerirnn Passpon since her fa- t:henanother, If you .... whal you .now now [] Lucille- Dovid Brown '12 (her was bom in Michigan. Herhusband,an:umicectworking McDaniel now offers five Ambic classes in all, mostly due a.out your «Ir. would you .uy h .... In? []Snubs-KefsIi!l)'Worthen wim a Ioca1 builder in Maryland, purchased land and a small roPro~rZaru'spassionfurteachingtheArabicl.anguage Olcoursli!Il '13 house: in Mt. Airy, priorm me violence in Palestine,asan invest- and her students' passion ror learning. ~She is passionate in [J Versonico Conrningslono- H you woro ,I ..en $25.000 in co.h ment fur his family. "That investment =1ly paid off. Zaru de- what she is doing; she really cares about her students," said Dr. loday. whal cor would you .uy with hl· Cloirli!l'Woolli!ly'13 cideO itwould bea perfect placelo raise her family and get away Esa ~ When she (ook over, the retendan skyrockered," Esa Hmm".Probobly 0 Jeli!lp. from the conRict mat was taking over Ramallah and threaren- ',---:::::::===::=:::~~:'::~::~;;~;l tremendauseITectinthewholething.~ ingherfamilyssafeIy. addoo, ~shehasa Arabic srudent Michael Orevba agrees, say- Second year From 200 I until 2006, Zaru helped her husband start a ing, "She is a great leacher and ifshewasn't 1 wouldn't be in successtUJ home building mmpany while living in Mt. Airy. misclass right now," \Xlhen she was berweenjobs and the Foreign language [)"o;part- It isevidem lhat ProfcssorZaru has had a great effecr on ment was looking for ceachers, Dr. Esa made contaer with her the McDaniel community. Allhough Arabic is stil! only a self and moo if she would consider teachingAnbic at McDanid. -designed minor, then: is a push from several re:1Chers to look With no previous teaching experience she was somewhat ,\[thcpot<:nrlalofmaklng-ArnblcnnoffidalmlnOratMc- timid bur decided to give it a uy. Together Dr, £sa and Profes- Daniel. If the program does get off the ground, it is safe to sor Zaru anended an Arabic reachers' workshop at Georgetown 5.'y(har much of the progress is due to Dr. lams hard work Universil:y. Along with Ambic reachers /Tom programs around and passion. me country, she leJ.rnedhow ro reach by using the Arabic IOCt- While still an adjunct professor, she has taken the Arabic book that students usc il'ldasseS at McDanieL language at McDaniel to a whole new level. it will be interest- ing [0 see where the passion and dedication ofl'rofessor Zaru and her srudetlts will tak me Arabic Program at McDaniel in the future. KIM WILLIAMS Edilor--in-Chief Katastrophe and Athens Boys AQUARIUS (JAN. 2().fEB. 18), YOU SHOULD GET AN ICE SCRAPER. IT'S GOING TO SNOW WHERE YOU ARE. MAYBE YOU SHOULD ALSO INVEST IN MlillNS. Choir perform after leading PISCES (FEB. 19-MARCH 20), HAVE AN IRRATIONAL FEAR OF TRIPPING OVER YOUR Transgender 101 workshop SHOE LACES? GOOD. YOU SHOULD BE AFRAID. BE VIGILANT ABOUT TYING YOUR LACES, OR FIND SOME VElCRO SHOES. I HEARD THEY'RE COMING BACK. MELANIE DARLING Stoff Reportli!lr ARIES (MARCH 21-APRIL 19j, THE TiME HAS COME. YOU KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING Tuesday, Nov. 2, marked McDaniel's very ABOUT, RIGHTI as a male is more comfortable and natU- first uansgender awareness evenr, featur- ral for him, and therefore made the. deci- ing Katastrophe and Athens Boy Choir. sion to transition. He noced that he is TAURUS(APRI! 2().MAY 20), SOME PRESENTSARE COMING YOUR WAY. The two talented rappers .mared their in- taken more seriously as a man than while dividual journeys of miving for accep- he was 3 woman. GEMINI (MAY 21-JUNE 21), A FIGHT IS TO COME OVER A FASHION SNAFU, TWO tanceand love with meir dilferem back- The perrormance later that night was FRIENDS,.SAME OUTFIT. lET IT GO. YOU BOTH LOOK GREAT. grounds and experiences. atlended by over 60 students. Nor only hosted At noon, the twO performers CANCER (JUNE 22-JU!Y 22j, FEELING GRUMPY, TIREDAND JUST DOWNRIGHT RUDE! a Transgender 101 workshop that was at- did it expose many to a whole new per- IT'S CALLED A BEDTIME. MAKE YOURSELFONE. spective, butit.provided the lcind of enter- tended by about ten McDanielstudenrs rainment thatcollegesrudems thorough" and srnff members. Everyone in acren- Iy enjoy, Both Katastrophe and Athens ~~~+J~gu2~t~[pii~J~~~'b~~~E~Dl~~~~~~OF~~is~~l~LJ,;~~,~HANKFUL dence learned about stereotypes, termi- Boy Choir impressed the audience with nology, and how to be a good ally to a theit upbeat rhymes and friendly nature. transgender person, This workshop was VIRGO (AUG. 23.sEPT. 22), BEEN FEELING SCATIERBRAINED LATElY, LOSING THINGS definitely eye-opening for McDaniel Katasuophe's energy was astounding-he LEFTAND RIGHTI THE SEMESTER IS ALMOST OVER, BUT YOU SHOULD PROBABLY students. gOt up and walked around to rnecrowd. GET SOME FOLDERS. AND A LABEL MAKER. JUST THINK OF THE POSSIBILITIES.YOU Rocw (Katamophe), who performed Katz was hilarious with his quirky You- COULD ALPHABETIZE FOLDERSI mainly freesry!e rapping, told his own per- Tube videus he made himself, as well as sonal srory of what it was 1ike to discover his random goolY comments. !IBRA (SEPT.23.oCT. 23), ARE YOU IN A CELEBRATORYMOOD? DANCE PARTYTIMEI he was a female at pubcrty arrer feeling Overall, this transgender hip ho.P for yeats he was a male, He then decided show was truly phenomenal because It SCORPIO (OCT. UNOV. 21): REMEMBERTO CHARGE YOUR IPOD. YOU HAVE A LONG that he would IikefO be called uGeorge~ showed Studencs what it's like to be a JOURNEY AHEAD. andofficia!1y trnnsitioned co the male sex minority in sockcy and to srruggle with around the age of 19. issues of personal idemity. The perfor- SAGITIARIUS (NOV. 22-DEC. 21), IT'S THE SEASON OF YOUR BIRTHDAY. HAPPY Katz, me poetic rapper of Athens mance sparked an underlying message: BIRTHDAYI Boy Choir, expressed his genderless feel- Transgender people are human beings ings and ~rid~ in being a transgender per- mat go through hard times jwr like C'Y- CAPRICORN (DEC 22-JAN. 19), YOUR DINNER IS BURNING. son. OrigInally, his ~nder expression was eryone else. This transgender awareneSS female, but he began to realizc rhat living evem was an event that McDaniel stU- dents will not forget.
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