Page 111 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
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.- FREEPRESSPROFILE To be a townie, 17-year-,old does it all High school senior takes college classes, runs his own and proud of it paranormal activity business, and has published two books MEGAN HILDEBRAND enreen, and he had published nor one bur rwo AMBER SLATER StoFFReporter books," says classmate Heather Gorsuch, '! O. Stoff Reporter Inside Info Along with his writing career Martin also has his own paranormal activity investigation com- From a At 17 years old, Alex Martin is taking college p:my. This company uses special equipment to in- Have you ever considered whnr it would be like to anend college in tbe 5am~ [own where ~~urses, and has IWO published books along with Ve5ligatewhcrher there is parnnormal activiry or Townie lsownhusiness oct. you grew up? For some srudenrs, McDaniel Is ncr a home away from home, bur a home ,While most kids his age are worried about For more information about Alex Martin's wtehtn thelr bomerown. ?enmg into college, Alex Martin is already tak- novels please vlslr www.theshadowscyde.webs. or [he \,254 students who reside on Best coffee shop: =s ~ollege courses at. McDaniel, has publish~d com. To find our more about OPS Paranormal campus, \3\ have rOOtSin Carroll County. Westminster Station ~~in:~' and has hIS own paranormal activity Investigations please visit www.opsparanormal. That's abour one in tell. webs.ccm . "I've never felr rhe need to get away like Besl desserts: S h Martin, a senior ar Susquehannock High Starry Night Bakery some high school kids do." freshmall Nate r~I1:~nltni~len Rock, PA, is enrolled in dual en- Adamczyk says. "Besides, living rhts close al- he h order [0 obtain college credit. So far lows me to run home every weekend so my Best non-chcin restcurcru: c I as taken Introduction to Astronomy, Cal- mom can do rhe laundry," Legends Cafe g~~~a~i:n~ Intro~uCtiOn to Psyc.hol.ogy.After AdamsC"lyk noted the ROTC program to go on a run: Dusques~~ ~~:e~:r~ ;~;~~~;;~~ p;i.lI attend and "mountain offlnancial aid" he received Best place Farms as key factors in his decision to arrend Mc- Tohama rcntlMarr.l~has published two books and is cur- Daniel. Some of the money was through the ds y wrmng his third. The science fiction nov- Carroll County granr of $2,000 that is given Best place 10 hike: tiesa~ a ~arr of a four pan "Shadows Cycle" se- to all residents of Carroll who choose to at- Hashawha Environmental eight e r~t novel, Shadows, took Martin about tend McDaniel. Center he tho:;~tt. s to write, but it was not as easy as Freshman Casey Dunn did nor always share Adamczyk's confidence in the idea Best place to relax: ever,~:~~::e~ writing back in June of2004; how- of anendlng a school so close to home. "I Bennett Cerf Pond I found th p rhesame day I starred, but when was worried I wasn't pushing my boundaries 200~, I CO:ti~~~~~;~~~!r:a~:r~:~i~ecember enough, and that I wouldn't be g~tting the full college experience." book published Marrin Living on campus, however, changed his mind. "lr's great amnding a college 30 minutes from home. I gCt to be independent of having a friend who was familiar with when I want to, burl also get to go home theatea. H every few weeks if! want," he explains. Adamczyk concedes, "There will al- Freshman Forest Fleischer also saw the ways be the townie Stereotype. That is, benefitS of attending a school close to home, until the other students want to know though she admits. "At first a lot of my where they can find food at one in the friends would tease me for being a townie, morning or what [he fastest way to Fred- bur after a while they rcali~d the adv
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