Page 67 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
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·'- ______ il~;I::I;j~:(..lo"tl~I:l'l~...nIDI',4!~~Il([j]. _ Asian Studies Program awaits Jon Lightner MHEC a~p'roval, gains student provides support interest with Endoconcert to local GSAs HANNA BARKER HANNA BARKER Co-commentory Editor/Art Director Co-ccmmentcry Edito'r/Art Diredor Students. faculty, and community members filled Alumni Hall On Nov. 9, over 60 stu- on Nov. 8 to watch Kenny Endo's 35th Anniversary Celebration dents from Westminster Concert, "Gateway- 'Ma' vs. Groove." This evenr was presented High School listened, en- by McDaniel College's brand new Asian Studies Program. thralled, as sophomore Jonathan Ltghrrrer shared "When I heard [Kenny Endo] was touring again this fall, I thought this would be a perfect opporruniry to bring him his persona! experiences as back for a 'kick off' event for [he new major," said Theatre a gay teen. This was one of the Am professor Elizabeth van den Berg. "I first heard Kenny first of Lightner's many fu- Endo play when I was in Hawaii on a fellowship designed co ture connections with local help professors incorporate study of Japan Into undergraduate high schools, as he works to curriculum." suPPOrt the estabiishmenr Endo, a master raiko artist, performed a few years ago on and growth of their Gay- campus. This rime, according to Profe.ssorvan den Berg, he also Straight Alliances (GSA). did lecture demos for four different classes: World Music, Japa- He is working with high school counselors and the nese Art, Global Drumming, and Theatre Appreciarlon. members and direcrors of each GSA to determine what "For those who have never experienced Talko and Japanese each dub needs. traditional instruments, hopefully it was an eye opening expe- don. Upon receiving admittance [0 this program, Dr. Scott, "Every GSA is an individual," explained Lightner, rience," said Professor van den Berg, "For those that have, I along with Dr. Robin Armstrong and Dr. Debra Lemke, emphasizing his role as a resource. "Every issue is dif- hope that Kenny's style was an interesting new take on Japa- participated in the seminar, which included a summer visit ferent. Everyone's journey is different. I'm going to ask nese music." to japan. what they want and not rcllrhem what I'm going to give Endo and his ensemble received a standing ovation at the Dr. Qin Fang (Asian History) and Dr. Greg Alles (Reli- rhem." end of the performance, and lingered in the lobby to autograph gion and Philosophy) are also invaluable faculty in the Asian Ms. Donna Baladc, teacher at Westminster High Studies Program, and new courses are now available from Dr. programs. School and dlrecror of WHS GSA, is excited about the "His performance was particularly inspiring to me person- Lemke (Sociology), Dr. Armstrong (Music) and Dr. Van den new ccnoecnon. ally because I'm a drummer, and I've never seen any percussion Berg (Theatre), so with six faculty members available to teach "Maybe some WHS students wi!! develop more in- performance before that intense and disciplined," said sopho- courses, McDaniel College has the academic means to support rerest in attending McDaniel," hypothesized Ms. Bala- more Ryan Powell. "I'll say that the performance definitely in- such a program. do: "The connection is brand new so Iwouldn't want to fluenced my choosing to take the Eastern Asia history class next "New majors are developed in several ways," explained limit the vision." semester, and I'm also taken Asian Approaches to Acting with Dean Deborah Johnson-Ross, "Most often, students express Currently, this is a solo project, bur later, Lightner Ron Miller, which I'm very excited about." an inreresc over time and ask for more and more classes in a anticipates seeking help from likemlnded individuals as The concert succeeded in raising awareness and increasing particular field. This is how the Environmental Policy and Sci- well as McDaniel's own GSA, Allies. interest in the new Asian Studies Program. With this program, ence major was developed." "I would love to get Allies involved, and maybe even McDaniel College will have even more opportunities (Q provide Dr. Seen nctlced Significant interest within the student Admissions, because we need to show that McDaniel is cultural events such as the Kenny Endo concert. body as her Asian art courses filled up every time they were of- friendly to all," he said. "The Program in Asian Studies provides students with fered. Additionally, with the Asian Community Coalition's in- Members of WHS GSA attended a McDaniel Al- a comprehensive, mulri-culnrral, and multi-disciplinary ex- creased presence on campus and with Asian nations being fea- lies meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 17. They joined in on tured more prominendy in the news. students are real..izing rhe th .. ~on.&.....-d>cJd.N daao~~ :::rs~:r.;:n~:eo~i:h~r~,,:k."~:·~~dr;~;i~u:~ ;.:~::.;;;:~ lm.ponan" .. of Asl"," S... dl ..... fionapy",",nuv. dally East Asta," according to rhe Asian Siudies inforrna- The m"'ior em.phao:l""'" .h .. Im.p<>rtan"e of .. 