Page 72 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 72
DECEMBER 11, 2006 -Page 10 COMMENTARY Survey says no drinking problem, but. • • JULIA RfETMULDER~STONE McDaniel Free Press. The first tutes an institutional drinking ideas, alcohol, and behavior; CONTRIBUTINGWRITER quote is from an opinion piece problem; I'm guessing there is but it's not a license to arguing against the printing of no such definition in the DSM- behave irresponsibly. "Students are written up for the names of students who IV. The article about the study I believe that alcohol on campus aU the received alcohol citations from says, "Only a minority of stu- McDaniel College time." "Alcohol citations ... the Westminster Police dents who can be classified as has a drinking prob- [are] only a slightly bigger Department. The second, from binge drinkers perpetuate" lem when its stu- deal than a speeding ticket." a heartening article about a McDaniel's reputation as a dents are disrupting " ... this campus doesn't study conducted by Sociology "party school." Presumably it neighbors and get- have a drinking problem." students, the results of which is these few students who ting arrested. If " ... angry residents of show that on any given night have disrupted neighbors, these are the Pennsylvania Avenue have of the week less than 53% of and these few students who actions of only a been calling ... to complain the campus is drinking. And are "written up for alcohol on few students, should III about students being loud and the last is from an article about campus all the time." there's no reason even vandalizing property on exactly what it sounds like - Drinking responsibly on the rest of cam- the walk back from area bars." student behavior disrupting campus is possible. I've done pus be So say three articles in the neighbors. it many times. College is a complicit in their .. . November 16 issue of The I don't know what consti- great place to experiment with behavior. Slob bombs go off in Rouzer bathrooms because during the week the should be a weekend staff, nasty smelling items. We have STEVEKAPP bathroom is quite tidy and which cleans not only the to take action and put an end Got news? CONTRmLmNC WRITER clean for the most part. It is fourth floor, but all floors. This to the filth in Rouzer now The bathrooms in Rouzer the weekends that bring about will help keep the bathrooms before it gets worse and really This is the are fairly dean during the the horrible stenches that sanitary, and it will also elimi- out of control. The administra- week. but once the weekend somehow seep out under the nate all odors that irritate floor tion wouldn't want to use a place for it. rolls around they become door and permeates through- members. filthy bathroom, so why unbearable to step foot into. out the hallways. Another possible solution to should we? There are some things in life The trashcan is inside the this problem would be to we can deal with, but the bathroom not only for trash, bring in more trashcans. smell of puke and stale food but can and should also be Another trashcan inside the ravage the fourth floor bath- used for throwing up into door would make two, and room of Rouzer weekend after which would keep the bath- one outside the door would weekend. At first, it seemed room clean. This would elimi- make a total of. three. The like it was only a bad night nate the smell to some extent; trashcan outside hopefully Co-Bdlters-in-Chief partying, but as it keeps it would also keep the bath- would prevent the sinks from Kathryn Young '08 Staff appearing it has become a room accessible through the dogging with puke, and allow Mike Habegger '08 'Ierre Marnn major problem. The fourth weekends. the toilets to be used for uri- Pat O'Toole '07 floor bathroom in ROllz~r is "The fourth floor bathroom nating rather than the floor. Ken Buetger'09 horrendous on weekends, and is raunchy, disgusting, and With a little work and effort, ~~;~ it needs to be fixed. unbearable to use. It is the th.g_fourtl;;i....(!oor bathroom Bathrooms in college worst oathro-om 10 the entire could be cleaned up and man- Ceoff Pe<;kha",'Q8 dorms are somewhat clean for building." explains Pete Towe aged at a low cost, and would LindsayGraham '07 the most part. The melnte- a fourth floor resident, bring relief too many. Heather Gorsuch nance staff takes good care of Yes, the maintenance staff Knowing that the floor will News Editor Melanie Chupein '09 the bathrooms, and make sure does dean whatever is in have to pay for the damages Lauren Lake.r'lO they are accessible and useful there, but it is not until week after week, it is time- that David P. Gretsman '0'] Rachel Hooper '10 to students at aU times - Sunday morning, which for something is done about the Commentary Editor Ien Harrington '07 except during- the weekends. too many students is too late. filthy conditions in Rouzer. Sarah Black '07 Jess Bello '10 Here at McDaniel College, the Most of the incidents that hap- Solutions will not only save us Brian Engler 'OS fourth floor Rouzer bathroom pen in the bathroom are money, but they will also Sports Editor Kristin Lamb '09 is a disgrace once the week- between Friday and Saturday make it easier on the mainte- Ryan CheU'09 Tyler Carr ends come around, and the night, and the earlier they nance staff on Monday morn- Laura Hutton '09 'Shannon Willis cleaning staff does nothing happen the more noticeable mgs. Rob Goeke '07 about it until the end of the the odors becomes. Overall, There is nothing worse than Page Design Ashlefgh Smith week. It is very hard to use a the bathroom is being abused. a dirty, communal bathroom, 'Emily l3io.ndo'09 Becky Snider bathroom when it is covered There are many steps that let alone a bathroom that is Mike Hebegger '08 Marissa Graff in puke, urine, and rotting should be taken to fix this unable to be used for two to Christine Boynton '08 items every weekend. problem, most of which are three days because it is cov- MJ Alexander '09 Stacey Eyler '08 This is a puzzling thought not very hard or costly. There ered in urine, puke, and other Kristen Bender Photography/IUllstrations Rachel Sanchez EVan 1ick:nor '10 A letter to the editor Mike Habegger '08 [erma Schwarz '07 MJ Alexander '09 Dear Members of the America, first gained recogni- State Department of Emily Biondo '09 Advertising Manager Emily Funk '07 McDaniel Community, tion as a valid language Education recently began rec- Int'l Page Editor around 1960 with the linguis- ognizing ASL for foreign lan- Copy Editor I am writing this letter tic work of Dr. William Stokoe guage credits throughout the Djerdj Matkovic '07 Pat O'Toole '07 in support of the recent vote to and his first dictionary for state too. Web Editor continue offering American ASL. As a result of his work As a student in the Beth McLane '07 Sign Language (ASL) as a for- and efforts, there are hun- grad uate program for Deaf eign language at McDaniel dreds of publications and Education, I'm pleased to College. During a meeting in books about ASL that are know that McDaniel College the month of October, the fac- available for people who wish is now among the ranking of ulty's vote reaffirmed that to-learn the language. various high schools, colleges, American Sign Language The battle for respect and universities which pro- courses will be able to satisfy of ASL continues today. vide ASL as a course for for- foreign language require- According to research from a eign language credits! ments despite recent chal- website maintained by Hopefully, students and mem- lenges to this decision. Gallaudet University bers of the McDaniel Incoming freshman during (http:/ I Community will be able to the Fall semester of 2007 will acknowledge the significance be able to take advantage of L.doc as of September, 2006), of ASL. Thanks to the vote in this wonderful opportunity! all fifty states have recognized favor of providing this foreign ASL, the primary and ASL in some form as language language course! natural language of the Deaf credits or foreign language Sincerely, Community in North fulfillments. The Maryland Caroline Gulick
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