Page 109 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 109
Calling all volunteers McDaniel students lend a helping hand at two community non profits HEATHER GORSUCH heahhrecord unit, and pracdriooers will by Casey Davis. The website was final- SlolfReporter have their own effices.Ae rhe current 10-- ly launched in 200B and now contains cation, practitioners share a small office 500 videos covering over 200 health care that makes jtdiflicult to have one-on-one l.Qokingto boost your resume or earn in- conversations with patients. ternship credits? Volunteer at rwo local According to Black, "This will allow nonprofirs- Access Carroll or Deafmd. more private, confidential parieru conver- org! sadons; an ideal setting [0 give foth the fac' "Access Carroll is a free primary care respectful, dignified, and peaceful envl- I 'l~tyfor Carro!! County residences with renmenr to communication their very in- ,ow urcome, more spedfically those with tirnare heahhcare issues." ;:~:~a7~~~u~~I;r: ~~.e~~~~14~~~ty ~~~~nae~;;r:::~:~~~~~~~: ~~~:g~~ ACce5SCarroll plans to move into AcQJrding to me Executive Direc- ~o~ Tammy Black, Access Carroll is an be a greater need for more volunteers and ~:a~~:~den[ organization, yet is collab- donations to keep it running. Senlor Lau- of Health supP.orted by the Partnership ren Di Narale volunteers at Access Carroll Ccun Hcare.lIl Carroll County, Carroll after having learned about the opporruni- Healt~ De;:~t:~~~.d the Carroll County ty th~7~~~i:V~i;h~' even with the small thou=~rdi~g to Wack, there are 15-20 amount of work that l can do at Access Man uninsured people in the county. Carroll is one less thing that someone thto~;mt~~~~ are provided healrhrare else has to worry about; \!ltimarely it will COs fl" Jobs, btu due ro me high help more parients receive the medical can~t~ff~;~nt~~d roday's economy they care they need faster and more efficient- their pay. ave money docked out of ly," s6~N~:~:~i~~s to go into the medi- Ma~~~~ ~arroll i~ a recipient of the cal field and become a Physician Assts- sourcesCo ~~unJty Health Care Re- tanto While gaining more experience in t~e provid::~~lon. The State Commit- the medical field, she is able to contribute n!Ulrion ~Ig ts to help aid the orga- to the community in a positive way. c:Jrewe~o I~Ptovide:s U5 with high end ~This experience will provide me tients,~ sai~ Bb~er get before for our pa- with a greater depth of understanding am::~~"aver~ge of 70 new patients ~~t~::~17~i~i:~~na~y ~~~;~a~eeecr~"~:i~ ano "a"""'" April 2"'. SUite, a pharmacy~i~h:'ekc~::~ ";:P:~~:~:;,ci:"as fo:re=rtin 20<6; The College Activities Programming Board Comer The College Activities Programming Board is being restruc- tured. We are looking for chairpersons for the following subcommittees: 'AROUND TOWN' 'FilMS' * Trip(s) co the Inner Harbor in • Friday Night movies Baltimore " Cosponsored movies on c:unpus '"Trip(s) to Towson Town Mall " Spring Fling Week ~r. Robert lemieux's Health Communicadon • Trip to the National Harbor ~o:ssh:l.!;t~en on quite an unusual assign~ent • Trip(s) to me GettySburg outlets 'AFTER HOURS' and~: iJ~~~~:t~~!:~~;~:~~~~~;:e:~:: ...Trip to Carroll Arrs Center • C'Impus event>;arrer iOpm • Bowling trips • Trip to Agriculrural Center rncess of working on health campaigns for twO "Trips [0 local events " K:l.raoke IlealCarroll County organiudons. • Comedy Nights agree::e~;~c~:~nt~:r~;r~~~:' h~:~tbC~~ 'ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT' • Bands in the Pub .. Trips to theaters in and around Balti- provider for residents of Carroll County that are 'CONCERTS & SHOWS' ~I"!deror uninsured, and, a website more & Washingron H:at Provides ~ealth information to the Deaf and • Trips [0 lectures & speakers at area • Trip(s) to comedy dubs ardofHeanngpopuiation. coneg~ and universi[i~ • Trip(s) to 1st Mariner Arena r Early in the semester, Dr. Robert Wack, Di- "Trip(s) to theatres in New York City • Trips to Ram's Head, 9:30 H Ctor .of Pediatric Services at Frederick Memorial • Trips [0 dinner [heme shows • Orioles rrip{s) o OSP!tal,and Ca~ Davis, founder of DeafMd. ~'. Stopped by to speak about their respected or- 'ANNUAL EVENTS' 'MARKETING' th !Ultions and hear the innovative ideas of how • Oriencation eventS • Update me facebook page e Students could help. " Sunday night movies • Coordinate advertising on Terror~TV, le ' Because the class is only a semester long, .. Families Wet:kend eventS McDaniel Frtt Pf\'SS,WMCR, m 'eull: had to stress to (he studenu that they etc. II " January Term events • Campus advertising of the subcom~ in~d~ to focus on projccf.S that could be done tJ~~ly manner mittecs' eventS on c:unpus :~Ille.~~:ev;~'ti::rr:nS~yt~o ~:;cli~~~ :~~ o~e~~~t b~~~;~m:i;:fis:ii~: that makes every- :~~ e;:~;: h . With time ticking away the srudents focused 1NTERFSTED1 ~~l~tti::.ti~eo:r:~:~ts~~i:ol~t Pick-up an application in the College Al:::[iviriesOffice between 10:00 a.ffi.- ~;arrolJ campaign realiud chat donarions and ;::ed~"weekdays. Interviews will Ix: scheduled after the application has betn ~reatit~~ :;:ete7;~:i~~e~::;~~i~o~!~c~s~:~ r. l"ds for the health organb.ation was where they ~ t they eould most help. Those involved v:ir? ~d Wanted to revamp theircurrellt websltes
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