5fudy .,t....,.,d e,,- "My h.,pe is rh"t we can n"n" dJalogue abou, LGBT non pamphlet. perience, ef chough on e is nor required. issues with crher schools, and [hat bringing so many en- The program, which is new this year, is still awaiting "Study abroad really does broaden students' global perspec- rhuslasric people together in discussion and activism wi!! approval by the Maryland Higher Education Commission tive and allows them to see our own culture in a new lighr,".said make our work in AHies so much more meaningful," said Rose Falkner, Direcror of International and Off-Campus Study. Allies co-president and senior Laura Manes-Hey "1 also (MHEC). "It's a unique learning experience rhar extends far beyond the hope that we can provide SUppOTtto high schools 50 that "Approval by the MHEC is hopefully going to happen their own GSAs can continue ro grow, as I know how soon," said Dr" Susan Seen, who was instrumental in rhe de- walls of the classroom." study abroad programs available much it takes to gel one off the ground." There are many approved velopment of the Asian Studies Program. WIhad to fill our a in Asia, with opportunities for diverse coursework and intern- Lightner~nts to connect with the high school srudent5 30-page report last summer to submit to rhis commission. We ships. A complete list is available at the International Programs that are struggling with similar issues to those with which he are waiting, as it is a long process, bur I think there will nOt be Office. srruggled. He wants to help them connect with people at any problem regarding the approval." Overall. the Asian Studies Program will prepare swdents for McDaniel, as well as to give them hope and courage. Currently, about six s[Udems have declared the Asian Stud- a variety of career paths. Dr. SCOtt emphasized the importance "I want to bea role model for these kids," he said. "Ijust ies major, and there are a handful of minors as well. The major of graduate school, explaining that the deeper study will allow want them to know thar everything is going to be okay." includes 32 required credits and 16 elective credits. It also in- studems to get jobs in rhe government, teaching higher educa- He noted the importance of heterosexual suppOrt. corporates three semesters of Mandarin Chinese. tion, the arts, international business, museum work, or archi- ~There are a million ways that people can be supportive ~My dream was to establish an Asian Studies program here," val work, for example. if they want to,~ said Lightner. He urges straight Allies to saidDt. Scort. "The focus in graduate school will depend on other interests stand up to derogatory remarks and attend GSA meetings. Dr. Scon did background work in Asian studies at Penn or majors of the students," said Dr. SCOtt. "GSA has the opportunity to be a safe place for stu- State University, and she began teaching Japanese and Chinese In about a month, the MHEC should have finished the ap- dents who need support and those who are imeres[ed in art as a graduate student. proval process. If the major is approved, Dr. Scon's dream of supporting each other," said Ms. Balado. UI love the idea In 2006, McDaniel College applied for the Faculty and that it is not necessary to be LGBT to be a member of establishing an Asian Studies Program will have come true. thegroup.~ ~~rW~i~~rrsi~e~?~~~s~\v~~'rain:~f~~afr~e~~nt?~~~ll- The recem suicides of gay teens are what inspired Lightner to begin this endeavor. They reminded him of LIGHTER SIDE OF THE CAMPUS SAFETY BLOTTER QUICK VIEW his own school, which did nOt have a GSA. Blotter by the numbers "My area has a lot of controversy around thesubjec[," explained Lightner. Drug related. Rouzer- 1, . The biggest obstacle he anticipates isgeneral closcd-mind- of a ~hir and run~ on November II. It seems as edness. While he believes that his work is important, Lighmer CUllEN MUR.RAY·KEMP Blanche-l though the German Volkswagen and the Japanese acknowledges that [here is only so much he can do. stoff Reporter Mirsubishi automobiles could nor gec along. In- Alcohol: DMC·l, ul'm just offering my help," he said. A1;, the semesrer strolls 10 irs end, McDaniel stu- teresting. Why would these twO foreign car com- He plans to also work with the GSAs of South Car- dents have unfortunately ran our of money for panies fight when rhey OUTSellthe heck Out of any Gardens-l rol! High School and North Carroll High Schopl, as well drugs and alcohol, and resorted primarily to b~r- American-made cars in America: Assault: PA-l as to help Winters Mill begin theirs. glary and then in the momh ofNovem~er. Wlt~ Exams are around rhe corner, and be· ~Having as many student-run LGBT groups in high a towering 11 cases, the lare semester ~hJ(!ve~epI- cause: of over-studying Campus Safety has b~n Burglory/Theft: Campus demic has struck rhe Hill in full fashJOn thiS year overwhelmed with false alarm caJls- five already wide-II schools as possible is an invaluable parr of changing the: as the fall marking period comes to a dose. (his November. Campus Safety issued a petition negative and prejudiced views held by so many teens Surprisingly, not a single incident of bur- for teachers to lighten the exam load and mah Vandalism: Campus today, both gay and straight," said Manos-Hey. glary was commirred under forceful e~t.ry. Per- all exams take-home as to ensure these false:alarm wide-6 - haps the looming thought of ~anksglvmg t~r- calls come to an end. U~fonllnately, nOI a single key has preoccupic:rl students mlOds to the pOInt teachercaredtosignit.-Justkidding. that they forget to pUt our belongings away. So Got Opinions~ We want them! it goes. Unlike drug usage and alcohol consump- tion, vandalism has nO! taken the monrh o~ on campus. Along with burglary/lhen, van~hsm (&litors Note: This column by Cullm Mumty- Submit a letter to the editor at once again raps the CS blone.r c_harrsthiS ~o- Kemp is ddicated to somt of tht mrm inant calls vember; Rouzer claims the majoflty of chese m- to which Campus Saftry officm mpond - or should cidents. What 3 surprise -- Rouzer houses only mpond. lncidmts acrually occurttd, but tht 1IIlmts of tht culprits art 110/ included to prottct tm not-Sir freshmen. ANW parking lor served as the scene innoctllt).
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