Page 74 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 74
. DEAF SAVVY Deaf people can legally drive [ust like you MARISSA GRAFF in a productive manner? Vsually people honk when they are upset, imagine. JUSt as a Hearing person may look away from the road [0 SloffReporler in which case the Deaf driver doesn't need to be able to hear it in see the person speaking, so would a Deaf person momentarily look order to bean effective driver. away to see rhe person signing. Many drivers use only one hand On another note, Deaf drivers do not have the distraction of 00 rhe ste~ring wheel at any given rime. For Deaf drivers the non- I rhcught I would rhrowoutan interesting face abeur Deafculwre music or all rhe sirens that Hearing people have rc listen to. Music driving hand is just being used [0 communicate. or ASL: Deafpeoplecandrivejustlikeanyoneelse. is a great disrracrer to hearing people. They get involved in the Remember to email me any questions or comments and Iwill Believe it or nor, b<:-ing able to hear is not a requirement to rnusicvmaybe srarr dancingir, the driver's searvand the next thing respond to them in this article. This is a non-judgmental and edu- drive. If you really rhink about lt, why would a person need to hear you know an accident has happened. cational environment, so ask away! I look forward to reading your in order to be a good driver? Some answers may be to hear an am- Additionally, deaf drivers are able to sign and drive at the same questions! bulance, a cop siren, another car honking at you or someone else, time, just like Hearing people are able to talk and drive ar rhe etc. Actually, ambulances and police cars have lights that will alert same time. Deaf drivers are used to signing while driving. The signs any drivers. A Deaf driver would probably not be able to hear a car change from being two-handed to one, handed and that way one Editor's Note: Marina honking at them; however, when do people actually use their horns hand can remain on the steering wheel. Th~s is safer rhan you might daniei.edll GraffmaJ be reached at mag008@mc- Deaf Awareness quick lesson in sign language Upcoming Deaf Month approaches Awareness Month American Sign Language and Dcaf Srudles stu- events dcnlSand professors have begun preparations for is for rhe Mc- f-?A ~IB Fbflo~ ~F American DeefCulrure end Heritage Awareness Month. Due to Spring Break, McDaniel Col- (Mcsr have vctce tnrerprerers) lege will celebrate from Mar. 22 co April 16. The purpose of the month March 23: McDaniel College .....ill Daniel community to understand the tmpor- show a movie about Autism, discussion ranee of the history, shared experiences, and oppression Faced by the Deaf community. :;~~~~~g~!~~niel College will hosr a American Deaf Culture and Heritage Aware- Th~H ~ ~~ paneldiscussiononcochlC:lri~plant5. ness Month celebrates imporranr Deafleaders, April 15 -18: Gallaudet Univermy The- special concthudom by Deaf people, and Deaf arre presenrsCharlorte's Web. sport.s heroes. ducnon will integrate ASL and VOice. Forcenturicsin the United Stares. Ameri- can Sign Language (ASLj was not recognized as a language or allowed to be utilized by Deaf children in a classroom. Today, ASL is reeog- nized as a formal language with synrax and grammatical rules. ASL is an essential link for holding togcmer me Deaf community. The Deaf communities have a great deal of pride in their language, customs, oegaruzattons, and diversegmups. After a fun fined Spring Break. join the ASL and Detr students and plofC$SOtS on the ~~:': ~~~:: func.ic:.n Sign um_ WS5nFsAND OlHEIl RESOURCES ASL Connections of Maryland FACEBOOK Group "Per Hearing People Only" -Rachel's Law: Student advocates for better Closed Captioning Deaf sports MONICA HORNER SloffReporter quire movie rheaters, sradlums, and orhervenues to pro~ide appropria.e dosed captioning accom- hero highlight modauons for patrons who are Deaf and hard of hearlng.Closedcaprioningtechnologyformovie This semester, the American Deaf Culture class was asl;igncd a Communiry Service uaming theaters is verydi~crent thansubtitks. The cap- Project, and sophomore Rachel Hansel! saw an tloning system displays reversed caption, on a MONICA HORNER oppon:unity to make a diff~rence in the.lives of light-emitting diode (LED) {ext display, which Staff Reporler the Deafand hard of hearing in Maryland. Closc
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