Page 76 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
P. 76
... r.~ ••~~b~~~~~~~~~~1~~~~"""""" Men's soccer team TERROR SPORTS SPOTLIGHT: initiation practices MEET t GREEN called into question PATRl(KROGERS There area roral MEGAN ROBINSON ro help a player complete a task for Staff Reporter of16 players on this News Editor the scavenger hunt. He asked the year's men's team source if she would allow some- Every fall a new group of eager lBvyear-cld srudems ar., and so far playing Freshmen members of che men's one to rake a picture of her hold- rlve ar McDaniel looking to make an impact here on with them has been soccer ream complete a process rhey ing his penis. Shocked, the anony- campus. Some hope to make their mark in rhe class- a very positiveexpe- refer [0 as "inidation" within their mous source thought the player was room, or [he community, or on the court. Ross Walker rlence for Ress. He first month of the season. Derails joking, but after he reiterated rhar ls one of sucb freshman rhar has high hopes for his bas- described the team about the initiation were disclosed his request was serious she respond- ketball career here ac McDaniel. as a "close group of co rhe Free Press by an anonymous ed no. Later, another soccer player Ross is a Maryland native graduating from Calver- guys" and that they source who was so shocked when told her rhar the seniors compiled ton High School where he had a very successful high "play as a group." she was asked to participate that she the lists of who to contact for that school career. In his senior year at Calverton, Walker, Even off the COUf[, hoped the request was a joke. eask and that rhe freshmen players who is a point guard or a shooting guard, was a team Ross has found his In order to he initiated the had found another girl to cake the captain and earned All-County and All-Conference niche within the freshmen members of the ream had picture wirh. honors during rhe season. team. to complete a series of tasks. Zach LaVeck, Nibbelink, and Hill de- Ross flrse found our about McDaniel when he was "Everyonciscool Laveck, a freshmen member of the nied that they were ever asked to do being recruited to play baskerball. with each other," Ross said, "we are allsrill a family". men's soccer ream, said that [0 he anything sexual as part of their ini- "Ir started with basketball, rhar was my first arrrac- At the beginning of every season the teams in "initiated" imo rhe team means that tiation process. tion. Then when I came to visit, I fell in love with the the Centennial Conference find OUt their preseason they receive rnore responsibilities; While it is unclear what, if any, campus," said Ross. rank. This year the Terror Men were ranked Srh in the However, James Hill and Zach Nib- role alcohol played in the men's soc- When asked about the adjusrmcnr from high school conference. belink, other freshman soccer play- cer initiation process, the submitted basketball rc college basketball, Ross explained rhar "We are pretry pissed about (he ranking. We don't ers, said rbe freshmen players' roles transcript makes it appear as though the workouts were more intense and demanding. The like [0 be at [he bottom," Ross explained. on the ream do nor change after ini- it was used. The freshman soccer practice schedule is another big adjusrmenr from high When asked about what goals the team has this tiation takes place. player said initiation "sucked" and school because of the late practice rimes and the length year, Ross answered simply, "We want to be conference LaVeck said mat all the tasks were "I was wasted out of my mind by of workouts. champs." The ream believes that this goal is attainable, es- optional but Strongly encouraged. the time J gor back." LaVeck, Hill, "Also, the difference between college and high school pecia!ly if they continue to keep putting in hard work. However, Nibbelink went on ro say and Nibbelink all also denied thar is rhar in college everyone is good," explained Ross. As for himself, Ross JUStwants to ger as much play- that if a freshmen player told an up- they were asked to' complete any One of the harder adjustments to make from high ing time as possible this season as a freshman. perclassmen teammate they were un- tasks involving alcohol during their school to college level athletics is being at the bottom Ross has very simple goals for himself while here. comfortable with the task, they were initiation process. of the food chain once again. Instead of fighting this "I JUSt want to keep working hard and work my way not excused from participating in The source said what bothered process Ross has learned to embrace it. up." So for the