Page 115 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 115
TERROR SPORTS SPOTliGHT: MEET the GREEN In 'Student-Athlete,' student comes first MARCUS DYSON sure of performing ill rbe classrocra and on the field at rimes. "There will Contributor bedays when I have two practices, Ollt in the mnrning and one in the at: ternoon. and in berweeu that I'll have twa quizzes or a prcsellt;uion. It Cln get a little rrazynr rimcs, but rhnrs when I know I have roccrne through in the dutch for my teammates, my parents, my teachers, and myst.'I(,' . He wakes up at 5:30 every morning for either a weigln-lifting Sf;S- S(O~.ora run with hi.<;football teammates. After a meal, he comes back To make things easier for himself and other colkgc athletes, Gerdes says he would like [0 see the scheduling of classes changed. Early classes ~~Sl~!:~~9~~~ :.l;~pU; to gCtan extra half hour of sleep before his would leave more time in the afiemoon and evening for things orher than sports, such es leisure rime. tai ~fter classes, he starts his homework. Next, he might have a cap- McDaniel finished with a 5-5 record this season, its 011)1;[ wins since a~:sfi:te(ing for me football team. Throw in anorh<"t,meal or [\YO arid 2006. Gerdes says a confel1':nce championship would cement a success- Daniel ~~:.orkout, and there is a typical day for BIllGerdes at Me- ful career as a defensive lineman for the Terror. He lists three things as his essentials to accomplish his goal: "commitment, hard work and per- ath ln the off-season, Ge:des, however, doesn't mind his schedule, which B .;:_ college Students mIght consider exhausting. ()riginaUy from Old severance ... both on and off me field." Junior Michael Pord, a fellow ven~~, New Jersey, Gerdes attended Colts Neck HIgh School and was defensive lineman, notes mat Gerdes' work ethic makes up for his lack m~~~v~.lVed. Not only did he play lacrosse and run t~ck, bur he com- of narural ebilitics. "He may not be me rallest or &stell defensive lineman we have, but Was also:se1f to dozens of hours ofCQmmunity service annually. He he is me hardest working. Eventually, mat dedjcanon is going to pay G rei e COmpany comm~nder of the naval ROTC pro,gram. off." It already has paid in the dsssrcom, as derncnstmred by Gerdes' Was a edes .under.;tood in high school rhar his firsr p~iorlty in school ered ca ~~IQ;. Being involved in extracurricular acdviries was consid- 3.!GPA. th~~rlvllege in his household. "My parents made it clear that being Does Gerdes rake pride ill the notion that he hasearnoo there- speer of his teammates, coaches, teachers and rriends? "Nor exactly," th~ NF~s.,rudent I can be was more important than trying to make it to says Gerdes. "I appreciate how other people vlcw my work ethic, but G says Gerdes. ir 1 get tOOcomplacenT with where I am now I will stop progressing:' His p~~des plans to graduate with a degree in business administration. Gerdes recognizes mar since high school. his mother would give him. t'.SSorofaccounting, Susan Milstein, suggests that Gerdes' hard academic goals for each marking period. If he gOt anything lower than eachersandhisclassmates. a B for two consecutive periods in me same class, he would have ro Stop c playing sports. ~~~a::t~~I-tdated activiry and mar football never seems to dlsrracr "I think ir reaUyslllckwlth me, to bc a student before: an arhlctc. It's jusrbecome a habit." JUSta.<:habitual as waking up at 5:30 every Wh~eh~ ;:Lrsmay notsee him sweat. Gerdes does feel me p~ morning. Voll~ball player involved, diligent K!:llYTOMS I. COntributor was "heartbroken,~ she explained, bur didn't let it stOp her from getting as, "triumphant and gutsy." and she feels the reason why Byron is so involved on campus. Because of her size and experience, as soon as the successful in life is because sh~ never gives u£, d,~rle;-dmg .oq.... d h~ u;.,< By«," ..... rnx plzyl"ng vol/cyb.all ,hey M""y m.:Iy .....",<1"" how Byro" ncik<» &<:1"8 i"w:Jw:d i" ", asked her to be on rhe rea.rn, which sh", acceptOO~"d was a d"":rI~d,,,~ and achieving a""d~mic; ~u= look so C"oLSy. 8ur,
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