Page 108 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 108
EEtlJJRES Dining Services to see some changes HANNA 8ARKER. rhey'ti see some changa,~ said Dr. Seidel. Stoff Reporter Dean Gerlwill be levclvlng studenes in the process at a later date, because it is still early and the: team is Sodexo is here to stay jUst brainslorming at this point. Bored by Clar? Unsatisfied with Sandella's?Disappoim- ChangcslO {he Structure afmea! plans are antici- A Q & A with Ethan Seidel ed rhar Fourth Meals are only available after 7 p.m.? As pated to begin in the faU as well, Meal equivalencies early as nexr semesrer, the answers to all of rbese ques- will be added. Similar [0 Fourth Meals, mea! equiva- rions should bc: a resounding negative. lencies will come QUI of a srudenr's total allotment of HANNA BARKER dents be involved. and Srudenrs can anticipate many changes to dining ser- meals for {he semester. Students can use them [0 cat Sioff Reporter If sc, how? vices, effective Fall 2010. Plans are in the works for din- at Sandella's at any tim!': throughout the day that it is A: The evaluation pro- ing hall renovations, the addition of meal equivalencies, open for business. cess is ongoing and Stu- and an overhaul of the menu at Sandella's. It is unlikely that mc:al c:quivalendc:s will be avail- There have been rumors dents are continuous- A group of adrninisrrarors met mid-April (0 begin able at the Pub, because its limilcd capaclry would not ly involved through the the design phase of dining hall renovations. Members be able to handle the increase in patronage. There has ~~rec~~:t~f S:~:~:~rtc~~~ SGA commirree, and of the committee included Dean and Vice President no! YCt been any decision made on how many meal Daniel College. To find through [he opportunity of Srudem Affairs Beth Gerl, Vice President of Enroll- equivalencies wi!! be allowed per meal plan. OUt the rrurh, I talked to to submit napkin board ment Management Florence Hines, Director of Auxil- To go along with this change. the menu at Sand- Dr. Ethan Seidel" Vice comments and to partic- iary and Conference Services Mary [o Colbert, Direc- ella's will be totally revamped. The current menu was President of Finances ipate in web-based sur- tor cf Pacllteles Planning and Capital Imprcvemencs Ed chosen by students back when Merrill Fitness Center and Administration. veys from time ro time. Sell, and Vice President of Adrninisrracinn and Finances was constructed. McDaniel is working with Sodexo to Ethan Seidel. come up with a new menu that wi!! include a more var- Q: Is Sodexo's contract Q: How long lJas the Possible work to be completed this summer would ied range of selecrlons. up for renewal? college had contracts include minor changes, such as painting and replacing There are plans to invest money for more panini- A: The contract is struc- with Scdexc, and to 1ightfixtures. More intensive work could possibly hap- style sandwiches. Additionally, Sandell;', will introduce tured in a way that either what expense? pen over the nexc jan Term, in which case the Forum items such as soups, salads, deli selections, and regular party can discontinue the A: We've had a contract at relatively relationship would be used as a temporary dining facility. pizza offerings. A "grab and go" option will also be- short notice. We have had with Sodexo for around "It's safe to say thatwhen,rudents arrive in the fall, come available. twenty years now. It's :e\~~~~~h~:i;~h~~J:o~ probably not a good idea but the contract is not a to divulge financial terms the long-term contract. So in of competitive relationship for reasons. *- • ways up for renewal, bur Q: Are other companies a sense, the contract is al- there are not plans to dis- at this being considered continue the relationship time? between us. A: No. Sodex:ho Q: What the or not to con- of Q: large market share in high factors inRu- Sode:r.o has Why ence decision been chosen over other whether companies in the past? of experience, ~~W~~;I:~~::;~1s~r- Extetn A: vice,cosr,customersacisfac- education, purchasing tion, et cetera on an ongo- ~=-"-~- ing basis. pool from whicb [0 selecr, is involved Q: Who [0 cli- and responsiveness this decision? Can stu- in power, large management ent requests. Petition to 'Clean Up Sodexo' on Internet HANNA BARKER to hc:lping college students make healthy eating deiclsions. ing {he impact of many unrc:!ated issues on Soaexo, whi~h is Stoff Reporler "Scdeeo is proud rhar it uses zero trans fat oils for ail frying misleaaing. in our campus locations,~ claims . ~Many independent organiutions recognize Sodexo for Nonethc:less, McDaniel studenu overwhelmingly har- iu success in creating a diverse and inclusive work environ- There has been a lot of promulgation of the "Clean Up So- bor negative fedings about the food offered in EngJar Din- menr,» said Mackall. dexo" project