Page 114 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 114
A Wellness Center Tale & other stories EMMA SIMON antibiotic rhar I had never had before and a few days Stoff Reporter later, I began breaking our in hives. When [wen! hack!Ogcllhehiveslookedar,rheyroldmcrh:uthey A few health-related resourcesv., probably shouldn't have given thar medicine 10 mein Along wlrh college, there comes homework, srudy- rhe first place because Ihey had a feeling I'd have a re- and where to get a second opinion. tog, activities, dubs, and the winner: :I whole bueeh action (0 it. They gave me some Benadryl and when or sick kids in close proximity with one another! J woke up the nexr day, rhe hiVe!;were worse, my!ips WiLh everyone inevitably sharing germs, the Well- were swelling, and my threat was dosing up. Campus ness CcmCT in Smith House can be known as either safery had to rush me to Carroll COUnty Hospital and When it comes to your body, it's always nice to get a second opin- a go-re spot on campus or a notorious one, depend- from there, they gave me berrer medicine and rreared ion. Depending on your schedule, what services you need, and what ingon who is doing the talking. me for the reaction." hours work best for you, here are some affordable (and some free) The Health Center offas a variety of differ- The We!Jness Center's image has remained options in the area to mix and match: enr services to McDaniel students, rcsuJdng in e1- scarred in Kristen's eyes since her experience there rher their contentment or dismay. Upon being asked last year. Can you blame her? abour rheir experiences with the Well ness Center, Others have had pleasant experiences at the Well- students' answers Me generally diverse in reference ness Center, like Kara Owens, Sophomore. "I went The Well ness Center at McDaniel College 10 their satisfaction with their visit. in because I was sleeping for days and couldn't get When freshman Lauren Handel flrsr arrived for up. They tested me for serep and mono, and I tested What they offer: Free consultations to full-time students, minor orientation on move-in day, she had to cope with the positive for mono so they sent me home. I'd say it was medical treatments, and many other health and counseling servic- normal anxieties that new students face: Adjusring to handled efficiently." es (some are free, fees apply to others). They also offer free condoms a new environment, trying nor to pass OUtin the heat Senior Jordan Hawthorne has had to make his while lugging their lives into dormitories, meering way over to the Well ness Center quire a few times in and a variety oflnforrnarive brochures. new people, and getting used to an unfamiliar place. the past four years. "For the most part I would say Hours: Man-Fri. 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Unlike most others, Lauren also had to handle some- my visits there were good experiences," said Haw- Contact: (410) 857-2243 thing exrra: becoming excrerneiy ill and not knowing thorne. uEven though they say they no longer take where to go or what to do. walk- ins, in certain circumstances that called for it "As it turned our, the Well ness Center was ncr an I was able to get in. 'The only downside thaI Haw_ option at that point in time, so I had to call Campus thorne mentioned was that "the hours need to be ex- Carroll Health Department Safety to take me to rhe hospital." said Lauren. After tended for sure." the fact, she was pleased with how Campus Safety Junior Jason O'Neil has had generally good ex- What they offer: Various clinics (Including a Women's Health Clinic deale with the situation, but remained disappointed periences as well. "Weill like that they are cheap," and an STD Clinic along with others) by appointment at very aF- that the Well ness Center was not open during such a said O·Neil. "The charge was minimal for the sre- fordable prices or free. crucial time fer students. roids they gave me when J had poison ivy so that FREE HINJ vaccinations rhroughour March From 9-4 on Once she was f1nally in the swing of things, was good." Weekdays. Lauren started feeling under the weather again and Personally, I have had both positive and negative FREE STO resting at STD Clinic for Carroll County residents and sought after help from rhe Wellness Center. "I called experiences with the Wellness Center. I have been them and they rold me that based on my symptoms, I treated quickly and efficiently for basic illnesses such students. probably had cervical cancer." Terrifled and shocked, as colds, and 1 have also been asked the notorious Hours: Mon-Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 