Page 74 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
P. 74
_~.I"~~['_il~~:::I::I:J~~~1-"'••J~'~':::I~.'.!.'~~T• Recyling counts, so why aren't we doing it? CAITLIN ROETHEU being recycled over ten weeks. That's about 14.13 pounds per per- Stoff Reporter 5On. However, we still only placed 36th out of 59 schools on a per capita scale. Our participation in Ihe program the following year [ grcwup in a household where my mcrher was very adamant about totaled 12.65 pounds per person over len weeks, as Stated on [he recycling. All plasrtc, paper, metal, and glass was sorted and then McDanid Recydemania website, showing a decline in recycling recycled. My mother would go our of her way to bring home recy- across campus. clables from places where recycling wasn't available and would make !t'S nor like there is even that much effofl put lmo aciu- monthly pilgrimages [0 the nearest recycling cenrer, an hour from ally recycling something besides jusr rhe idea of~oh, this is recy- our house. the idea of recycling was drilled into my head from clable." The school's recycling is single-stream, meaning every- such a young age that it has become second nature. thing recyclable is thrown in together, and then sorted later by So [was surprised when I came to college, where recycling the collection company. No physical act of sorting papers from has bee» made so accessible, that people still aren't doing it. Re- plastics from metals has to take place by the student. Everything cycling receptacles have been placed in most residence halls, aca- JUSthas to be placed into one recycling receptacle. All it lakes ro demic buildings, and meertng places as a resulr of effons in past be a recycler is to have fWO trash cans, one for trash and one for years by the college's Envnonrnenral Action Club (EAC) and par- recyclables, instead of JUStone. Is it that hard? McDaniel CoI- student programs, academics, scholarships, campus improvemems, dclpacion in Recyclemania. In most places where a student has lege's 2009 Climate Action Plan States "rhe college's participation or bener food. 50 something as simple as placing your trash in a an option to throw something away, they also have the option [Q in Recyclemania creates a culture where it is the social norm to different container could result in more money for [he school and recycle it, or a recycling receptacle is only a few feer away. And recycle. With a healthy dose of competition, and lots of signs you. yet, ! still see people throwing away plastic water bonles and alu- around campus, students are realizing what they throwaway does • Recycling is one of (he easiest and most accessible ways to make minum soda cans in regular trash cans along with uneaten food matter, and what we recycle matters even more." We need !O be- a noticeable impact on the environment by allowing our materials and used tissues come aware of our waste and make good habits the norm for us to be-reused later on so we don't need to harvest as many new rna- McDaniel College has made an obvious effort to become now before the bad habits stick. rerials in the furure. McDaniel College makes recycling easy [or us, more environmentally sustainable. According to the McDaniel The college itself benefits from recycling too. The 2009 Ch- the college community. Why shouldn't we make me small effort webslre, in May 2007 President Joan Coley signed the American mare Action Plan concludes that by reducing 7% of waste a year by now, while irs free and convenient, 50 that we can create good habits College and University President's Climare Commitment, and our recycling, which would equal about a 74 ton decrease, they would within ourselves that become second nature later on? Then it won't participation in rhe National Recycling Coalidon's Recyclemania in then have a return of $5,200 a year after an initial $2,700 invest- seem like such a hassle, and we'll want to recycle and be more will- ---------- 200S1ed to 26,430 pounds of paper, cardboard, bottles and cans menr the first year. That's 5,200 more dollars [hat could go toward ing to make the effon. Recycling coums, so let's do it. --------------------------------- Kobe Bryant is not a murderer JACOB SIEGEL Stoff Reporter killer (thaI [he media said Does anybody edit the Recently, Kobe Bryant has been accused by Ttm com, rhe Columbine Keown, a commentator article at www.espn. that played Doom computer games and that in- com, for facilitating the death of Larry Malik. spired him 10 kill people) was on anudepres- Free PreSsr 'are correed), reponed. Did uchery Brown pby the in this case, there is no proofal allthal Larry feJture anyonedying,so it's almost impossihlc to rok ofTmvald? No, he did nOT.It!JBrady. If lhe mid", h:Il.lheen «I!t<.'d, ~y, at .111,th;1tl11i~· Malik or his friend was a compulsive video Glkewould have been corr~ct«l. (It da-.:sn'tbelp eiTher that [he IInid~ br(.'nk~lOTSof rules about game player. sayrhal the ad lead anyone to want ro klll other thQter r,wi('W~.For example, don t !Jayhow me audkll.:.e "'fdr·' > and llvl)ld flo,very wnrd~ !ike 50 it's kind ofabitofasuelchloblatne people either. There is nothing unusual aboul -nunninS" ~p:,usion:;I{e~& ~2milZing"btc.a.usc- th...,,·rC"nOT dCttUlllydt'SCriptive,) videogamesforlhedcathofLarryM~lik. the ads as far as video games go. A~, C;lonWI::.;If fiKk in th~ polper? I didn·, know that. 1h.t'~ prerry cool, I gu~. . 'There nrc people OUt there who believe th:1.L So, I ask is Kobe Bryant a murderer! video games c..1useviolence and rhm video games 1don·r think so. You might nor like him and Maybe I'm ill!.! being a dick. 1 think th:tt's f' diSTinct po$1;ll)i!ity.1 n:aUy do. But hnw can cause people to become killers. '!he idea thai you believe allegations that he raped ~ woman ~ take pride in a school publkarion so tidJled with errors? And iei nOT 3.S if thi$ ill a one time vidcog:ltnescausc peop1crobecomevio!ent has, in Colorado ... but it is ridiculous to say {hat prob1em.llhappcruine\·erypilper. for rhe mO~1 pan, been discredited. According Kobe Bryant is a murderer or a filcilitntor of Soiurion? Idon't know. Edit betiC!, Igu<$S. to in a commentary about Why one. Kobe Sryam is innocent, and media peo- -DavidAmold Video G3tne~ Don't Cause Violence Cho, the ple are JUStIrying to germore ratings by going Virginia Tech killer who w:lsengagcd in coun- aflcr someont famous; [hey have nothing dsc 7ht MeD"",../ Frt, fuJI :M.mtulIlly prlUri('tJ_fr«do'JI o/Jpf«h. the op/lliom t.X/'tfiJfdby (.JillrtptJrU7"!do terslrike.wasveryanti~ocia!'andhewasalready to talk abotttso they need someone to lake up mit lucn$41ri!y rql«t th, WfWS of t~ Fr<'t fuu. "* apprtfl(Jft a11d rtJpt(f fht Opmil)11, of qurrtllders, To .:1 dlswrbed individual. A~corcling to CNN. ,,,"'ntt ol krttr h) th'fdizOr, l,jl11 u'ww.l!Jj'rklt.I"~(OI11., ?hllllk,"Yi¥ HOUSE FOR RENT· Rancher Quiet, Private, Secluded Great view 5 minutes.from McDaniel College 3BR,1 1/2BA Parking available for 4 vehicles minimum 6 month lease Students and faculty gat~~r ~o~~i:lt~a~~~: AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY blanlceh for Proiect Linus, 0 locol non· profit organization that provides hondmode security blonkels to Call office 410-522-2386 inFonts and youth in need. cell 410-804-2880 HANNA BARKER
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