Page 66 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
P. 66
~~I""lIr'_il~~:I::I~~~::f.1."~I:l.';.'l: • Office of Student Engagement Teagle diversity survey provides implements new Student Programming • • • Board, replaces CAPBOARD surprtslng results and suggestions JENNA LITLE dents wane to get involved in. Copy Editor Ger! s:lys th .. she ~Iievcs rh~{ Student STUART FISHER the survey results are disturbing, they are not Indicative Engagemem and Green Terror Prodl1ctions Staff Reporter of a pervasive problem with McDaniel. Most seudenc are "has the potentia! too:volve into something fairly open to varying types of diversity, and our school ~!- The new Office of Studem Engagement is bigg~randth~tn,""dslobtstIJdentrun.Why On Thursday, Nov. 4, the Teagle Planning Team here ready devotes a great deal of time and energy to dlversiry eurrendyin ,he procCS5 ofcreaetng and lillal. wouldn'tstud~nlS Want to get invo[""d!" lh~ at McDaniel met to hear the results of201 0 Diversity Fel- programming both in classes and at school events. We also izing a new student_run programmingboord low Jocelyn McKinley's summer research project on diver- have quite a few dubs devoted to specific ethnic groups board will provide srudenrs wirh great [earn. The board is rided Gre..n Terror Producliom ingexl"'ritnces~ndwillhelpcrealeskilIs{hat shy at our school. and to promoting diversity and open-mindedness. As Se- and will abo tncludelrs own logo which is For rhose of you who don't know, the Teagle Founda- nior Andrew Rauch noted, "... there's room for improve- thcy can apply to any job. beingde:lignedbyagrapbicdcsign$ludcnr tion is an organization devoted to improving, supporting, menr on all sides. Progress has been made, we're moving Because Slud~nt Engagem~m and at McDanid. For some the programming and sustaining liberal arts education through a variety of in a good direction, but a collaborative effort is"needed to the programming board are new, last year these srudenrs. ) board,ulrusimilarinrbegoalsofthcprior channels, most notably grants. The foundation recendy ease the gap we're seelng among College Acdvirics Office's CAPBQARD CAPBOARD made deci5ions on activities gave a gram to McDaniel, along with Ursinus, Washing- So the question becomes; where do we go from here. Mat:! Seiben, who was involved with CAP_ ron, Washington and Jefferson, and Goucher Colleges, for After seeing the results of the survey, the Planning Team lhe goal of the board is to see wharseu- BOARD', Cuhural Arts committee which a project aimed at examining and improving student learn- began discussing different ideas about how to encourage dents wanr ic do, wh.t they are imerested was in charge ofplannlng the previous bus in, and what they haven'ts""n bu{would ~:~ :~~l=~emenr and effortS to foster diversity in and ~~~:~~sl::r~~;g:n~i~:pe:r~n~;~.e~~~e!~~:oi~~:; liiu: 10 SU in rhefUfureon C':I.mpusand will trip. to New York City and Baltimore was Part of that grant allows fof the students and &.culty sending students to ethnic events in Bslrfmore and h.a~- one of the 37 und~rgt:!duale srudenrs who be complerdy nudenr driven. According at each school to choose a Diversity Fellow to do research ing them write reviews for the school newspaper, having were involved last year in CAPBOARO's to director of Srudene Engagement, Chris. at their school over the summer. McDaniel's diversiry fel- students and faculty sit with randomly selected fellow s.tu- tin~ Workman, the new board wilJ "give SIU. committees rbatjncluded Mainstage,Sec. low, Jocelyn McKinley, conducted anonymous electron- dents and faculty in GLAR (not all the time), and tl)'ln~ denrstheopportunitytohaveavoiaaboul ond Stag~, Films, Cultural Am, Promotions, ic surveys of students, faculty, and staff members focus- [0 get staff from the athlebotj~hd,:p;~mgl"".~d:~:~:~~~:i_ whal happens en campus and realJymakc; and Special Evenrs. ingonschooladmissions,reten_ • ,,'!,.a " differena." The&rud~nudideve'Ylhingfrom help_ tion of srudenrs, and general at- ----- tyin~~:~e:O~;~~;~;::sed The boarrl will aim be beneficial to nu- ingsetupev~mStoimroducing.performer:s, Many students ~i~~~;~~r;~i~~~~~tr:~:r~ about minority students actually denu bec:msc: i: provides srudencs with ski!Js deaning up at the cvents, hanging up Aiers, ~:~~~e:~~;g~:~/%~:;~ andexperienceinevenrplanning,budgetne. and man importantly th~ 5111dents them_ :~:~;. presented at the Nov. 4 reported that they felt godalion,andcomacting. sdv~wereinchargeofselectingtheevem$ f bl Ik· Th swohm.~ uncom orta e ta In9 somofevenrs.M~haJoyce,~I. StudenrEngagem<"nt'sassisranrdin:cror and voting. Mitch Alexander helped thCHU_ ,.".,.