on rhc imerncr of laic. This project, initiat- ingHall. He also explains tkat Sodexo workers earn wages that are ed by the Service Employees Internarional Union (SEIU), is ~The food sucks and is too expensive, but I do not blame "competitive within the industry,~ and employees have access meant to raise awareness of the many issues that Sodexo al- that on the employees,fi says freshman Ashlynn Parker. "The to a variety of health plans to meet [heir needs. legedly hides. [Sodexol workers at McDaniel seem pretry happy, so I don't According to Sode)(o's workforce know ifthc:yface problems here: According to Dr. Ethan Seiad, Vice President of Finance lacks access to affordable hearhcare. facer; racial discrimina- According to Ihe SEIU, some Sodexo workers cannot af- and Administration at McDanid College, Sodexo em~loyees get the same raises at rhe same times as McDanic:l employees tion, and fear retribution when reponingcom;erns. The com_ ford [he health irl$urnnce rhat the company offers. Also cited in the same jobs. He explains that Sodcxo is "jUSt paid a flat pany also supposedty Cailsto provide nutritious mea.!s. are eumples of wage theft, discrimination lawsuits, and un- Sophomore Lydia Hubble agrees with this last allegation, safe working conditions. fee to manage our food services. There's no profit incenrive [0 cut and says, "The food is cold and high in cholesterol. It feels Tom Mackall, Vice President of Employee and Corpo- like I'm biting into fat whenever I'm eating anything.~ rate Relations at Sooe)(o, posted a blog as a rebuttal to the Parker says, "I'd be very upset if [the claims against So- Sode)(o'~wehsite emphasizes the company's commitment ~Clean Up Sodexo" campaign. He says thaI the SEIU is blam_ dexol were true, because the workers try to conllect with the students. They are kind of!ike famiJy.~ DEAF SAVVY Sign languages around the world Coffee Coffee Coffee New coffee shop to open soon in Westminster MARISSA GRAFf fn:dyand undc:rstand each omer. This isvery SloffReporler rrueand I wish we all could understandev- eryone. But it isn't the case. This.same ar- KIMWllUAMS once it opens? gument ClInbe: made for spoken languages. Feolurlls Editor Joseph says Birdie's will have "free Wi-Fi- and America.o Sign Unguage (ASL) is not a uni- Wouldn't it be c:asierto understand everyone inViting atmosphete. plenty of room to socialize and versallanguagc:.In fact, mere are many diffc:r- if the world only spoke:one language? A new coffee house is being opened by Ms. Sherri stud~. We w~Ufeacure two artists every other monm emsignedlanguagesaro.undthewotld.Just Ofcoul'5C! BUI marjWit isn't the case, Joseph, who says "We hope: to be: up and running and live mUSIcand poetry weekly. McDaniel students asmere:isa mu[ticudeofspoke:n languages, ana everyone holds their own language dear by June l.~ will rc<::civea 10% discount with valid ID.~ ~artin adds, "If rhe coffee house: opens, I wiH su~h as Fre:nch, Spanish, Gennan, Russian, to their heans. Theume is for Dc:afand Hard J~ph says that the coffee shop, Birdie's, will de6.nltelyviSit-thereisnoaoubt.~ etc., there are JUStas many signed of Hearing people who use ASL to commu- JCIl"all coffee. c::spressoand tc:adrinksavailable_icc:d For anyone who shares Martin's opinion, keep ail es. With every spoken language, more: than nic:ue. It'sa bc:autifulianguage and ifweWO'e and hOt - including our very own signarure "Birdie's eye out. Joseph says ~the location is stilt to be deter- - a fant:lStic CoSta Rican coffee. Smoothies, Blend H likely there:is a signed language. Italian Sign forcc:dto only U.'iC French sign language. parr juices .and soups, sandwiches and baked goods. Some minc:J, bu.t we are:looking at several spou wimin C2S)' Language or Lingua halianadc:i Signi (LSI), ofourculrurewouldbc:destroycd. featured items will include a hummus plate and fresh. walking distance of McDaniel 00 Main Srreet. D Spanish Sign language or Lengua dc: Signos This is the last edition of Deaf Savvy Iy baked muffins and brownies.~ upanola (LES), and French Sign language and I am glad ( was able to share a culture Sophomore Anna Manin says, ~ As a coffee or Langue des signes Francois (LSF) are just with you that means $0 much to me. Have a drinker .and lover, I approve of any business that is afcwc:xamples. great rC$tof the school year, and mink about dedicated to this dc:licious concoction.~ A common assumption is thaI ASL learning a little ASL to communicate with Junior April Ruthke says ~I feel that everyone ~lrdielS should bc: a universal language so thatev- the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community is already hooked on the Station and Starry Night M eryone would be: able ro communiCllte more here on campWi! Cafe. So why should studenu venture to Birdie's '-.../' .cafe
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