Page 64 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
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~_.""lIIr'_il~~:I::I~~~:$.",-"~I':1Tjfl: IIiI. Official partnership between McDaniel and Boys and Girls Club established Boys and Girls Club President Richard Raley provided a club GREG NOLEN member's view of [he benefiu of the partnership. "We'll know SlofF Reporter what college is like. It can help us expand and get more srudenes On Nov. 4, 2010, McDaniel College faculty members, alumni, involved in Boys and Girls Club," said Raley. college media services, and ocher Westminster officials were at Gill mentioned an upcoming Boys and Girls Club event on the Boys and Girls Club ofWesrminster [0 watch Club Executive campus that he is looking forward to. "We're especially excited Board member Beth Tevis and McDaniel College President Dr. about a College Shadow Day planned for 2011 _ providing the Roger Casey sign a piece of paper that announced the formation opportunity for Club members to shadow college students. This of an official partnership between the club and the college. experience will go a long way towards acclimating members [Q The partnership carne about when McDaniel students starred the college environment, especially important for our Club mem- to volunteer {heir time at the club, according to Tiff.tny Gill, Ex- bers who consider higher education an unrealisdcor unattainable ecudve Director of the club. goal," saidGi!1. "Over the past few years, McDaniel students have been a rre- According to Gill, McDaniel students started working with mendous sourer' of support for the Club, serving as mentors, ac- the dub in 2007 by volunteering their time there to help the adernic tutors and program facilitators. With the Club in such kids. dose prcxlmiry to rhe college, we thought now was a good time to Student volunteer Nell Boley explained how McDaniel Stu- leverage the relationship and make the experience more enriching dents help kids at the club. for our Club members and McDaniel srudenrs," Gill said. ~A[ the club, the McDaniel students help the kids with their Gill also pointed Out some advantages that the partnership homework and we promote their education with different pro- gives the club. "ln addition to providing the Club with valu- grams like Money Matters and Youth for Unity," said Boley. able mentors, rhe partnership will afford BGC (Boys and Girls Casey sees the partnership as being an important asset for the :;:;d::~g:.rl~~~~~~;m~dB~,!~:~:;~!~e~":':na;::..~~~~~i;;~~~"'1 Club) members access eo the college campus including the writing college. "I think it's very irnportanr for us co he good neighbors to ~ilb~t.z:;.:.~~~~~~rn=i~1 ::'~:;~h:i~u~D!:~;:~~~~%.'2";10. lab, library; other college facilities, cultural activities and SPOlt- our neighbors, and to expand the community of tho: college into blend of students who bring a variety of experiences and po:rspec- mg evenn [he outside communiry," said Casey. Program Dtreceor Sean Davis also expressed excitement about Gill expressed how imporranr the Mo:;Daniel students are [0 rtves to our Club members. All of the relationships our .roe~. wil! ~et the new partnership and the advantages for club members. "It's tho: club and hopes the new partnership wlll last a long rime. bers develop with the students and staff at McDa~id grear because it is a win-win situation. McDaniel Srudenrs can Said Gill, "McDanid students playa Significant role in help- our members gain early exposure ro expectauo:: ~:wev~e;' I rake advantage of this opportunity and so can our kids. It exposes ing OUf Club members explore their potential by providing a first- promote college enrollment. The most tmporcant go for is that [his partnership is a mutually beneficial one char asts ~::; ;;e~ :~~~o:~~ ~:~i~~:::tt:~!7F~:~t~:v~~rmallY wouldn't ~~~~l':::d.pl1J[Oa~i~tc~ii~~~ ~asb~uc~~11di~~ar~~ :~~ ~l~i~~~ a very long nme," Sou Park SIS won t return next semester CHARLES MULLIN SloffReporler Soufh Park," she stared. "The facul[jl has been Vl:ty 5upponiVl: though." Even with many ofu,e facul[jl's suppon and a 510ry in McDaniel news, the courses huure is still uncertain. The SIS program, in terms of courses offered, docs not hold as mud, importance over departmental dasses. This To the dismay of many srudo:nrs, South Park and Conremporary Social!5' ·SUfi, ~ Sophomo~ Inrcrdisciplinary Srudy (SIS) dass, will nor be remm- pushh~scau>ed Dr. Baron and Dr. RaJeytO haYe to leach more courses in rheir own deparrmenrs. ing nal ,emesro:r to McDaniel. For some, the topic of Stil/rI} Park may However,thisisn'tthefirsrtimeSIScourseshavenotbeenofferNIfora notwarramseriousreacrions, bur rhe CQurse has proven rhal ircan address ,;ocial problems such as raeo:, gender, g.ay marriage, and COnsumerism with subsequent semester. In faer, many SIS courses