Page 70 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
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_('_.II'~~['_il~~::I:11:J~~::t.lo"iI~.!.l"IJ~~* _ SERRV, local nonprofit, seeks McDaniel volunteers WARREN KRAFT items for reasonable prices. It·s a great way to playa pan as Staff Reporter a global chizen, and your contributions help the develop- ment of rhe different countries," $;lidjunior, Jocelyn McKin- ley. McKinley has been voluuteermg for Serrv for abcue rwo SERRV, A nonprofit organiznricn with a mission to erndl- years now. She volunteers with her sorority Gamma Sigma care poverty wherever it resides by providing opportunity Sigma. Her sorority sends around four to ten voluntcers JUSt and support to artisans and farmers worldwide, about every week throughout the f~1lsemester. From delicious chocolates to beautiful hand woven bas- The fall season is $errv's busiest lime of the ye~r because kets, Scrrv hnernarional sees it;lS rhelr obhgaricn co make that is when they bring in the majority of the goods for the sure rhar rhese produCtS are sold M rnerighl price, and rhar upcoming year and for the holiday season. Consequently, the people who craft them earn the profit rhey deserve for the demand for volunteers is ar its peak. According to Kathy producing such incredible goods. Harley, Serrv has been ex.porting over 100,000 dollars wonh Serrv International is a non-profit organization, based of goods each day this fall which iS2 very impressive achieve- QUI of New Windsor, Maryland, that has been around for mentfortheorganization. over 60 years: they speclalizein falr-rrade. The crganlzarion Harley urges people from the McDaniel Community 10 is very prosperous, but because they arc non-profit they rdy come to Serrv's annual overstock sale. The sale begins No- on volunteers 10 keep rhe organlzarlon aficar. vember 24 through December 4, 2010. All products will "Serrv i5 a local organization rbar everyone should at- be 60% off which makes it a greal cppcrruniry to get a lit- rernpr rc volunreer wirhvcr arleasr purchase of'of rhc hand- tle Christmas shopping done while helping OUt the global made goods. They have a very beautiful and high quality economy. Profile: Dr. Kachur Profile:Mahlia Joyce MORE THAN JUSTA PROFESSOR THE GENTlE·SPIRITED ODMA DIRECTOR ..--. :)~'(Pl JEFF DAVIS MUsA IMAKANDO Stoff Reporter Contributor He is a fun-loving, energetic man. He is able Kind eyes and a warm smile are what greet you to make anyone laugh. He is the epircrne of when you address Mahlia Joyce. Strong faculry-srudcnr relations. He is a mas- , , Mahlia Joyce is the Director of the Of- ter of human relations, great at listening to oth- fico of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs at ers and showing empathy and understanding. McDaniel. Unlike rhe seemingly intimidating He is one of McDaniel College's most beloved . title that she holds, joyce is a gentle spirit with Professors. an inviting and pleasant demeanor. Even her His name is Dr. Robert M. Kachur and he ..•.~. \ dress code, which is usually rich browns, pur- is one of the friendliest and most genuine people pies, greens, and oranges, exudes the warmlh you will ever meet, an Associate Professor iri the that she possesses. English Department. With a smile on his face Joyce joined the M"Danid staff' in the and his head held high, he is the quirnessenrlal intelligent. fall of 2008 when the Office of Diversity and Receiving a B.A. in English literature with enthusiast. With a love for his job, teaching, ;md highest distinction from the University orVit~ Multicultural Affairs, previously known as the we t1ndergo~ Me, Dr. Kachur is exactly where he wants to be Office of Mu!tlcu!rural5ervlces, and ccnsranrly exudes a warm, welcoming, cen- ginfa, Dr. Kachur is well-trained and extremely ing a lot of changes. At the rime of her joining, credible in the field of literature. He went on wanted the office the college's adminisuators rered demcancr. fits her job Every year he teaches a first-year seminar to receive his M.A. and Ph.D. in English litera- renamed, resrrucrurcd and revamped. cause the life experiences which possess- to freshmen students