~c.e,·:g"~,~,'ghP.:ov,.i~~ f h Office of Dlversl')' '" .~'" "0 'o""u , ::~o;;ul:jc~ltura! Affairs, said, Undsey Henderson wjJJ join the offic<" and denc>;wirh creating the Aier:s Or banners, COn· of to staff about problems McDaniel does well in terms ~I personally need co. look ad' will begin her work at McDaniel College On lflIcling the performers and processing the diversity and wnat it could stand h . _c, pco,ramming that IS offer.e, Monday November 29. Her main responsi_ checks for the performers but the actual de- to improve. Overall, retention t ey experience. UL b S bilitywiJIixtoadv;iCandgllidesmdenu. dsions were all studem made. of minority students admitted ~:::nptSr:~ C::S;he ;;~:~tff Th<" StrUCtllre and process for how the SeibUI says "CAP BOARD was in my to ¥cDaniei is not outstanding, "Th re was sUld<"m·run board wi!! work and be run is though student retention in gen- for t~~i~ast nl~X::rsbe tri~, and opinionacollaoot:!donberweenthesrudcnts gs stiJJbeingworkedoul. According 10 Work. era! is fairly high. A large part of this problem seems to be a general consensus that new th~ use: f h ord diver- andMitch~IlAl~xander. He did a grear job a lack of divetsity in Staff at the school, and among teach- there was even talk of scrapping ~u::'ord. man, rherewilIixaooregroup thalwiJlmake in finding OUt a !Ol oflX'ssible options and ers in particular. sity because it is becorr:ing sO'_llcw at;o ~n the future, it up an executive board. There have already encout:!ging 1.15 to find more before we di,· Minority studenrs responding to the survey reported W'hatever McDamd de_c~~~ to ther. As Dr. Ikoanna been eighr Or nin<"studentswho have showed cussed them and picked the best." verbal comments about race, glances, and being ignored is important thar Wi: are all ~ Ti ~Telm Member, putS great imerest in gettinginvo!ved in the lead- with rdatively high frequency. Some students rep'orred re- Ursin, Englis~ prof~r d:ma~:ri.~. th~ degree ro ~hich e",hipfotlheoo..rd. Thesrudent, will meet Seibert gOt involved with CAPBOARD ceiving written comments about race, four students re- it, ~ ... improvlllg camp~ peeted and safe) is gomg to bc:cau.esherea!lywanted to have a hand in in ,he near fulure to dedde on thestrl.l((ure .ported being threatened, and twO students reponed expe- every person feels v: ~:~id~ their comfort zones. Too for Ihe enCUti"" oo..rd and along with wha, the decision making of campus activities, ch ::ll;;~ COmrnh ..... ,hereWi\\b<.Studenuinterested specifically the ~rts and be able to give her riencing The actual physical violence. were particularly surprising, :e~u~::"::~~i~:c.roo~rsd'"'d~ Iry n t:;::t [:~reJ'::te ~~~~t~f w..fIL!..hA vH d of violence reports inw=nin)linvo\ve; on, 'h~~d~ ~~.,~k: $rudenten~emenr@mcdanie!.cdu. Wou\dlikeo,oseeon~rnp ...... She",..<.,.u,,,, at least to me, but it is important to note that the number "kno:h~~~~'(' 1:~~Ih~t'$5imp~ ;~ff~~~ho':'we was ,..,Ia- ~:;=We responding tlve!y WoricmanaJsoSoks forward planandmakedeci.sio""onslUdemacrivities ~;h~:re~r~ented s~~~ent groups and the general atmo- to seeing what ""~nlS will be selecled, and ~tothersch<)Olsis in-high demand and lI&u. say, that "al ,hi. poim ii's more waiting to See many wan s ;cc.= Ilty of campus. However, there are urschool.WeaJlneedt? ally become, one ofrhc \OP things Ihatstu. the quality and sustai~a~i1iry ~~use i[ will ~ everyones wha, happens and whal they do!" already o~. i~o ;~pt::eb~~~e~itS~~ee.s, and McDaniel is make an effort on thIS ISSue, First, It IS Important to remember that, while some of problem if we don't. ""........_la........,_.".,. The Free Press is seeking a new Art Director! ClIll&I MUUAV_ Staff Report., baul'$ of Ott. I'~ forma MeOu- If you have knowledge of Adobe InDesign and are interested in doing page design, idFoocbaUlGd:JintmyWDliailw __ mMlt:nu k·~~datot .. for more information. ~lD8utOatcdw~~(;f the~P'*c, -"'.....-_.......... W\'w.JMin~Fm·pr..~to copy vM3tfhdmlfshavebectl·froidat.,_ SPORTS EDITORS DESK STAFf Nick 8~unn .... Stuart fiKher The~·\WIlint:~,u. Ma" Bodna~ dulutIlmionofMeD.nid~vt.amo- CHIEF AD MANAGER pm acurny .akn Off me DIOlDinS of Oa. PHOTOGRAPHER Aaron L.. ibens feld -- rhe~W WE8 MANAGER 15.SWo:dat., rwo_" hi dieMo- Sam Segal DWd CoIkp~c-ken pi'Mr- cd ... ·With • fOIIaw..up ampu;s.fIICUIi. Magon Robinson t)'Jltn:ertmLs!l~by.~ EDITOR BLOG rUCMn I\lDDd"Igth~t Mmer lauren W_inner~denitd"'*. repon:upon 8arker Hanna pon:omampyofdtetnddea, repomr '*JUCft. ~ me Prea 6kd lIB ART DIRECTOR F01A(F.... ol~Acr}to!bfo _obWa ..."""""'-.""'....,.. ~PoUoc~Ia0dd"' t.odt......uow..,.lO.,.dow.-.1Or w.pontobc.l:lIMtd .... _~
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