Page 68 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 68
Cutting high school track is cutting much more AMBER SLATER his indoor track experience . Steff Reporter "Track has shaped me in many ways, and ir jusr can'r be cur from dlebudget; it'sjust not fair," he comments. High school indoor track and field provides Forest Fleischer, who also competed in constant opportunity. Those who hope to indoor [Tack at Winters Mill.lechoes Ways' bridge their spring and winter sports can in- [hought, about track's role in friendships' crease speed and endurance. Those who wish "You nor only gain the discipline of run- [0 gain friendships can build relationships ningandwotkingouteveryday, bur you also with students in all grades and social groups. gain some of the closest frtends you will ever Tho~ who have never ran a mile can lace up have." their running shoes withour rhe fear of being Fleischer cannot currently race due to cur from the ream. injury. Despite all these benefits, the weak econ- "I get really upset seeing my teammates amy has sparked the Carroll County Board of running when I cannot," she says. "I canner Education to consider currtng indoor track, imagine if rhe sporr were not offered at all." which will essentially deny high school Stu- KadeGriffin, wh~ ran all four of her high dents the positive experience of the span. school years at Liberty, explains, "Iflr hadn't Cutting track at the high school level will been for that first year I ran indoor track, I .probably CUI down on the number of Stu- might have never found that passion for the dents who continue to compete 'at rhe eolle- sport." glare level. McDaniel Freshman James Ways, Griffin continued to run after high school for example, was a seasoned athlete when he and is currently com~ting in her fourth and began running at Winters Mill. Ways broke finai season ofindoorat McDaniel. Because of multiple county, conference, regional and indoor rrack, Griffin ufound a sporr [she] could state records in his high school running career participate in for life." Final decisions on the and held the rules of Carroll County Times Carroll Coumy budget will nOt be made until Male Athlete of the Year in 2008 and WIT May, but current and previous indoor track Arhlerc of the Year in 2009. arhleres will not easily let go of the sport that fd •.nl<>"pa.....''''( F.~~;~~,,~:J'!;!~::d;;~~~~n~"""- Seyond COUnt, me reoognirion. Ways McDaniel sports move practices, games indoors Physical Plant focuses on clearing snow from stadium. NICK BRUNNER nor see a McDaniel arhlere working hard to prepare Co Sports Editor for the season. The teams know {hat whiJe the .snow is ket
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