Page 75 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
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BMore Proud leadership Summit builds community amongst lGBTQIA students HANNA BARKER Staff Reporter On Feb, 20, hundreds of students from colleges across the Baltimore rnerro area participated in the first an- nual BMore proud LGBTQIA Leadership Summit, located at Towson Universiry. The theme of [his year's summit was community, and rhe energy generated by so many people with common goals was contagious aspardcipamswereabJccoconnec{,learn,nc[Work, and share their experiences. "When you're in a room with avera hundred pooplewho think like you, en any issue, it'sincred- ibly inspiring," said junior Laura Manos-Hey, The event Featured keynote speakers, breakout sessions, food sponsored byChipode, and anorgani- zarional fair. Sample breakout session topics includ- ed "Transcending Gender," "Ins of Coming Our," ~Racism in (he Gay Community," and "Afrer (he L Word: Lesbian and Bisexual Women on Television." Members of McDaniel's gay-srraight alliance, Allies, hosted sessions about LGBT dating and support for maighrallies. "It was intimidating to lead a discussion in front of more people than I see weekly at Allies meetings," said sophomore Masha Makhlyagina. "I was thankful that rwo of my friends led the discussion with me. We discussed how dating as a person who is LGST is dif- ferenrthanaheteroscxualdaringexperien'c~cause it forces the dating individuals ro face challenges like tokenism and harassment. It was difficult to hear some of the harsher experiences the breakout session attendees had in their personal lives. However, over- all, it was an empowering experience and I feci [hat those who went learned more about different per- specrlves on rhelssues." The event culminated in a drag show compe- tition, featuting professional drag queens and stu- dents from Towson University and Johns Hopkins University. "Ir was important to attend with my fellow Al- lies mem?ers in,order to continue b_uildinga sense of partof
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