aro: only offiored once a year deprhmdengagementu,atpromoresstuclenrundersrnnding. Or every other year. The South Park SIS was given a rare chance to be taught . more rhan one semester in a row. "Ithink[thedmlisveryinreresting,"saidl"OphomoreLi5aVasapol!o. "There havC'~n limes where [ have disagre.:d with what rhey'vo:said, but I Dr. Baronbelieve5thecourseshouldsrillbet:tughL . stil! feol comforrab!e5aying that indass." "lfedlikethereisasTuclenrdcmand,butthereareanumberofvari. abies for whether a class is laught," said Dr. Baron. "Some of rhem we un- TheSourhParitcourst"beganinthe5pringof2009andbas~ntllught since by Dr. Josh Ba'"!ln. philowphy acljuner, and Dr. Sara Ral"y, 5ociolo. clcrstand andwme ofrhem we don't." gyprofe550r. Both profeswrs felt there WllS a need to bring theconrrover. !r seems thar money, depamnental no:eds, and curriculum requirements sooJ and humorous show to a better light even before the Somb Park course supersede any Sophomore In·mdisciplinarySrudies course, bUlrhis i5n'rth" was .. artcd first rime the fUrureofthedass ha. beet1 uncertain. -I _uld USe So.lIth Ptlrkepisodos ill my Sociology classes." said Dr. LaSt year, Dr. Baron didn'r ev.:n think u,ey would be t.aching theda,ss again bcause ofschecluling and departmental difJicu!ties. ~7~~~~:~~~~::t~:~~=a::~.kvancy<0 academ;' when the show b.., .b:~~"the last rime we taughrir," said Dr. Baron. ·We thought it would . The coune ~bjecrives PUt em~h~is on turning m= comedic ~pisodes m:oanopporrU~llYtoanaJJ'UsoclaJlsruesintheconremporaryworld. By . w.:cnaskedaboutu,cSISprogramirself,Dr.B;uonpraisedtheoppor- usmg both a mClology ~rofessor ~nd a philO$Ophy profi.ssor, rhe Stillfh Park runlt~eslr.gavesrudenrsarMcDanielColJege and ~lllempo""IJY Soctal I"uell courst" offers a mulritude of principles and [lhl!lklheSISprogramlsoneofthem~sleXcitingandenrichingpro- rheorles onsoc131 problems. Students are encourag<:d ro look a< hisrorical grams at McDanld," 5aid Dr. Baron. -1he o:pcrience of reaching this course has made me liumaroo wim ~::~::::hj;:t?'~~'"from both field< of smdy in order to g<:rher d:wes like rho:ydo of mo,:~=~a;:~:~:~,r:.~~nli:~::r::I:'~~k::~;"be'" ph<>- Will we ever be able to use all cards off campus? WARREN KRAfT looking into one of Nu.Visions ncwest systems Staff R~porler wh;ch~low.sruden .. toorderfoodfromonalld ::~%~:~r~:~o~;~r :~I::r!:~:~t:f o!fcampus locations via the inrernel. McDaniel administration is revamping "The timing is Yerygood,wearear dining plan ar these: offcarnpus bU5in<$.~ its ID card sysr~m. One of rhe possible lhep<>imwherewcneeclto updafeour sysrem, Many small colleg<:s ao:rn«America changes could be allowing sruder;tts [0 use which would muo: it easy to SOtt ofdovc:tail imo allow thcir students to use rheir all·cards off rho: card to purchase food at off campus moreopril>Q5,espcciallyiflherci'merc:hanrin· campus.Forin."'nc~GoucherColiegestudent$ restaurants. tert'5t,"s"idclCltplailled. OInuserheircardnaregul;ubasis. ~:~t~::~h:~n!,o:~co, Tropid Tanning telIder:s th~t would allow students 10 use their all· For example. Bunky, rhe owner of Mustangs OIrd. rotherth::on paying cash. it neverworkeci I'lzza,whkhopcnedinAugust2010,;'jusrone "The one·card is nOt JUSt used ~t Go~c.h~r, it is usecl ar Over 400 coUegesand un;. ourlxau""cheequlpmentwasquireapcnsive local business owner who has been urging tho: veml!es all OVer the US,n said Andrea Heymann, ::ond the loeal businesses did nOlseeanyadVlln. McDaniel adminisr",tion '0 allow Sludenl$ '0 a Goucher Studeot. "I would firmly advocare for lages, according to Ethan Seidel, Adminimat~on payforrheirmealswiththeirall-ards. . rhe admln;'cration at Mo:Danie! to look into al- and FinanceVicc Presidenr. With tcchnolog,ca! "'wouldeven give McDanicl 2% of advanCC'Sandthedropinrho:pricel>fthcequip. every purchase mado: wirh astudenls all·card," ~:ric~a~~~b oJl-<:ard to be used a, off campus ment, many srudents hopc u,at Ihc college will Bunkyexplained. 'Wilh my schedule it i~hard 109<:' rcvalU3IO:lheviabiliryofanall.cardsYSlcmlhat ~McDaniC! m glar for my me:t!s," said Fr .. hman Mattl..elt. rC2Chesout ro busincsses beyond The Hill. 10 try 10 find ways IOgct rhe51udcors involved ner.-Itwould be awesome if?laces arnund Mc. ThepoSl;ibl[j1}' thaf McDaniel students in the communiI}'," 5aid owner of Harry's Grille. Daniel like Mu.tangs, SUbwny, Chic.lil.a, etc. c:m use their a!J·cards offcWlpus is OOt far from Mr. Hury Sirinakis. "This is a langeable way to would =PI our oJ.J·card •. It would be 50 nice a reality. gel rhcm involved via dollar. and ccms." 10 be able to ear 00 my lime and ro have mo", Seide! and hi. ream arC working ro re- TyWirt!esburger, a junior a' McDan- ofav.lricty." VlImp McD,micl'. card system and u,o:y an:: also iei,slared, "It would makepcrfccisenseforihe
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