Page 71 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 71
McDaniel Freshman Honored In New York RUlA ZARU Staff Reporter Kelly Collins, ~ 19-year-old freshman from New Jersey, had al- ways thought giving a presentation in front of her class was nerve wracking, but she hadn't experienced fear yer. On Saturday February 27, Kelly Colltns Hood in front of app~oxi.matdy 1000 people and gave a speech as she accepted the Michael Brennan Courage Award in New York. The award b ~ca~~b;~~s~f many victories in Collins' life as she lives with Cys- Kelly stated. "It takes responsibility, dedication and strength each and everyday [to live with CFJ. n ~-aturday's award ceremony honored three people, including Collins, whose ages ranged from 181037. . CO.llins is an avid fan of exercise and she is majoring in Exer- cise SCience andPhysical Educaelou at McDaniel College. Decked Out 10 a red gown and joined by her boyfriend, Thom- as Orrok, her parents, Kevin and Kathleen Collins, her brother, Kasey Collins, and her highschool reacher,SharonAlfieri,Coliin s ~~I;'n~I:~~01~1v~nm~eI7feY~:7~~:::tf:~ br~reh~~:~~·er.ndonor let CF Collins dedicated this award ro her brother, Kevin, who lost his banle toCF a year ago. "If!r were not for him, I would not be standing here ronrghr," Kelly explained. Kevin always hoped to raise awareness abour CF and Kelly has always followed in his footsteps. Every year Kelly is apart of "Team Collins" which parricl- pares in the Cysrlc Fibrosis Poundarlons annual Grear Strides walk. Kelly recruits as many people as possible each year in order ro raisc as rnuch money as possible for tbe Foundanon. Days after the ceremony and still overwhelmed, Collins said "[the award] means a loe ... 1 never imagin~d I would be awarded: 1 was shocked." . A glossy publication disrrlbured at the award ceremony notes rhar "Kelly has not let cysnc fibrosis keep her from achieving on the basketball court, in academics orin a variety ofexrracurricu- laractivides." When .commenTing about Kelly's goal to "make a significant difference mothers' lives," the publicarion notes, UAsfar as we're concerned she's already there." The Boomer Esiason Foundation's aim is to "heighten aware- ness,. :duc~tion, a~d.quality of life for those affected by cystic fi- brOSIS while providing research and financial support in aim of Student accounts begin McDaniel College welcomes migration to Google Mail Belgian students to campus HEATHER GORSUCH share online documents in word processing, J ELLIS are rhcn senr to one of our destinations .... lam Staff Reporter spreadsheets, and shdeshow documents all on Stoff Reporter happy ro [earn English in such a nice place as the same web browser interface. McDaniel." GoogleSites; allows srudents ro quick- Sr:millg a new semester is one rbing, but StaIT- JO;tchimadmireshowthingsinlheStatesan: Many srudenrs might have noticed the new Iy creare websires that they post conrenr to and ing a new semester rhcusands of miles away from much "bigger" than ill Europe and the Mcban- Coogle email options on the email login page. share with urhers. It allows srudcnrs to collab- home is another. iclcampusislloexceprion.Saint-Lollisconsists .By the end of the spring semester McDaniel orarively work together on documents in one Joachim Nyssen, Srephane Clesse, and of a couple ofbui!dings, and he thinks that it's hopes to move the 8500 srudenrs, faculty and place, on one sire no matter their geographical Quentin Renson are three students who re-lo- impossible to get lost. So coming to a campus staff from our current email system, Zimbra [Ilcatioll. cated to the McDaniel campus flOm Brussels, when: mere-aresc:veral buildings is a rough tran- 10 Google. Goog[e Labs: provides [he option Belgium. sinoll, but Joachim likes how friendly McDaniel Currently, our emire email syslem is held ailef how your Google interface loob and to III Brussels,Joachim, Qu~ntin andStcphall~ students are and how they're a[wa)'l'iwilling to as- in our very own data cemeron campus. This operates, an: in their third yearar Faculu!s Universitaires sisthimifhegerslosr. means that the softwarc mnson our servers and Gnoglc Video: allows students to host Saint-Louis. Although rhey have all visited th~ 'Stephane has spem five momhs in Gu:£- the emails are all Hored on our servers. Accord- US before, they were' nervous abour how they tema[aartd Holland. She says that her father is ing to Network Communicarions Systems Ad- andsharevideossorheycaninternallycommu- wouldcopewithrheAmericanlifestyle. constandysending her "mousallds" of emails ro ministrator Chris Palsgrove, having 8500 email nkate and collaborate with one another. Mh's toocarly to tell