next four years warch OUtfor Ross Walk- the process, but rather given an al- her was her inability [0 report [he "Hike working my way up on the team," Ross stat- er as he tries to make his mark on the court here at ternative task to perform. issue. "I know its hazing, I know it cd. "I just have to work hard every day" ... McDaniel. According to La Veck after they was sexual harassrnenr, but at che ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::;:;::;::;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;------------- completed the initiation process, rhey same time I feel like I can't repon I were congrarulared by their upper- it because I didn't actually do any- classmen teammates. Then they met thing, I was JUSt asked;" said the individually with (he team captains source. She conrlnued, ~lt hurrs to to be congratulatcd pcrsonally by the be a parr of thac and know that noth- most senior members of the team. ing is going to happen from it." Hill said the freshmen play- In faer, according the Maryland ers were Jsked to inrerview abour State's Hazing Law, the act she was 50 women for a survey aboU[ the asked to perform was hazing. Ac- men's soccer players. Hill said they cording to the law "'Haze' means specifically had [0 ask girls from doing any acr ... for the purpose of both women's spans teams and injtiation into a studem organiza- Phi Sigma Sigma. However, Sarah tion of a school, college, or uni- Byron, rhe president of Phi Sigma versity." The law goes on to state Sigma said ~l have absolutely no rhat "Hazing' activides are gener- idea whar. .. survey they are refer- aHy considered co be: physically encing. I do nor recal! answering abusivc, hazardous andlor sexually any sexual questions abour any soc- violating." cer players." According to Christine Work- The clues for this puzzle are Nibbelink said they were given man, lhe Director of the Srudent aU derived from Issue 4 Of a sheet with pierures of all the play- Engagemem Office, the hazing that the McDaniel Free Press. ers on chI' ream and would show rhe dispurably rook place on the men's pictures to the girls while asking soccer team nor only violated Mary- created by MllJha Paul them the questions they were given. land State Law, but also the college Nibbelink said an example of some policy. Workman said chI' college 1 of the questions rhey asked were lIses the Maryland Haztng Law as "Which player would you rarher be stuck on a dessert island with?" :~~,C~t~~~~ ~;~~~si~or:~a;~r~:n~:'~: 2 However, the anonymous source tion on campus. 6 said she was shown rhe survey and The head coach of rhe men's all of the questions were sexual. She soccer team said this was the first 7 said some of the questions they had rime he had ever heard of any haz- to ask were "Who is most likely ro ing raking place on the team. He 11 be a virgin~ Who would you sleep said he was going to look into the with? Who would have a Prince Al- allegarions. He also said the players bert penis piercing?" sign a paper regarding hazing at the 12 The survey isn't the only 3Criv- beginning of the season, bur that he ity the freshmen players are asked to does not directly deal with hazing participate in. Nibbelink said they educarion. 14 were asked to do a scavenger hunt. The men's soccer assistant coach, He said they were asked to collect Paul Seegren and rhe ream caprains 15 15 turf beads, 26 blades of grass, Adam Dolbey, David Cross, and 16 NACS . and other activities. LaVeck said Timothy Wineke, did not respond ~~~i~~~~';'.f~~t~~Yo~r:.;'p~~ that the {asks were not complicated, to a requesr for comment. students 01 color but it was difficult to complete rhem However, despite these disputed jn [he limited amount of time rhey were given to complete lhe tasks. ::~;;h~~f~'1J~~~b:~~~~r~~~ ~;!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! However, the anonymous source year. All of the boys said lhey found submitted a transcript berwC;en her- morc chan JUStfield mat~s on the soc- self and a freshman soccer player cer team, rhey found fricndships. Hill in which he told her about some said "we hang out·a11 the time." All orner specifics [asks of the scaven- the boys agreed that the boys on the ger hunt. The source said the play- soccer team were "tighr." er rold her rhey were given grocery Hill and Nibhelink said chey lists of random iWllls to buy. "Dle look forward to being upperclass- player said rhe items totaled $50 of men on the ream. LaVeck added his own money. that he had a lot of fun this past The anonymous source also said season and was glad to be a part of [hat she was personally approached the team.
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