Page 77 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 77
---.~ ,.: ....:.... This semester, Dr. Kathy Mongan held a snow poetry contest for her dass. The two winners and the runner up are published below. The winners eqch Lost keeps. viewers will receive a $20 gift cord to the bookstore. hooked for last season The Shades of It Sno-ku in 4 Hai-Parts DEVON MCANDREW ~questionsareansweredon the Island it by Emily Frazier by Pat Johnson Stoff Reporter- doesn't help when we have so rnauy ocher qucs- tions about the events that lake place during the R:t.shsideways. Omens. Man falls on his face, Walking through rhe foresc ar nigbtiS:!. more fu questions are answered about the sur- The first, a sprinkllng dangerous task rhts season in LOST Like moot vivcrs cf Higlu Oceanic 815 and their past, we adana:, slight magic vicwed the ice shirruncrs on his boots LOST mn£, I watch [he new episode every "lues- see these "flash sideways" which are their lil't'S through steamed windows and then day at 9:00 p.m. on ABC. BUI wnrchiag the epl- as if their Right had landed and their lives never walked with rum fills his stomach rode is nor really enough when they are chasing touched the island. Their lives the passengers of cobbled lanes, rwinkle Iighrs unknown objects-all across the island; I'm bound flightOceanic815stiliintermingle.WcseeClaire your eyes-c- Lurching and rolling, to miss a connection between one of [he charac- and Kate's lives connect in rhe raxiand in rhc hos- {ers.·That is rhe reason for the repeat episode ar pitalwben Aaron is born. 8:00p.m. right bcfore rhc new episode. It reviews The fuct that each character ls sull connect- Didn't see the seeond time heavy flakes blur spinning head; bur weight, promise of consequences last week's episode before the new episode and ingwith other characters after the plane has safe- deadlysraleair even rhe sky falls. includes commentary bar at the bottom of {he Iy landed in America creates more questions. It airports, 32 hours wait screen with tcxtellplaininghowsome parrs rcfer doestdlushowtheirlivesaredifferemwlthout to past episodes as they appear. They help connect rhe Island. But, are rheir lives better back on the "turn around~ On repeat- Laughter and g:I5ping parIS from older episodes rhac might have been Island? offmnraintoaimostblack missed or for the new vkwers who find rhem- !u the season comes [0 a close wim only 10 drifts on cJogged cirystreets chase the smell of fresh liquor selveslose episodeslefr unril rhc Z hour grand finale, hope- gnlffitieclsouls, tanli,hedlif€----=:' A lcrge especr of rhc show, drawing in 12 mil- fully more questions will be answered and fewer om of frozen mouths. lion viewers each week, is [he quesuons we seem questions asked Now days of white, blocked windows ~ toalwaysnavea(theend of each episode. Slowly, One thirlg is for sure, Lost will be remem- scarves srrerched on heaters Stand men, lOstumble this last season is answering questions about the bered as the show that kept their viewers com- black smoke monster and who Jacob really is. pletely!ostunfilrheveryend. laughter on muted unplowed streets stairways back up snow-weary yet, the stifling rwitch somewhere to warm dens of sin. behind my eyes ail reads gone.whhe-stlver abyss Immobility. ~~Il~·~"""""""". THE FASTEST ARTICLE YOU'LL EVER READ. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON THE POSSIBILITY OF ANOTHER SNOW STORM? "I would be pretty upsel because we would be stuck in the do.rms even longer."' Itstarrsofflight.andde.l.n JORDAN HADLEY, freshman Shaken like a snowglobe "I would love itl I love sledding and going crazyl~ The New Orleans Saints are gctting off CHELSEA WATKINS, sophomore While we're getting froz.c:n in We're waging wan on liquor srcres MGrounds did a terrific job last time and they will be out We're marching in like Sherman, trying to decimate t~eir Southern Comfort there again, breaking bach to ke.p the sludenh safe. A big congrotulotions to grounds!" There ate icicle spikes when the boredom srrikes NATHAN GERLACH, on-call mechanic The w~ns are dosing in on anyone without a uumaun "Awelomel I love 5nowll'lI be out there running in my pajomas." And the Hurries, they are record setting ECHO BEIN, sophomore We're sliding on the sidewalks and they're calling for more on Wedno:day It doesn't feci that great when you don't know the date "Very ongryl 1m supposed to go home and the snow would com- plicate my pions. I'm sick of 5nowll want springl" But it's the third night in a row you've thrown up in [he snow or rhe sink - COLIN DONNelLY, freshman
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