Page 73 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 73
'T une in to L/: Upcoming Local concerts you must-seespring concerts don't want to miss lAUREN MillER Staff Reporter RICHIE ROSS heaven and hell at the same time. With all of Staff Reporter mesethingsputcogerher,themusiccomesour The sun is shining, the snow ls hopefully gone ;lnd asamishmashofjan,c\assicrock,blues,and spring is on its way. For some, spring means base- spiritual inspired avant-garde folk music. Trust ball, picnics and Easter, For me, spring means my March and April are MASSIVE months in me, it sounds better than my description does. calendar is quickly filling up whh concerts because: terms of live music in rhe Baltimore DC area. I'm tired of being stuck inside watching the snow Here are a couple bands that will be in the area Major Lazer fall. This spring there are quite a few Inmguing con- that should go on your musr see list... if you Manlh 31, Bourbon Str.t, Bahimon $$ cern coming to our area and some are even in Me- can afford it: Mud liIIIIn Mrpoc. hlne: Call MI (Baby Daniel's own backyard. I've compiled a llsr of six Cham V..-.ion rnusr see concerts from mosdy unheard of bands n.. V.ry But According to Major Lazer's bio on his label's and some you may of heard of. MOl'Clh 13 Sonar, Balflm.,... website, he is, "a Jamaican commando who 1. This first concert I'm going to recommend Mal'(lh lot, Rook and Roll Hot.I. Washing- lost his arm in the secret Zombie War of 1984. isalsotheshortesttrave!ingdistance. The Baltimore Check cct the Ion Walsh Bond altho Pub on ton DC $$ The US milirary rescued him and repurpcsed local indie acoustic rock hand, Bond and Bendey, Thursday, March 11 at 9 p.m. Must listen MyS~ tune: Kamphopo experimental lazers as prosthetic limbs. Since will be playing at Rafael's in Westminster Mar. 12, (Lazy Aw Remix) then Major Lazer has been a hired renegade 2010 at 9 p.m. and they will also be playing at the have ,;omething to do. ThL~show is no different so The Very besr are Esau Mwamwawa and French, soldier for a rogue governmem operating in Greene Tunle in Westminster April 2, 1010 nr 9 someone needs to go and enjoy them for me. I've by way of London, OJ Duo Radiocllr (johan secrecy underneath the watch of M5 and the p.m. On their MySpace, [heyea!! themselves "whar heard they're grear Jive. The show is the AP tour. Karlberg and Etienne Tron). Isn't ~RadiocJit" CIA, His cover is that ofa dancehall night club you want to jam {O on a hot humid day eating a It's at me 9:30 Club April 25. They'll be with four rhe best OJ name you've ever heard? After see- owner from Trinidad and he enlisred {he help bushel of crabs drinkin' a case of Boh and talking other amazing bands: The Cab, Never Shout Never, ing these g\lys playa parry, you'll understand of long-time allies and uber-producers, Diplo about the Orioles waiting for the Ravens hon." Hey Monday, and Every Avenue. Check them out why rhat name is perfect for them. They play and Switch, to produce his first LP.HI think Sounds like a good summer band. Check OUttheir on MySpace and for ticket info go to www.altpress party music in the true sense of rhe word. They that just about says it. In actualiry Major Lazer MySpace, www.myspace.comlhondandbemley, comlthcaptour. don't discriminare. Genre means nothing; the is the Jamaican crearive ourler for hipster, uber- for more info and to check out their runes. 5. This next tour is for a band that I prob- only thing that matters is the beat. In their live producer dance gods, Diplo and Switch. YOll 2. This second show is a little hit longer of a ably won't stop talking about until {he day I die. shows, they tend to rely on heavily rhythmic may not know the name Diplo, but you've al- drive, but still worth the gas. The local band Vic- Honor SOCietyis coming to town again with their urban based musical forms from around the most assuredly heard his production. He was tory By Revenge will be playingar Rams Head Live Here Comes Trouble tour. Trust me, cbere'sa rea- world, like Baile Funk [Brazil), Cumbia (Co- responsible for breaking M.I.A. in the stares CVlApril 10,2010 with Horspur and The Dan- son why they say rhese guys don't play performanc- lumbia/Argentina), Coupe Decale (We5t Af- wirh their "Piracy Funds Terrorism" mixtape gerous Summer. Their bassist John says on their es, they throw parties. Check them Out April 26. rica), and Kuduro (Angola/Portugal). Don't in 2004. That mixtape fearured material that MySpace, "We're the girl next door, without the 2010 at the Rock and RolJ Hotel in DC or April let this scare you away though. When you get went on to be on her fim official LP, 2005's boobs,~ and I think it describes them pretry well. 29,2010 ar the Cror: Rock in Allentown, PA. This down to it, it's all JUSt hoary shaking music. Arular. Most students on this campus only be- tour mey're bringing wim them JUSt Kait (www. Not booty shaking like, up in the dub grinding came aware of M.I.A. when she released the ou! them OUt, and Ashlyne Huff (www. music, but dancing in your room when no one now annoyingly ubiquitous "Paper Planes , H 3. This mird band is one of my favorites and is watching boory shaking. The duo hooked in 2007.