Page 72 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
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SGA produces leadership seminars on CD-ROM ANDREW VELNOSKEY ship program on the srudenr intraner. Thee, and succession planning & transition. Based on offer this leadership program to the entire cam- Stoff Reporter they will be asked ro complete a survey regarding these two areas ofidemificarion, the SGA recorn- pus community. Last year, he said, the SGA at- rheir group and their position in Ir. From there, rnends vanous seminars, tended a leadership conference off-campus, but rhe leaders will be Categorized into one of rhree In the final section of the survey, the SGA The Student Government Association has intro- levels. breaksdownitsrecommendationsevenmore,rec_ couldonlytakefollrpeople,andthecostwal quire high. duced a new leadership program available to all Level 1 is for "new members of the campus ommcnding specific seminars for such groups as carnpus organizarions.Trls rargered at leaders of community takingon a leadership role or actively fairh-based organizations, arhleticgroups, honor Through the new program, everyone on cam- all campus groups, everything from frarerniries/ eagaging in an organization." Level 2 is designed societies, and so forth. pus has the abiliry to participate and the seminars sororities to honor societies to clubs. for "experienced membersofan organization that Once group members have completed this can be shown to entire groups of people, all while The program uulizes a series of seminars by a holdsacurremleadcrshiproleandwouldJikero survey, they may choose which seminars they never having ro leave campus or pay a dime.The professional leadership development speaker. The expand on their abilitics.~ Level 3 is for ksenior think will be most helpful. Groups may check our seminars cover a tremendous range of material seminars arc available on CD-ROM through the members of an organiz3tion concerned wirh suc- up to two seminars at once, due 48 hours after and can offersomethingtoalmosrcveryorgani- SGA. cession planning and transirioning of the organi- check-out from the Office of Student Affairs. zarion on c.1mpus, Here are the dries of just a few Bur rhe prograrn does not just place a bunch zation moving forward," said SGA President, se- Since the seminars are on CD-ROM and seminars: "Better Meetings through Parliamen- of discs in fronr of srudenr leaders and leave them ntcr Bcn Ccwman. not DVD, they canner be shown on a tradi- rary Procedure," "Developing Sc Srrengchcning to learn on their own. The SGA has meticulous- After this, parricipanrs will Identify areas in tional DVD player. However, Decker Auditori- an Unstoppable Team," and "Energizing Mem- 'lyca{egorizcdth~semlnarsanddevcJopedguide_ which rhey feel their group needs improvement um, as well as several other rooms in Hill Hall bership: Creating Active Members." lines to help leaders determine whar seminars are These areas are: community, team cohesion, SCt- :;~i~~~vcr Library are equipped to sh~w the No rnarrer whar your organization does, rhe besr for rhemselvea and their organizations. ringrhegroupsrandard,goais&strarcgicplan_ SGA'sseminarscanheipstrengrhenyourorgani- Inreresred leaders can explore the leader- ning, resolving confllce & consensus building, Cowman said he was pleased to be able rc zation. So check them out! Greek community raises money for St. Jude's Hospital. MEGAN ROBINSON paid a dollar to be driven to class, a grab bag tree "The prizes were awesome," said sophomore Mat- News Editor around Christmas, and a cow drop where Stu- thew Dyer, who attended last year. dents ber cn a square where they rhoughr rhc cow The event is free to those who participated would defecate. in the krterwriting campaign in the fall.and five McDaniel's Inter Greek Council supports St. The club also has two large events every year. dollars to those who didn't. Additionally, students Jude's Children's Hospital through fundraising In rhcfaJl, theclubhadalerrerwritingcampaign who choose [0 attend only rhe clubroom at mid- effomeachycar.Atthccnd ofrhis monrh the at which all Greek organizations and other StU- nighr oaly need ro pay a dollar admission. IGC will wmp up their yearlong fundraising ef- dents wrote 35 letters per person asking friends However its nor (00 late tc parriciparein the foers wnh a finalebJowoutopen to allsrudenrs. and farnliy to donate to Sr.jude's. letter wtiting campaign, said Roberson. Those St.]ude'sChiJdren'sHospiraJ rrenrs manyill The amount raised through thcJcnerwriting who desire to join the efi:on and gain free en- ciJildrcnwithoLltregardrotheirlinancialsituation. campaign and rhe smaller efrom throughout the trance to the finale cvenr can visit Erica Emrnler Last ycar the IGC decided to bt;gin fundraising year will be revealed at the linaleevenl called "Up in theColJege Activiries office and ask for 35 en- efforts to benelir this charituble organizadon. All Night" on March 26 from 6 p.m. r03 a.m. 111<' velopc.'iand Ieners for rhecampaign. The rundraising eff"omare organized thtough event lasrs into the early hours of the morning The Up Till Dawn Club also has eVl:ms to signify the sleepless nights familieshavespcnr a separate club called the Up Till Dawn Club. Co- with their sick children, said Roberson throughout the year to raise awareness of the execurive direcrors senior Katie Rcynoldsanrl se- Despi1Cit's sad significance, rhe event will be cause. There's an entire awarcncss week in rhe fall niorTIffRobersonheadtheclub,which is made anything but depressing. The fun nighris to cele- during which rhey give our information on che of mostly Greek Studenl~ but is open to all who cause.ltsotherawarenessevenrsincllldcasmores wish lOjoin theefron.said Roberson, brate the amount mised throughout the year. L1St night in Ensor lounge, and ahotdog eaTingcon- st.Jude Cbi1dr~ns year the c!ub raiseclover$34,OOO,and this year is test held in the ~fall. The d",b hasa\rcady had several small <:vents they arc hoping to raiseevell ffiorc. lhcevcnt will The club meets Tucsdays at 8 o'clock in the ~~;~.~\~':'~,,~~:r~~rg~~f'::~~l~~\:~:"t::'u~~~:~ h~"",, infhrablcs, eaffies, live music, food Leidy room. For morc information. COIlGlC! ,he Research HOSPItal and. at mhlnight, i< will open up il1'O a clubroom. dub a, ffic.danidutd@gm.,l.eom ** College Activities Programming Board Comer March Events * Because poverty Wed., March 10 7:30pm _ J1pm Ensor LOlmge ass . rares in McDowell !'1 ageNigh[ for mid-terms with a 10 mmure mass g. . a e You can get rake a break from smdying County, WV exceed a chair, foor or neck massage. Tea will be available for you while you walL 3:f41. many high school gjrls in the 1h,u., March. J 1 9pm Pub/Terrace Room county cannot afford Musician: Ian Walsh prom dresses. Th!s Delaware nadve is poised to make his make his mark as the new singer/Song- wnter on the block. Walsh's so~gs are rimmed with fist pumping choruses. There Your gently used ~:~':~;~u~h~~bg~;~:~:l~l~et~~~~f a perfect album: lyrics, music and emotion. fOl'1naldresses
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