if I will gcrhomesick. [ sccifshesok. accountscostsrhecollegealotofrime, money Accordillg to Pa[sgrove. allother adv~n- [ike rhe lik here and I've got a [otofthillg5 to do "Ill Bc:[giumsrudentsgo back to'their par- and rl!5O\lrce~ tage of moving to Google is that "they can so I don't think I will have time (0 mink ahoU! ems' houses evety weekend," St~phalle explains. UThere are per-user licensing fees, theini- provide continuous service through localized Bc:lgium,"Quentin said. ~J think I will miss my "On weekends I [used to] go to my dad's and dal cosr and upkeep of the server hardware to power outages and natural disasters when we fami[yalld EUlOpeanfood. b hang out wim my friends !Tomhigh school.» run the whole email sofrware package, and the mlght not be able to keep our syStemS running Colltfibuting to Quentin's lack of uhome_ For St~phane, the mOStdifficult thing to get n COStand upkeep for rhe incredible amount of on camplls.~ Also Google provides better sup- sickness may be the fact that he's having too used to is the work load. "Ill Belgium, you don'r electronic srorage space we must have ro keep port for people with smart phones and mobile much fun, A frw weeks ago, Quentin, Joachim, have to do anyrhillg. You're 1l0t even obliged {he millions of emails [hat 850Q people accu- phones ro access their email aCCOUntSand cal- and Stephalle took a trip to Ski Libeny ill Get- to go TOclass durillg the first 3 or 4 monms of mulate," said Pa[sgrove. endars from anywhere. tySbu~ Pennsylvania with the outdoors dub. the semestet,n she says. ~But men you have to That is why' the institlltion was thrilled Pa[sgrove also said that rhe change will not uir was a little diff"en:mfor us because we study very hard for a couple of weeks. We call wirh the idea to'use Gongle because it is free be that drastic for majority of the studenrs. The did not have any special 'slticlothes,'H explained this Ihe 'bloque period' ... For two weekli life:is and will be saving McDaniel a great deal of results from a survey last fall found that 50 per- Quentin, "but it was grc:attoSCC how dte moun- horrible.~ n':'oney. Google does llor have any licensing cent of students already have Gmail accounts (ains differ from the ones Eorope.H When asked what her favorite and least fa- fees, does not cOSt IlS to use their server soft- and are familiar with the interface. Back ill Belgium Quentin's father and oldesr vorite thing about Americt was, Sl~phane re- ware, and allows each user 7GB of storage Srudems should look for an invilatioll from sister work as bwyers; his brother is all enginccr, plied, "I like the way people arc: so our-going space, while Zimbra only accommodate~ for a the IT Department in (hdr current McDan- and his momer is a [egal advisor for La Chambrc: and wdcoming. People are mJ!-Chcolder in Eu- rope and won't talk to you unless you really ger tenrh of that space. iel email accounts to switch over to the new (Belgian Congrc:ssl. to know them.~ Although we have oilly been using Zimbra Google sysrem. Email addresses will also re- Joachim lives in Brussels with his parents for three years, ~the fearures and functionality main the same. When you login to your Google and his two younger sisters; his older sister at- "What I like the [east is me wayeveryrhing that are offered with Google are farsuperior,D account for the first time, do nor be alarmed tended college ill North urolina this past tal[ is about making money here,~ Stephane added. uYoueven have commercials for paternity tesrs.~ said Palsgrove. According to Palsgrove the three thar your old messages or folders that were semester. According to Rose Falkner, Director of In_ Joachim recalls his excitement afterfillding main component. of the Google package are; stored ill your Zimbra account are 1l0t there. OUIthat he would be coming to McDaniel. ternarional and Off-Campus STUdy,the students email, address book and calendar. Another link in the email will explain how to "lhe application and selection isa rigorous tbar come EO McDaniel via the foreign exchange Palsgrove also noted that Google adds mher applications known as "Google Apps for Edu- gct everything imported inro your Google ac- process, .. "]oachimstatcs. "We have to apply for program tome to "increase their English profi- our mree rnvoriredcstilladolls. Once we pass the ciency,want to STUdyat anAmeric:rn college, alld Cltion.~ Some of these applications illdude; coum, alollg with your Zimbr.n calendars and inlervieW by the university's administratioll, we getinvolvcdinmecampusexperiencc:.~ Google Docs: allows yOIl to create and address book contacts.
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