Page 79 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 79
"If you liked it, then you should have put a ring on it." NAOMI RAPHAEL Last week the Women's The Women's Issues group campaign," Yarrington explained "She told me Stoff Reporter Issues Group hosted a table SEX received condoms through about National Condom Week and asked me if that disrribured candy, con- Planned Parenthood, an orga- I wanted a box of 1,000 condoms. It's hard to 50 far in my writing for doms, single-serving packets nization fhac generally holds turn rhar down." rhis column, I've rouched of lube, dental dams, and fe- negative connotadons for col- So when ir comes down to it, somewhere, on many sexual issues. male condoms for national ON,.HE lege students. Parenthood is someone is trying [Q give away free condoms, However, safe sex is not condom week. generally thought TO be the waitingtobetakenadvanrageof. sornechlng that's come "Our main goa! was to worst possible outcome of sex, Keep an eye our for more Women's Issues up. This ls an issue that I prornore safe sex awareness so Planned Parl:'nthooo seems such as the rescheduled Vagina think is extfcmdy impor- on the McDaniel Campus," to be a place to avoid. How- Group events, Monologues on April 2, 3, and 8. tant and obviously rele- says junior Bryan Yarrington, ever, this is far from what [he vant ro anyone who is sexually active presidenc ofW.I.G., ~ha>:ing organization docs. Planned More information about Planned Parent- On campus, there are few ways to get free sex isOK.justbesafe.~ Parenthood recognizes the hood, contraception, and much more can be condoms. You have to go to the health center, Students seemed to re- choice that people have when found at and awkwardly take a handful of condoms From spond extrernely wcll-no one ir ccrnes to sex, and chey re- that Halloween bowl, and with {hat method you seemed to be embarrassed speer everyone's right to priva- have to go back often. You can also do some- abour coming up to the table cy. Spreadingideas of safe sex Editor's Non: 7his caiumn, writun hy Naomi thing similar at counseling services. Addlrion- [Qtakesome,ondomsandatootsieroll. on college campuses is one of their many out- Raphael if dedicaud to exploring some oftht tahoo' ally, you could go off campus to various family ~We gOt rid of 1,000 condoms in a week." reach programs topics ahollt gender and JC:!t:un!iry.T" COmilr! her. planning or women's clinics and get some there, said Yarringron, "but we also found that people "They got back TO me immediately after I regarding Sex on Ih( Hill, email freeprm@mcdnn- but there's got ro be an easier way. were raking informarional packers as well." called and expressed interest in doing a safe sex Blood Wedding a bewitchingly performed dark drama marriage; and many people can relate rc Leonardo's (Chris CoMo Molloy) confiicr- ed feeltngs of love and passion. Fewpcoplecan escape feeling remain- Walkingomo me srrange and unsettling ingacrors and ecrresses' dark acceptance set of Blood Wedding seemed to be The of the spilt blood on a would-be beauri- proverbialhorsd'~vrebeforethemain fulday. co[l{se,thedramaricmeatricalemree. Thc characrcr of dearh, a Man (Bran- Blood Wedding is a great play of dra- don Senter) and the Girls (Shelley Hicr- maticevemsinruralSpainwr!nenbythc srctter, Britt Burr, Ann Hebert, and Spanish dramatist, Federico Lorca. The YiChon( Angel" Li) who depicted the: p1aytakesplaceduringausuaJ!yjoyfuloc- moon PUt on a wonderful symbolic scene easton, a wedding; a bloodbath ensues over with the woodcutrer Boys (Mike McNulty, passed grudges, passion, and love. Ryan Powell). The scenes symbolizes not The audience sits around the perlme- only death, (death of the end of human rer ef rhe main stage and the actors 10 per- life), but also rhe end of relationships. form on a defined stage in the middle of What is left! An endless, meaningless life. the audience. This set-up offers audiences Shout outs to Karie Cooper and M~- a good view ofcharaclers! faccs at all times git Powell for their beautifully tragic fore- -noonehaslot miss the . shadowing lullaby, Julia Williams and Si- _-D.....d'IGrad.u...--u... u>....:h. of w:>.rn"h when n~"". and rhe &.o.aurl- fully pb)',;d love scene in (h~ for"'" bc- rween Miss. Colleen A/(ord and Mr. Chris MoUoy. DirecTor Ron MilJ~r said in his notcs CHIEF . PHOTOGRAPHERS Sam Segal ART DIRECTOR Evan Ticknor Ashleigh Smith STAFF LAYOUT STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS HannaSorker,JuliGuiffre. Omar Browo, Colin Miller. COpy EDITOR EDITORS-IN-CHIEF WEB MANAGERS Angela Baldwin Kate Delenick Roxanne Fleischer Monday - Saturday Juli Guiffre Kalelynn McGinley COpy DESK 10:00am - 6:00pm Hanna8arker, Megan Pilar, NEWS EDITORS BLOG EClITOR EmmoBorbalQ Roxanne Fleischer Nathan Wuertenberg Megan Robinson AD MANAGER STAFF REPORTERS Jessica Largent FEATURES EDITOR PhoebeBafu,HannoBorker, Kim Williams EI.anor Bi,sel1, Molth""" aodnor, sh WEB AD MANAGER i,:'p~;!>'~~:~~:=;~:,im: , Aaron Leibensfeld COMMENTARY ~:~::;;::~,~~~~!~~~iCk AD REPS ~~~~~ Wuertenberg ~:~;;, ~:~~~;~~7!!::'a J.nnaGron9"r .. w. adaman~y practice Ire.dam of .pe.d.. Fa, Q"1
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