called "Horror in Fiction ture from the University of Wisconsin, Madi- "lmrnedlarely after she took office, Joyce es give her a particular kind of insight and son, also receiving distinctions there. and Film," a course covering novels among the This past spring 2010 Dr. Kachur received hit the road running, coming up with new perspective on what diversity truly is." Even likes of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, Dr. Kachur the Ira G. Zepp Distinguished Teaching Award ideas and. plans to Facillrare these changes," outside their professional relationship, Dr helped create a three-week January Term trip to for inspired classroom work and dedication said McDanid studell! Kwei Mitduot-Parek, Johnson-Ross had only good things to say E.urope that a lot of his first year seminar Stu~ to when asked about Joyce's work. Joyce start- about Joyce, calling her a rcspectful and very dems from Fall of 2007 were able to go on in students at McDaniel's May 2 Honors Con- ed by changing the name of the office to Of- rhoughtful person who always emulates peace 2009. vocation. The award provides a $5,000 hono- fice of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs and equality. Here his students lurked about England's rarium for the f.tculty recipient and a matching (ODMA). The office has an unofficial nick- When the student president of McDan- Whitby Abbey, spied on the Romanian home- fund for ongoing professional and scholarly de- name "ODaMA" which was coined by StU- iel's. Hispano-Latino Alliance, Douglas Rive~ town ofVlad the Impaler, and retraced the stepS velopment. This past summer he funher worked dents who noticed that these were the initials ~a, IS asked to ~escribeJoyce, he says, "Mahlia of Dracula to places like Budapest, Hungary, as with students \0 interpret E.clgarAllan Poe's fic- of the office. The name change coincided with IS one of the nicest people I have met here on depicted in Starn StOker's dassic. WIbrought my tion to create an article for publica£ion, the election of Barack Obama as President of campus. I have never seen her upset or mad, srudentsinto thereal-world,(Otheactual places According to Kachur, he won this award be- the United States. we read about," Kachur said. cause ~in general, I believe in students - often Recently, the OOMA office has relocat- ~nd , feel [.hat she never lets her personal life II1terfere with her work." Rivera was very ap- Amber Slater is a freshman in Dr. Kachur's more than they believe in themselves." Above ed from its previous place in the basement of preciativ~ of the support Joyce has showed first-year seminar for Fall of2010. She loves the all else he is there to help the student. Students, Rouzer to a space now shared with the Office faCt thar "he's really funny, making u.s all laugh professors, and many in the community all no- o~Student E~gagement (OSE). In the begin- him and his organization btl{ even more so for the fact that she tries to make herself eas- a lot and holding our aucntion. Also, he has this tice Kachur's inspired work. ntng Joy~e satd she was a linle apprehensive crazy, stereotypical, villainous laugh. I'll be sit- Professor Bill Spence, also of the McD3niei because tt meant nOt only having to let go of ily available and has a genuine care for the stu- ting in Glar [Dining Hall], and I won't see him, English department, went to high school with a space, but also having to 50ft everything out dcnrs. He describes her as someone who goes but I'll hear his laugh." His presence is felt ev- Dr. Ka"hur in Hagerstown, Maryland and has and get rid of a lot of stuff. out of her way to ensure that things planned acrually happen. erywhere he goes, and it is evident that Dr. Ka- known him for thirty-five years. ", love his fine . However, instead of fOCUSingon the nega- chur has a character style that is perfect for the sense of humor that his students get to know tives, she chose to focus on the benefirs of the For instance, McDaniel was hosting a kinds ofdasses he teaches. well,n Spence nOted. Spence commented On move. She jokes now about how her new office speaker, Rosa Clemente, and Joyce went out Another key aspect that