Page 78 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 78
GC?MMENTARY Winter car ~are tips that' can save you money Q=,~,re'"'i"",m$SSS winter. n.. problem: When an engine isn't given time to MAIRE HUNTER acertaintempera[Ure.lfmeoildropsbelowthat gas stations, and grocery stores. Ir can be used 1.... 115: SloffReporter temperature, flow will be compromised and can year-round but is especially important in (he Enginetemperarure. oper- up, oil doesn't It'se:uyroignoreYOUfcarwhenir'sburieduncier s warm temperature.Tn have a chance weather, to reach the oil is anng rhe cold a few feer of snow, but there arc a few easy ways thicker which impedes flow, which causes friction 10 prepare your car for rhe cold and avoid expen- and slowly wears down your engine. sive repairs. n..fbc laue'''': Make sure your car has oil mat is the recommend- Tirepressure,tread,anddryrot. - - luu.#l: ed. weighr (check your manual] and make sure it is The problem: Tires need to have [be right Wearherslripping, che rubber around your doors stable ro at least 32 degrees F, if ncrlower amount of air in them at all times for optimal ... Rx: Car engines are designed to run at a certain and windows mar prevents water from getting in, performance and gas mileage. Tires, like weather temperature, and warming a car up is as simple as cracking. SS stripping,needroberreatedperiociicaliysincethe letting it run (in Parkorneutral) until your tempera- n.. probt.m: When the weather stripping rubber will starr ro dry ror(develop tiny cracks) ture gauge shows normal. Sorne seals slighrlyexpand cracks, it allows water (0 seep in when it rains. As over time from the expansion and contraction at full temperature and running them below thai rhe rernperature drops and rhe warcr freezes, your lasue #3: due ro changing temperatures. Dry roc decreases stressesrnemunnece."arily.lfyoudon'thavenme doors can freeze shut. (This is especially gross and rracrion, especially on wee roads, and weakens me or ability to warm up, make sure you drive gently. sss on rainy days and from condensanon forming inside SSSS equally annoying_ in [he summer: water + warm :r~~~~~~~~~:~·intOyourgas rank and rubber which makes it susceptible ro blow OUIS. Avoid flooring it! » rnidew.) fuel lines in a number of ways, including refueling ss thewnkduringtemperaturechanges.Warerandgas but ifirgersin_YOllrfud lines, it and can range will inch) per square suggested PSI (pounds in any car damage 111. Ax: Weather stripping should be [reared with normally freeze me separate, block fuel flow. While this will not The fix: Keeping your tires at the lower end of the way, it will major prevem avinylprorector,JikeArmor-aJl,toprcvenrcrack- yourcarfromslartinguntilittbws. give you a lirrle berrer traction. Apply a vinyl pro- s n.. fix.: Dry gas is a mixture of methanol and tread by putting a penny head, in your think tread. If the tread $ under $10 ing.Yourlockscanalsofreeze,bursprayingalitde rector, like you used on your weatherstripping, ro WD-40inrhekeys]orwilJprevcnrir. preventdryroI.Usethe"pennytest"IOcheckyour Cost of repoirs.or prevention: tires new to Lincoln's is not up about which with $$$ under $50 IHUe #2: other and additives keep them from bond freezing water (pure mole- before the next snow. s $$ under $20 cules etha- Oil weight. nol freezes at -175 degrees F). "Heer" is a pop- $$$$ > $50 The probl .... : Some oils are only good down {O ular brand and is available at must parts stores, My Bucket List Bllrkt List,» starring Morgan Freeman andJack Nicholson and flu telroisum show "7h~ Burird Lift", Evnyone has a vagra idea of what they ioant ta do bdiJu they die. Impiud by fhi: movie,. "'The thrirown studmts in Li.Ja Bm/in's ENIIOI Bucku List. -nil flM Pru P1= what you wol/Id classcrMfd like to do bifou you kick the b,uket. Eml1.ila list mui your photo to:forpms@mcdn.nieledll I. bike through most of the countries around the world. Especially JA~AN;!! 1. Skydive 2. master 5 different kinds of language to an extent that no one recogm:t.e r m 2 Live in ano"he.r c()unu·y alien 3. Climb a mountain 3. be invited to give a speech ar any ivy league and laugh at [he audience 4. Make an invention 4. love passionately and romantically, at least once in lifI.' 5 .. create something with value, that did not exist in this world before. It can be a 5, Adopt a dog book, album, music, painting, design ... anything! Anything that would mark my ASHLEY MEISTER worth. YICHONG II Travel the world t. Skydive Write a book 2, Live in Paris, France for at least a year Go see all the Broadway shows 3. Sing and play guitar in from of an audience of 100+ people Shop with no limits 4. Write a best-selling novel Shop for someone else with no limits 5. Write/direct a short film RYANPOWElt ANGELA BALDWIN
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