Page 105 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 105
Campus buildings starting to mold MEGAN ROBINSON In her email she explicitly mentioned that Co-News Editor. she believed the mold to be the cause of some chronic Illnesses she had been suffering from in- cluding headaches, a common health effect of Mold on Indoor-surface areas can cause serious mold exposure. Although the student has nor health problems including throat tnfecrions, eye been diagnosed with mold allergies, an associate lrritarion, memory loss, chronic body aches, and at Hanover Express Care DOCTorsOffice said a more.Surfacemoldrharcancauserheserypesof person does not need to have mold allergies ro illnesses have been found on McDaniel's campus be medically effected by mold in rhis pasr year. However, there are some campus members Different cases of mold have been reported that have been diagnoslsed with mold allego- in various buildings. George Brenton, [he Di- ries that did come into contact wirh mold on recrorofPhysical Plant, explained rhar his office campus, professor Priscilla Ord reported rhar receives two to three mold complaints a year. He she suspected mold was growing in the staircase said that the office-tries to deal with the work below her office, on the ground level of Hill order as fast rheycan and based on rhe seveeiry Hall. Whlle Ord's health was nor affected by the ofrhecomplainL Hrenron explained that his of- ourbreakvshe expressed concern rhat if the mold fice receives over 5,500 work orders in a school were to reach her office, it might. year. Ord said she first contacted the physical One student, who wished (0 remain anony- plarn when she noted the ceiling and window mous, said he found large amounts of mold in were wet. Bobby Anderson, English Department his dorm room in ANW, along the back walls Secretary who also witnessed rhe mold outbreak, of his closet. This student said he notified Res- said that she noticed the area was hot. Anderson idence Life about the issue, and a staff mem- said that efrer the heat and dampness were prev- ber was sent to rernediare the mold [he same alentforawhile,avisiblemoJdbeganroappear. or next day. This srudenr expressed satisfaction Anderson said the mold covered parts of the wall with the speed and manner in which the mold and ceiling. was Cleared up. Ord said that although there was a long Garden Apartments appears to be another break in time between her initial complaints and building susceptible to mold. Sophomore, Shel- the visible remediation of the mold,she believed by Parenteau said there is mold growing in the the Physical Plant to be working on the prob- windowsills of her common room and rwc of lem. Indeed, Brenton confirmed rhac the Physi- the bedrooms. Shelby's housemaee, junior Mike cal Plant began working on the remediation pro- Mandel, said that he reported the mold to his cess gradually, resident assistant bUThas received no r~ponse Brenron explained that for cases of large to the issue. mold outbreaks, such as the one in Hill Hall, Brenton acknowledged the ptesence of mold outside mold remediation specialist company Mold found in the Garden! Building 1_55, apartment 201. in the Garden Apartments. He said his office is INX-Tech are used, He said rhar initially INX- unsure of me cause of the mold outbreaks so far, Tech rested the air for allergens, and determined cover the steam pipes. order to prevent it from returning. but rhar the contractor of the apartments is in- them ro be non-roxie. Brenton said that the man net in which the The Environmental Protection Agency web- vestigating the cause. Although he suspects the He then said that solving the cause of the mold is taken care of depends on the severi- site said that the proper treatment of mold does cause to be related to the recent renovations of mold outbreak, a leak in a steam pipe, was ty of the mold. He said that mold in smaller in fact vary from case [0 case, and can differ the building, the new air ccndirioning system, tricky because it broke during winter. Brenton amounts, is typically treated with a liqutd sub- based upon professional opinion. However, the and the damage to the gutters. explained that to fix the pipe the heat had to be stance of bleach and another chemical, ana then EPA website does advise against using bleach to Another srudenr living in a dHferent Garden turned off in rwo buildings, and so his office had sealed with a mold resistant paint. Although he treat mold, especially in living areas. Apartment reported mold growing on her win- to plan to fix the pipe when the least amount noted rhat an outside expert is always consulted Many campus members have strong opin- ~F!r.!.~.bftt~~!~~~~~ _O[Pd)ple would the building. Eventually on how [Q handle different mold outbreaks. ions about the mold issues on campus. Paren- _ however his office w..,.- abl., to fix the r""k in the -w .".,>... .u. ..,..001 _uld've buUf an area coordinator assuring her that the mold pipe, stopping the cause ofebe mold groWIh. djsp~~re;:.=:'::;~:1 ~~~ -:.i,,';!!' would be taken care of, it took the school over Brenton explained that INX- Tech Cut out to his offic~ rhar if the drywall is dry and has not ;!'~ldG::':idn~Pb::n~~::u;";h:~~e;;:d ~:~~ rwo months to clean up the area, Brenton ex- parts of the wall and Roar, and removed a bench been damaged the surface can be rreared, and tion. Sophomore Timmy Connors, would like plained that cases like this are oflen caused by penetrated by the mold, He said rhe wall was does nOTneed ro be removed. However, Ivelin to see the school improve ventilation in mold miscommunication between rhe Residence Life then sealed with a primer called Bulls Eye 1-2-3, Kcsradtnov, an associate at EHI Mold Remedia- prone areas, and senior Ashleigh Smith added, Office, who receives rhe complainrs, and the which is a mold resistant stain killer, and the don Incorporated. said that mold always needs ul want [the school] to take care of the building Physical Plant, who solves them. bench was replaced with a wooden box to berter to be CUt OUT of [he surface it is growing on in rhae I'm paying to live in.~ Sophomore Tim Kenny pO!eS for 0 picture with his brother Sean after McDaniel Men's Lee-esse teom beat Fronklin and Morshall 11-10. SOPHIE DIVEN
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