· Well, Diplo produced that too. The you only have to go as far¥ the Puh to sec them. 6. This last show is with pretty well knowac[S up with Malawian crooner Esau Mwamwawa guy is a production beast. Besides, his produc- The Ian Walsh band, consisting of Ian Wilih and such as Good Charlotte, All Time Low, Hanson, in 2007 and independently PUt om a mixtape tion skills, he's also probably {he best party DJ Jesse Devine, will be performing an acoustic set on Boys Like Girls, and Forever the Sickest Kids just called ~Esau Mwawawaand RadioclitareTHE doing it right now. When it comes to rocking Thur. Mar. 11,2010 at 9 p.m. And if you reallylike to name a few, but me reason you should gOis this VERY BEST~. The tape features incredibly a party, no one does it bener in so many differ- them you can road trip to check them alit again on little band ftOm Virginia called The Dowmown nove! and energetic remixes of obscure pop, ent ways. His ctates ate deep (translation: his the ~Bring Me Home Tour" April 12, 2010 at the Fiction (www.myspace.comlthedowntownfiction indie rock., afro-pop, and dance tunes with musical selection is incredibly expansive), his . :1M For n>oremus'c n..-.. .....d ........f!=,.,: Croc Rock in Allentown, PA. There they waS'"':-:)':,Th:'Y~"~'"'~P'~'Y~ing~'~"~h'~M~,~rri~W~~'§h'f':'P~O~"~P'r-i~&~,"~,~,"g~i"~g~i"~E~"gl~i'~h.;po~n~ug~u,~~~.C~h~"~h,~w'~m~i~'i~"g~i'~'h~O~ugh~,~ru~'.;,"~d~hi~'~Ski~'h~,~"~m~'"~y.j"._ ... _ as Uiplo's Britishdop- You can thinkofSwltch ~n~~~=~e~. 've an li3 e, and Swahili. If ou ever 4. It seems as ir every lime The Summer St( blog. 'Time in.o L: at l"'p:/lmcdanidfr<:cp<=< 50m" AfriClln du-g1ng_, •. (wwW.myspace.comlrhesumnm.ct ) is in toWn I comJlaurenJ . ;l~:;')~!~h:;'~~~~~~ditd~~;:i~~m~ul;n;h~;; :~~~~ ::;:~ll"~$~e.D.:h~; ;'=~I;v~;~~~~;f.~;;; somewhere on th<:world wide inrerrubes. but ri)(lts rCgg"Iesryles. to d:lncch:lll. jump up. thow art works. They are ouslyas Udesert rock" and "stoner.rock~ (go fig- plucking to make sounds Thaisomehow evoke playing the music they love to play. ure, or go to Wikipedia for more tnformatio(\). The Desert Sessions, of which (here have The fourth song on the album, "111ere's been 10 so-far, are a collaborative effort. They Never Been a Betler Time,~ has the most tal- afe organized by Josh Homme, of Queens of ent-ladenand firringvocalperformancerhisside the Stone Age f:lme. Basica!lyheinvites.sele~ted of ~Grea\ Gig in the Skl (Pink Floyd, Dark Side of the Moon, oddly enough that's also track musicians to come out to a ranch house in rh~ desert and write and record music on the spot four). This is probably the most impressive and (and occasionally on peyote). II's a pretty cool mood-setting song on Ihe CD. Track eight, ~In My Head ... OrSome\hing,~ idea, and ;1 yields powerful results. Th~ CD in question contains volumes 9 and is one of the more energetic songs, and has a 10 of the sessions. My friend Tyler and 1 hap- more radio-friendly feel. In facr, it was record- pened upon it in a Record Jnd Tape Traders, ed on a later Queens of {he Stone Age album. It provides a slight break from the eerie fed of where it had been pbced on the wrong shelf. I asked him to describe it for thisardc1e, and his the rCStof the CD without breaking the des- en motif. This is likely to be rhe favorit~ song response was simply, ~Eerie.~ Nex.t ! as.ked him . of someone who doesn't indUlge in this genre what he would say about The SessIons If he had co tell everyone about it. He said, "It will rake tOOoften. But that's JUStrwo songs Oll! offOUfteen, all you to another place. A cre~p~ place. It bring~ a of which are, frankly, awesome. I got rhis CD whole new emotion to mustC. for $I5. You probably can. too. And YOllshould. That's a good description, but words JUSt can't do jusrice to this CD. It'sone ofrhose al- YOllrhest bllt will be to look it up on the internet. hums where you like every song. Every time you The other eight sessions arc equally worthwhile, but are also much rarernnd more expensive. If listen ro it you regret that yo.udon't have{lme you're desperate, you can jusr search for "Deserl;. to hear it all. The Desert Sesstons have some of Sessions" on YouTube. Fair warning: you might the most brilliant vocals I've ever heard,comple- develop an ohsession with thi~ CD, or this kind mented by technically and artistically gifted gui. of music, Of the desert. 1t'1lbe worth it. tarisls, bassists, drummers, and more.
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