5 p.m. (different hours for specific she went in for an appointment to be rold something question that our female students are more-than-of- services) completely different. "When I went in they raid me ten asked upon entering the back rooms: "Arc you Conracr: (410) 857-5.000 it was just a problem with my birch control." Need- pregnanr?" (The answer was no, espedally since 1 less to say, Lauren's view of how her sijuatlons were went in for reasons that show no ccrrelarion with handled is very much below par with the exception pregnan<::y.) of Campus Safety's help. Whether your preference is going to a privare t:t.N.1 Urgent Healthcore Center Another student who fell victim to a much l(:lis doctor or to the Wellness Center, not all diagnoses What they offer: Almost all of the: benetts of a hospital with a much than d~sirable drcumstancewith the Wellness Center arc going to be <::one<::\100% of the time. The medi- is sophomore, Kristen Houpt. During her freshman cal .rnff is alway. trying to do thcir best. bUL.omc- shon:er wait lime! Insurance is accepted year, she cami: down with a bad sinus infection. times medicine can be a trial and error problem with Hours: Mon-SaL 8:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. Sun. 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. ~Iwent to the Wellnes~ Center to get <::heckedout no .rria equation to follow. When ie <::omesto your Contact: (410) 751-7480 and to hopefuHy get some medicine. r wasn't sure if health and wellbeing, remember to be inquisitive, h[(~:llwww.uniurgentcare.coml they'd be able to offer me anything since I'm allergiC Stay informed, and never be afraid (0 ask For a se<::- _oo_m_"_'_'"_d_bio_d_a_,"_"_'d_H_'_"P_'_"T_h_,y_,_,"_,_m_"_"__ ,_"d_,_p_'"_"_"_________ r---------~~====;;;;==~~;;;=================~ Sleep trouble? STUART fiSCHER scheduled 7:00am nap, alarms at the ready. Stoff Reporter The first duee days are gruding. Nor sleeping the way you want to sucks, and tempting yourself with shan n:!.ps is rorru- [['.dawn. Yousitona rock on th(.bank ous at best. Camping actually helps because ofa river, the <::001 morningchillconrrast- you're occupied all (he titne so you don't ing vagucly with the hot orange sunrise. The think too much aboU! it. misr coils and rises from lhe river. dis:l.ppe:ar- The fourth, fifth, and shah days :!.ren't ing into rhe pale sky above. You sit quietly as bad. You have that weird, dreamy feeling you you officially ring in your 24th straight hour get from sraying up tOOlong, but you don'r awake, and there is one qu~tion you h3ve to want to sleep. Tyler hyperboliu,s, "I don't fccl answer: how will you sleep IOd:l.y! tired.[fedlikelwouldbetirediflhon~tly That's what I had to ask myself when I believed 1 was awake." Proou<::rJvirydoes go dedded to take: a WCf;kand fry OUt a new up somewhat, bur you gel tired easily. Become a lJan, Vote for Your sleep pattern. I had n:ad about a particular The seventh and eighth days (which were sleep pa{[ern whi<::hsupposcdlycould make the last TWO I could do) bring on some confi- School, Store Your Stuff & Win! you more productive. dencethat this new schedule <::anactua.llybe The basi<::iclea is th3.ryou slcep for about adjusted to. though if you're notcarefu[you half an hour every rhree hours, and in about <::ouldeasUysJip back intoa normal pattern. Sweepstakesprizesinclude an Apple iPad, HD Aip 10 days your body will adjust so thai vir- Unfortunately we had to <::Utit short tually all 30 minutes arc sp.!nt in R.E.M. there. I was never fully adjusted. but I think Video Cameras & USB Rash Drives. EVERYONE slCf;p,where your brain gets most of its rest, I would have gomn there with a little more who stores their stuff WINS-! (hereby allowing you to sleep only half the time. It's rather difficult to kt-ep yourself amount of a normal ~rson. going at first, but once you get some mo- It's easier to get into a new patrern if you mentum you roll. If you <::anpull it off, con- Visit ~~g§. to reserve your storage unit and for details ger out of the on~you'r~ in first, so my friend gratulations. you've achieved maximum ef- on how you can win! . Tyler LangWale, 20, and I took some temS fidtncy. And a really inconvenient sleep and supplies our to the woods on a sunny schedule. April Sunday and stayed upaU night. Mon- It's fun to try it, though. ezSt rage day morning we s:u on a ro<::kawaiting our Got Opinions? We want Find Your Space! Westminster them! Come to the Free Press staff meetings next semester, Mondays at 7:30 in the Writing Center.
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