helps him st:ind our how he always laughs with Kachur about how doesn't ha:-e a Window, laughing it off saying of her way to drive to and from Baltimore 10 is the fact lh:n he invites his first-year seminar !.hey are both rrom Hagerstown. This is funny her last wll1dow was terrible, and she would pick Clemente up, get her to a hotel, then to studenls to his howe for Halloween (.'veryyear. because it is in the middle of nowhere, and it is rasher no window than a bad one. On a campus and back to rhe hotel. She then drove He allows his students to get to know him OUt- amazing that twO fine fellows from Hagerstown more serIOus nOte, she says that the move has (0 .the train station in Baltimore at 8:00pm. side IDe classroom, in more rhan one area of are now together in Westminster. helped her see more possibilities with regards ThIs was clearly Outside her normal working hislLfe. "By doing research with his students, Ka- hours, but she did it anyway. "We had a lot of fun at his hoU5C," Slattr chur goes beyond what you would normally ex- ~~r;~~;~~~Dio'r~~~~ ~o~~::;~~~s~orces Joyce is really committed to her job and said. "We played a murder mystery game, and I pecr, especially considering how hard it is to do . Her current job, however, is nOt the first says s~e too~ rhe position because she liked even methiswife.~ something like that in the humanitics,~ Spence POlOt of eontact that Joyee has had with the :n~\~~~~~all~~~a lot of student interaction Slater knows that she can talk about any- nOted. ~He is often doing collaborative activities college. She grew up in Westminster and could about Sh g . es that she feels passionate thing she wants with Dr. Kachur. "In our meet- withhissrudents." be described as a ~double alumnus," having fi d .b I e admits however, that she has to ings, he is very interested in my life, in other as- Fully aware of the fact that he brin~ smiles earned both her bachelor's and master's de- tI~in:s t~a~ns~eal:~e~ake more time to do the pects besides dass,~ Amber notes. "He asks me to the faces of othen, Kachur says he "loves grees from McDaniel College. Yet Joyce did naling, walkin and' such as g.ardening, jOUt~ how my roommate is doing, and he knew that I to teach, laugh, make others laugh, be able 10 not have the typical college experience. She rnn track and cross-country :lOdasked me about focus on one thing at a time and sec the best starred OUt as a traditional first-year student ~rien.ds are i~:Ortans;:P::~~1~::~!t:sn~ that as wdl.~ Dr. Kachur is genuinely interested in others." but did nOI stay for Ihe four years. She re~ m~~:n~a~~,s~~n1u~:e ~ith .them. But, for the in the lives of his stud ems. Dr. Kachur is not only here as a professor, t~rned a couple of years l:ner as a non-rradi_ In addition to being sociable, he has anoth- bUlalsoasafriend. He enjoys keeping in touch ~~~s~~::;;;::~~i~nj~~~i~~S i:cv~~l:n~~~~:~ . also very introven- with students after they graduate. He observed :~o;;~~~~::~~ a;~i;:~~;~i~~~~le m,ajor ," Dr. Kachur men~ that ~it's wonderful 10 realize that the: student in international studies. She did a ~:It~;: SIOn~where there :re gue~~::;:::;sms or ses- you mentored has grown into an adult pc:c::r degree program in counselor education, and some ~::.~et;':; a~ days when she does have ality, in which he is able to meet and connect _ someone whom you can have a long-term ~0;1:~;u~:u:~r;~~~:~si5tant in the Office of w~tching TV shows °S:~;/~~aS::s she enjoys with others and still find time to observe his friendship with." With his welcoming attitude Ktng of Queens Or S Yo and Order, life and understand himst:If better. This reRec- and loving personaliry, he is one of the main rea~ , Dr Debora Johnson~Ross, who is Asso~ also loves to curl up a~it~s ~:r t~e Dress. She tive natUre has help«! him maintain his StrOng sons why the light of McDaniel College shines cla.te Dlean of Academic Affairs, has worked and cat Skittles, who sh I'k og Sebastian interest in literature and is part of why he is so so brightly on the Hill. quite c osdy with )oyu and says in regards to ways fighting for a pare~t'~ a~~:nt~~~~lings a1-
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