Page 110 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 110
FREE PRESS PROFILE Mitch Alexander is go-to guy for CAO KRISTIN BEHRLE help or information. He says it's usually about room alsen between the students and the college. Senior late-night activities. Contributor availability, how to access their account. how to get Russell Morin, who .naned the Ultimate Frisbee "1 often see Mitch leaving campus well after more members active. or to set ifideas they have art Club,says thai for a very busy individual, [Alexan- norma! work hours, and back in the college activity possible 10 see up. der]secrruloalsobeexnemelyavailablelohdpmy Ever had questions about rooms for dub meetings, Sophomore Bryarmia Bongiomi, who works dub and I can only assume aJJ rhe oeher dubs on office early in the mornin~~ says Morin, "and al- fundraising,or wherc to put up posters? lf so, you in the College Acltvities Office, says that" without campus." ways participating in me events wirh a smile." have probably met Mhchell "Mitch" Alexander, the Mitch, certain aspects of campus life would be very WhO! asked what dub's events surprised him Alaander says his favorite pan of his job is "in- Director of College Activities for 21 years and [h~ unorganized," the most this year, Alexander said thaI the Up 'Til teractingwith che srederus, faculry,and st:aff.~ Iris man with all me answers. The "go-re guy" for ev- Knowing what students want helps Alexander Dawn event and the Taste of Asta dinner were very thisdcdicationtomestudentstharmakeshimsuch cry thing related ro campus activines and clubsv Al- to coordinate and fadlirate between srudents and successful and surpassed the previous years atten- a great person and so good at his job. exander is located in rbe College Activide:s Offi~ me oollege at large. He has a direct or indirect hand dance. He also liked me lnnovarive idea:; of the When Alexander is able to go home for the acrossfromGJar. in twO-lhirdsofall the events that happen in Deek- Cbeese Club's Cheese BaHand the Residential Assis- night, he goes back to his wife Mildred and twO Alecnder has a Masters in Adminiscrarion Ed- er, with "ar least three events that happen every twO tants' Mlchaeljackscn dance, both of which showed children--an 18 year-old son, Blake and a 12 year- ucation from McDaniel, along with a Bachelor's de- weeks" through Co!lege Activities or CAPBoard. an interest of students in dance-typecvcnts. olddaughler, Paige. In his free time, he enjoys trav- gr« in hlsrcry and a minor in education From Me- Some of the events he organizes are: trips to With all these activities to plan and oversee, AI- eling-his favorite family vacation ~p()[being Myr- D:mieLNotonlydoeshchaveasraffmember'sper- N~ York City, Spring Fling. CAPBoard movies, exander is a very busy man. However, he always has tie Beach. specrive of the college and its rules, but he also has guest speakers, bands in me Pub, and the Blood rime to talk to srudenrs. Bongiorni says there are H be isn't traveling, Alexander enjoys reading, the firsthand experience of a student at McDaniel. Drive. His favorite events are Spring Fling week and many srudent5 who ralk to Alexander. "He knows watching television, and, especially going to me Alexander is an "advocate for the srudenrs," says rhetrips[ON~YorkCiry.Alexanderespecially!ikes so many people, and is a1wayswilJing to help in any movies. He canr get enough of 3-D movies and saw Erica lmrnler; the Operations Supervisor for Col- New York trips because: it brings students to another way he can. ~ both "Avatar" and "Alice in Wonderland" in 3-D. lege Acrivltieswho oversees D«ker College Cc:n- town lUllofculrural enrichment. Hesays, "it's fun to Alexander can always be seen at events held by Luckily for Alexander, he can watch "Avarar" again ret and helps him plan events. AlOGlIlder I!StimalC'S Sttsrudentsinadifferentenvironment." the College Activities Office or CAPBoard, w;uaily during Spring Fling week at the drive-in movie at Ihat about half of the dubs come to ralk to him for Along with organizing events, Alexander isa li_ naying Iare inro the night so mal students can have the foothall Stadium. FREE PRESS PROFILE College Archivist dedicated to past CHRISTIE DESELIUS ond degree, O'Brien sflJdied history at UMBC and riesshefinds in the archivcs, stories of Mc- Conlribuler says she JUSt~fell into archivcs,~ becoming fascinat- Daniel alumni who went on to accomplish ed with the interesting StOrid she oould find there. extraordinarything-;-some of the first This newfound love of history ultimately led her to women doctors, influential cancer research- Four young men smlleup from3floldblack-and- McDaniel where she has worked for the past tCO ers,andeducatorswhorravcledthewor[(I. white photograph from the 1920s. Fr07.en for one years, a welcome change from her former job work- Aparr from her job, her love of read- momem in time, they sit tog<'theron a fence. beam- ing with retirement plans at T. Rowe Price. ing, and keeping in touch with her fam- Ing. all the promiscsand opportuniriesofthefururc This change fUmed out to be a good one for ily, O'Brien's thirst for knowledge keeps shining before them. McDaniel as welL Her co-worker in the library, Ac.- her busy learning watercolor, knitting. This, says dedicated College Archivist Barbara c:cssServices UbrarianJane Sharpe, says that thanks and cooking new fO<>ds from different O'Brien. is her favorite item from the Archives. Even to O'Brien
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