Page 76 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 76
Chatroulette becomes Internet phenomenon HANNA BARKER about the weather wirh a girl in New York. Stoff Reporter 1 was yelled at by some Russian man. My roommare and 1had a Spougebob shew-and- tell session with some college srudenrs some- Recently, I've become swept into [he inter- wlll~rein America. I chanced lIpon a young > Connected, feel (ree to talk now ncr phenomenon ofCharroulcl'Cc, whlch was girl who repearcdiy rnade silly faceslnm the created by Russian 17-year-old Andrey Ter- novskly for his personal entertainment and While there arc many enrerrainlng sleu, the cmcrrainmcnr of his friends. The thrill adons!hatcan~ri.sefrom rhiswcbsire, there of being rransporred into a stranger's life is are abo some very uncomfortable ones. Isaw worth rheoccasionalencoulUcrswi[hX-rnr- way too many people choking rhe chicken, if ed body parts. This site is nor for the squea- you know what I mean. A random girl told mish,bm it's definitely worth chcckingour. me that if 1 showed her "mine," she'd show Here's whar happens- Go to charrou- mc"hcrs."Onepardcularlycrcariveguyheld and dick "Play" to begin. Within up a sign that said, "Show tits for Hairl." seconds, you will be connected via webcam A deceptively kind-looking old man said, wirh a cornplerc srranger. There is also a chat "Hello, Angel," and winked ar me. Cou- box, which I've found to be more effective pies engaged in very private acts on this very than vocal communication, because qUill.' public forum. Thankfully, there is an option honestly, the audio sucks. If you like what ro report such misuse of the sire. I honestly you see or hear, continue the conversation. don't know how effective this is, because an But if you get bored, you can click "Nexr" account is not necessary to useChatroulctte Bewarned, ir is highly likely rhar you will be ~nditwouldbedifficulttotrac:krhesepeople 'nened" wirhin seconds. Itook it personally down, but hey, at leasr they try. atfirsl,untillbecamecomfortablewithnex_ People take advamage of the anonymity ring people myself . provided byCharrouletrein many differenr I've spoken to people in Italy, Russia, ways, as exemplified above. It's great because the UK, Germany, and Mexico. My frknd you can avoid awkward situations with use of and I had a cakularorparty with a French the "Nexe" burton. You can also experience university student (we bcrh had Texas In- other cultures from the safety of your room. srrumenrs], I W3S serenaded by a trio of frat Personally, I'm glad such a thing only COURTESY DANI ALLEN boys. Iwatched a teenage boy dance around exists on rhe Inremer, because l'd be sad to like a crezy perscnI told agrOllp ofTlIrkish live in a world whercyou could dick peo- Preshmen Do~i Allen ond Honno Barker, and sophomore Lydio Hubble b~gin (IhC;,t;':~n~Sh(ltroulette srudenrs abcur college in America. I chatted pie away. with 0 stronger who greets them with: "Oeeh, sexy ledles. Hey, sexy lodles. W P McDaniel alumna teaches students to be writers AMRERSLATER Stoff Reporter ~ ;~~!o~:,:~:~~"~~~~::,~,~c~~~:~;~~:~\~~~e,;;:~~~~r,,:~ ,[,[m!e ~nd personal prepar~tlon. ar~ ready ro uanslrio~ inro co ~geltfc. .Over rhe ye~rs, she has earned nicknames Stich as Devious ~~v~u:r ::~u~~~~~ar~c:~:~'h~~c is Mary Kay Nevius-Maurer, She .is a Veteflln teacher. For thiny-flve years, MaLlrer has taught hIgh "school English. ~My job is diffcrcfll every day," she comments. How many olher jobs are lik~ that?" Though she has taught the enrin"_spectrum of high school E.nglish courses, she most notably in'truc.s a das~ which com- bUles AP English Liter~rure and CQmposition and AP _English ~nguage an.d Composition. Upon taking this course and pass- Ing the reqwred tCSts, many of her students enrer college at ju- nior-level English. She is an alumnus. Before perfecting the 3rt of reaching, Mrs. Maurer 3!tended coUege at McDanieL She aho received twO awards from her "Ima mater after graduating. aTo be rewarded by rhe college you graduated from i, \Oueh_ ing. I received one aw:.. d when my daughrer, Amber. was due in two wcelu:. \ really filled our that cap 3'ld gown.~ Amber wen< on to grad!late from McDaniel in 2009. She i~ understanding, yet demanding. M"s_ Maurer admits that illll1gh school, she ",at, smil~d, and gOt A's.n She expects sru~cnr' to"leave her class, however, with mOre than a grin on theIT face. I Wan! my sr~dcnts to be thinking human beings. ! want them to be open-minded, but not manipulated.~ She i$~ friend. Because she sees her Students as more than the scores on their AP rests, many sray in touch after gradua- tion. Though she primarily receives emails and visiu when sru- dents first begin college and during breaks, Maurer hears from some studenTS several years after thdr graduation. For example, she recently received "an email from astudenr who is over 40 years old." She i$ a guide. "\ want my studcnts to he able to write no mailer what their field,n Maurer explains. "J!'s important (0 be SINGLH TIRED OF WAITING FOR' LOVE, OR EVEN A DECENT CONVERSATION? STILL HOPING TO FIND A LOYAL FRIEND OR EVEN LOVE? Check ~ut ~OFFEEFIX- the college newspoper column dedicated t h I - McOamel Singles connecl. 0 e ping and complete the COFFEEFIXsurvey. Get the conversation flowing.
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