Page 107 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 107
Relay for Life: Walking for a cause LAUREN MILLER as a fun night is actually the culmination of a lot of work done For her personally this event is about remembering her Stoff Reporter by the Relay Committee. grandmother and high school friend who both lost their bat- "The chair/president Sta~tSorganizing the next years relay rles wirh cancer, during the summer. Once returning to school the commit- Students aren't the only ones getting in on the ace. Faculty Every year students look forward to the 24 hour period in ree meets and srarrs thinking of new ideas for the next years also participates jn (his yl.'3rlj event. "Ihls year lr was my goal spring when they have an excuse, other than studying, [0 stay Relay," said Feehan, "It takes leadership and a lot of hard work to have more faculty and staff involved with Relay. We have an Admissions team that has been the number up all night. to PUt this night together. Everyone works together to make one team, fundraising wise, and we also have a professor from "The Am~rican Cancer Society Relay for Ufl.' is a- life- this night happen!" changing event that gives everyone in communities across the Feehan has worked on the Relay Committee for three the [Exercise Science and Physical Education deparrrnenr]," globe a chance to celebrate the lives of people who have bat- years. She has been a committe" member, the luminar chair; said F~han, "1 hope we can continue TOinvolve the whole tled cancer, remember loved ones lost, and fight back against and this year she is the president of the whole event. For her campus in this amazing, life changing event." the disease. At Relay, teams of people camp out at a local high Relay is not JUStabout fundratslng. It's about remembrance. This year's Relay was held April 30th-May 1st in Bair Sta- school, park, or fairground and take rums walking or running "Relay is not only a fundraising event but a time co re- dium. Not only was there a lot of walking, but there was also around a track or path. Each ream is asked to have a represen- member," said Feehan, "Cancer never sleeps which is a reason a moon bounce, an inflarahle movie screen, various clubs per- tative on the track at all times during the event. Because can- why the Relay is a \2 hour walk. There are tons of schools that forming, games, and activities throughout the night's event. cer never sleeps, Relays are overnight events up to 24 hours in. participate in Relay. Most people have-either known someone "Relay is a great opportunity to thank, remember and fight length," according to www.rdayforlifl.'.org . . who has banled cancer or have a loved one who has to fight back to those who have battled or lost their lives to cancer. At McDaniel senior Jodi Feehan plays a large role m rhe this disease." Which, she says, makes Relay an event appeal- Relay is one night that everyone can come together to cele- production of Relay. An event chat some may take. for granted ing for most people. brate, remember and fight back," said Feehan. Rising classes participate in housing lottery Gardens.and gOt it!" Government Association and see if other Stu- students who did not pay their deposits on time, EMMA SIMON Clancy is excited about her living arrange- dents agree and would be interested in meet- don't have a roommate in mind, or who are ris- Staff Reporter ments next year in a five person Garden Apart- ing with me as a group to talk about their view ing juniors/seniors who had their hearr set on a ment, and was enthusiastic about the Housing point, possibly do some assessment of the Stu- particular location that did not work OUt." Lottery Process, noting that "It's a stressful pro- dent body, and look into making changes." One thing rhar McDaniel students can feel The month of April was vital for returning Mc- Robbins is already looking into advertising at ease about as opposed to other larger colleg- Daniel students, as [he housing lottery took cess - but it really pays ole the lottery process next year in new ways that es and universities, is that they will always have Mcljanlel's lottery process "is largely based place on several dates throughout the month. may grab students' attention more, such as Fa- some type of campus housing guaranteed. For those students who paid their hous- on seniority, which provides priority to students eebook. Robbins said that he has "already talked Although the Housing Lonery for the 20 10- ing deposits by the strict deadline of~arciJ 12, based on their anticipated date of graduation," with SGA about using their Facebeek site for 2011 year has come [0 an end, Robbins wants to the lottery process was generally a pOSItive one. said Michael Robbins, Director of Residence next year." remind students who will have to participate in Sophomore Kelly Clancy was very pleased with Life. The process for dorm room selection is "Stmple" was how Junior Jared Ginsberg nex(yearslorrerythatitMisalot llke registration the way the lottery went for her, as she got the described the lottery process. ~We JUSt picked - everyone needs to pay attention to email an- option she wanted without having to even at- slightly different from apartment selecuon, but numbers, and I ended up getting a single in a ncuncemeers about it and keep those dates and both involve seniority as well as the drawing of (end the lottery. 'a lottery number to differentiate b~rween people 4-person Garden for next year. I'm excited!" said times in mind. If someone does all that, then "I had class, so my other group members Ginsberg. they arc likely to have smooth sailing." JUSt took my 1.0. to the housing lottery. We with the same anticipated graduatIon date. To Michael Robbins, "the easiest parr is fot For more specifics about the Housing Lot- To students who argue that the process is tried for North Village, and I was a ltnle ner- the 95% of students that get what they wam in tery Process, please visit hups:f/www.mcdaniel. vous for rhe next round when we didn't get it," unfair, Robbins said, "I would encourage them the lottery. The hardest part is working with the edu/6581.htm . said Clancy, "but then we pulled a number for to come in and talk with me or go to Studem
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