Page 113 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 113
From the Office of President Joan Develin Coley: A letter Dear Students of McDaniel College, native films and skydiving. immersed yourselves in the cultures borheed I had moved inro. It was the morning [ accidentally of Budapese, Cameroon, China and Italy. created haute couture locked myself out of the President's House. Clad only in my More than at any other time during my 37-year career here OUtof trash; crashed records on rhe arhleric fields, and volun- nightgown and bathrobe, and without a cell phone, [ had no on the Hill, [can most relate to what [he seniors are going teered your time and energy for an array of good causes, in- choice bur to traipse across the lawn to the nearest student resi- through right now. I, tOO, will be ~graduaringri soon, srepping cluding a Nicaraguan clinic and the local Boys and Girls Club dence. l knocked on the door and was greeted with a smile by a Into the nexr phase of my life. A big, somewhat mysterious ad- You've proven [hat everything is possible when you work smarr wonderful srudeur: she invited me in while she called Campus Venture awaits and it is at once exciting and a bit scary to con- _ even becoming the College's fit$[ quadruple major, as Eric Safety. and [hen we shared a good laugh over the mishap. template. I know I am prepared to seize the opportunities that Lemmen did, with studies in PhysiCS, Chemistry, Biology and This cantpus is indeed my cherished community. And mem- COmewith my retirement, th;nks to all that I have learned as a Biochemistry. bership in it is somerhlng that I -we all - will rake with us. At Commencement, I will receive McDanic:l's highest form of rec- member orthis College community, and, especially, from what ln each of my roles here, first 35 professor, then Graduate ogniticn: an honorary degree that will make me a member of you srudenrs have taught me. Dean, then Provcsr and, foe the pasr decade, President, I've rel- ished the chance to get to know many of you and to watch with the Class of20 1 0, and forever Green and Gold. Your boundless curiosity. courage and compassion - even In I look forward (0 continuing my education as I read about themid5[ofthesometimes confusing and challenging changes an insider's perspective as yOU ser abous making this campus, you, and all of your accomplishments. in the pages of The Hill that come with profound personal growth _ has always inspired and the world, abetter place. magazine. Remember that there is no place like McDaniel- and me. Every day, you demonstrate what it means to put the liberal I remember, during the early days of my "freshman year" as that it's all of you who make those words ring so true. arts in action: you've founded dubs for lovers of cheese, alter- President, rhe moment I first realized what 3. wonderful neigh- LEITER TO THE EDITOR Students' take on McDaniel plan Invest in self respect roommate. George. is also dealing KARLA HOlLAND betweenadminisuation.staff,facul- SIQffReporler nately,thegrossmiscommunicarion with these problems: "He's s B!c- A reader's response to Sex on the Hill ty and/or whole departments have Chern major bur he needs a [an- led ro srudenrs mlsslng out oo cless- guageandrheonlylanguageclasses DEVAN HAMRIC make a publicsptctacleofmings no one This year. McDaniel says goodbye es they needed and wasting tinle on are at [he same times as the class- classes rhey dtdrir. Contributor not only ro the graduatlngc1ass of es he needs for bto. All rhnr's ldt should be proud of. 2010 bur also the last generation to On rhe orher handv junior and is Spanish. Why does a doctor need We !ivein a much diffi:n::ntage. No religioussrudiesmajorJelTGriepen: one is going to stone a girl for losing her have BLAR as their academic plan. uogseesrheplandifferendybecause Spanlsh anyway?" Many freshmen have probably beard virginity and guys door have [0 buy me debates over the nature of BLAR's he "can't take water classes or aero- As for why George may need whole cow before they get me milk. Pee- hles classes because of [his) disabili- Spanish.lcanonlythinkuboul my plecanhaveverydilfen::ntopinionsabour replacement: rhe McDaniel plan. ties." "l've tried to take archery and mother, a physician who returned sexandwhatisconsideredaokay~. As I learned researching this topic, bowling," Griepentrog said, "but to school for her MBA when [ was Buracting like a "one-nighr-srand" the issue regarding this new plan is the classes filled up quickly." still ill high school. Among her gen- is something [hat everyone does and much more complicated than many As Jeffremlilded me, there are eral requirements was a basic Span- talking about it like its funny and cool? students may realize. According to issues that can hold students back ish course. Did she ever use il?Well, Do you really mink mat makes you look Communication Chair Deborah regardless of the plan in effect. The let's say I wouldn't ask her fl)r help Vance, the plan changed because good' students on BLAR ~would try to get Iecessionhasforcedcutbacksthat inmySPA 1102 floal. My point is: People laugh abour it as ific's no big have made departments cut courses lf rhe McDaniel plan has any sil- deal and even view it as some son of rib- every [general requirement] OUt of out of eoeir curriculums. including ver lining right now. it's that it re- bon mat says [0 me world 'Trn so her." the way soon and faculty were hop- requirements. Adding to these dif- ReallyaJli{'Ssayingis~J'mea.syanddon't ing the new plan would get rid of ficuirics, new dOle codes have Deen minds you rhat rhe biggest obsta- that way of thinking, but it hasn·t.~ value myself." And if you don't value set which force srudents to choose cles to fight for in life are [he ones yourself, then why should anyone else? Kathleen Levendusky, a Junior, berween requirements being taught that will h'old you back the most. By [talso tclh prospective inten::sts,umis history major and peer mentor, ~un- then, othet barriers look like mere person ls loose, Icould probably get wi[h demands why [hey make us take at the same time. If that was not gaps in the road enough, absences from teachers on meITIbut men again SO could JUStabout these requirements but I wish they $,.1>1>""",,1 ",,,koo rcqui'c"'<'n'-~ un- otT killer anyon.,." How will ~yonc ~r lUiow 'WO"JgLi, Somantho lombert, Jennoliftle, Devon McAndrew, lnllrenMiU ....,ChorieJMllllin, Gregory NOlolln, Bryon NurnaftllyprodiotffMcjomol'P""h.fOfOtrfcom_oradprld"80P.., .. ...,.aIIlh-frMP ......
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