Page 67 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 67
I believe • •• frimd? (Editors NOI~: Whm tbrills yOIl? What do YOII Wil/ll to sholll from fI mountain fOp or shan with fI close Bdi~vf"!Ummnrt! SmdYQllrbriif"I tojruprts!@mcdmJid.fdJI Send a photo 100. 7blJl 1Il(J/lidbt words (/Ilfi photo will be pn·lIwi.) great - {flld yOllr ! believe in every note in every rong. I bdi.,:vc in the full moon. which visits me F.lithfully. I believe in the wolf's howl 50 full oflonging. !believe that every step leeds me closer to wherever I might be going. I believe in the fully satisfying taste of a good meal. I believe in the beautiful passion behind Shakespeare's poems. I believe that black and whire phn rography shows ailrhe colors in the picture through grays. I believein thcswt'<:'tsofi:cllShionofmypillowaflerthe most exhausting day, KATIE CAULFIELD I belleve rbar iife is more fun when you aren't afraid to get dirry, [hatred and purple Sklnles taste berrer cogerher, and rhar cclors should be always bevibraot.I believe in singingarme ropof your lungs, and in thevalueof a good friend who understands you. I believe in the laugh of a child, the inconc:eivable vascness of rbc Universe, and rheGod who created it all. I believe. in the satisfaction of opening a newbo)(ofcrayons.lbelieve {hat sOmetimes it's okay [Q forget, to love unconditionally, and to jump into rhe deep end with both feet. KENDALL WONG r Ibelieve in laughing at your own jokes. Ibelieve in p~a-coats with g.oldfish linin~. I believe in daydreams rhar involve superpowers. I believe that late IlIghts should involve reveal- ingpersona! secrets, slng-a-lcogs, and junk food. ""'"'"......""'~"""' I bcli.,vc rh~r liFe would be much more eXCiting as a m",;ic~l ! believe in dancing Ijk~ a white boy. I bciicvein rhe classlness of s shirr and tie. I bdicvtin being a Momma's boy. I belkve [hat rhcrc is always an opportunity for music. I believe thar one day I will become a Power Ranger. I believe thai all people should be nble to laugh at themselves. ! believe in being indecisive, seeing rhings from adiRerelli perspective, and rhe gray area. I believe in The lovely Bones, glee, and X-Men comic books. I believe in second cha.nccs, karma, and rhe bcaury of conrradicrions. JONATHAN LIGHTNER [ believe what's essenrial is always invisible. to me eye. 1 believe ~at miracles, however small, awair ar every corner of our lives. r bd~eve in SantaCJaus.1 bdievcco!ovepasoionarelybeyondreasons,1 behevcrhar dreams do come true. [ believe to eat right, exercis.e prop~I~I:~~~I~~~riers, :~:nu~~~:.r~~:I~:v~Oe:~~~I:·i~:~~~;~:lf::I:~:~lt~li:~e the worl? isn't fair. Ibelieve in subtle happiness, ftke a walk on cold Wliller mornmg. I believe! would live a long and happy life. ' YICHONG 1I -My 2. Travel how (0 plny rhc guirnr Australia, and Ireland 1. Learn England, to Germany, all of my sisters 3. Live with restaurant grill 4. Own a bar and at rbe beach in one house or the same town 5. Buy a house Bucket AMY BARE List
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