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COMMENTARY I NEWS DECEMBER 11, 2006-Page 11 New housing leaves freshman out cold ber of credits a student had: Associate Dean of Student freshmen were acquiring sin- to experience this extra nice LESLIE SHIRK meaning a sophomore with Affairs. gle rooms in the residence housing. All younger stu- STAFF WRITER more credits than a true junior "This is like a checks-and- halls. It's understandable to dents will have their chance Worrying about getting would have a better chance at balances system. It makes work hard and obtain many too, just later." While Bowen into desired classes is no getting the desired housing sense to do things by year so credits, but many upperclass- believes that the students who longer the primary source of than a junior who had fewer that the younger classes don't men feel that sophomores and work hard and to earn so frustration for freshmen and redits. This proved to be an have too much of an advan- especially freshmen shouldn't many credits should get a sophomore McDaniel stu- immediate problem among tage just because they're be able to get preference of reward, she "Feels that it is dents. Now they have a new the students. advanced in credits," said single rooms over them. fair that seniority gets you the reason to be perturbed: they "I am happy with the new Swartz. However, regardless of housing you'd like" instead. are getting the short end of the system, because due to poor However, there is one thing which system is in place, there Agreeing with Bowen, stick in the housing lottery advisement, I have lost the 12 that remains the same with will always be some seniors Towle says that she "tends to system. extra credits I came into col- the housing lottery: groups of who don't get to live in North think of things in terms of fair- This is ironic because until lege with. The change makes up to six people have a better Village or Garden ness believing that the old sys- last year freshmen and sopho- it more likely that I will be chance of getting North Apartments, simply because tem was fair, allowing every- mores were on fairly even able to secure an apartment Village or Garden Apartment there are not enough apart- one a chance to live in a place ground when it came to the for senior year," said Pat housing if they all sign up ments to accommodate all of they really want; however, housing lottery. Lyons, a junior. together with other juniors them. juniors and seniors tend to The new housing lottery Upperclassmen felt it was and seniors. The preference "As much as I would love know what they want more system, implemented spring unfair for sophomores to get still goes to the groups of sen- to use the credits I've earned having lived in other housing 2006 for the coveted North North Village housing over iors who want to live together, and brought in from AP tests in previous years." Village and Garden them, and Residence Life felt but it is still possible for jun- to secure better housing, I The question is will this Apartments, has changed the seniors should have prior- iors to land the best housing. think the new housing system new housing lottery be more drastically from the previous ity housing since they had As a result of the minimal is probably fairer to seniors. If effective or will it have prob- system. It now favors the [un- seniority and deserved better restrictions in the previous they've lived in a dorm for lems similar to the previous iors and seniors, working to housing. As a result, the hous- system, it went awry and too three years, it makes sense system and further complicate ensure they get the nicer hous- ing lottery was changed from many sophomore students that they should get an apart- the housing situation? Ing. _being based on credits to the were infiltrating the system, ment before a sophomore who Towle says she "feels the "While I would choose to student's graduation date. taking precedence over the only lived in a dorm for one," system works pretty well. No live in an apartment since you According to senior [enna true upperclassmen and said sophomore, Laura Davis. lottery system is perfect." This don't deal with other people Swartz, she feels that "The old receiving housing in North Clearly, there are advan- means that it won't matter in the building destroying the system is fairer, but the new Village and Garden tages and disadvantages to what system is implemented, place as much, seniors should- system is good for the oldest Apartments. To their dismay, both systems. According to because there are bound to be n't be forced into living some- members." several juniors and seniors did Katie Bowen, a senior living in flaws. It is the nature of the where for their last year just The new system grants not have the opportunity to North Village housing, "I housing lottery. because they got a bad pick in privilege to the real rising sen- live in nicer housing their last guess I feel that the age should "Maybe we should just a lottery," said freshman, Tyler iors and juniors, "giving the year. be the deciding factor in improve our dorms so people Carr. most number of true rising To make matters worse and whether you live in a North don't mind living there!" said The previous system grant- seniors the benefit of the cause even more upheavaJ, Village house simply because Davis. ed housing based on the num- doubt," said Liz Towle, sophomores and even some as a senior, it is your last year Hotline gets three tips, sports team included "We are trying to stop haz- "[ThiS""'notlTrie}helps us SmIDl is supportive of the Given that students or fac- ROB GOEKE ing for the entire campus," address hazing and to stop hazing hotline. ulty can call the hotline STAFF WRITER said Rose. "It all depends on unsafe behavior," said Ger!. "While [the athletic depart- anonymously, how the A hazing phone hotline how specific the information One of the calls the hotline ment] was not involved in the College proceeds in response where students or faculty can is. That will determine how received in the past month development of the hotline, I will depend wholly on the call and leave a message with our next course of action will detailed allegations about a think it is beneficial if it gives details provided in the call, anonymous tips has received proceed. We can not respond sports team. Rose heard these students an opportunity to according to Rose. three calls in recent weeks. to the tip or begin a discipli- allegations and passed the voice concerns they may have "This isn't just a Greek Two of the calls detailed nary investigation." information to Gerl who then and would not otherwise issue," said Rose. "Athletic specific hazing allegations; The hctline's number is 410- told Athletic Director Jamie communicate," said Smith. "I teams can do some severe one alleged hazing by a social 871-3114, or extension 3114. Smith. think there are enough inci- stuff and it has not been dealt Greek organization while the Rose is working with the "If [a hazing allegation] for dents on a national level, both with. Hazing isn't acceptable other alleged hazing by a Student Affairs office and with a sports team comes up, Jamie in high school and intercolle- anywhere." sports team, according to Vice President and Dean of is the key investigator and lor giate, that we need to make a Assistant Director of College Student Affairs Beth Gerl to the Student Affairs staff will stronger effort in educating Activities Amanda Rose. make the hotline operational. assist as needed," said Ger!. our student-athletes." After sanctions, sorority is welcomed back Other rumors were not con- October. Members were the college and are proceeding and education about hazing ROB GOEKE firmed in that story and could asked to come to Rose's office with the induction of new are provided to the organiza- STAFF WRITER to be interviewed whenever members for the Fall 2006 tion." not be confirmed in time for Though accused of hazing this story's publication. they had a free moment pledge class. According to Rose, the alle- violations earlier this semes- As a result of circumstances throughout the day. A few The chapter has also gations brought against the ter, the McDaniel chapter of surrounding September 27 additional interviews took regained its standing with the Phi Sigs were different in the Phi Sigma Sigma sorority events, Assistant Director of place the next day, according sorority's national branch. nature than the charges has been allowed to maintain College Activities Amanda to Rose. Senior Mand y Eason, Phi brought against Phi Alpha Mu its charter's standing with the Rose and Residence Life "We wanted to see how Sigma Sigma's Archon, stated and Gamma Beta Chi in COllege while receiving a Coordinator for Greek valid the concerns were," said she was not allowed to com- Spring 2005, charges which measure of sanctions from Organizations Lisa Jackson Rose, "and determine if some- ment on the situation. eventually led to both organi- Gerl would not comment zations being suspended from thing was occurring on a larg- McDaniel's administration. undertook an investigation er scale." about which sanctions the campus. The situation began the which involved interviewing evening of September 27, a "wide range of [Phi Sigma Disciplinary action was group appealed, she felt the "The concerns that were entire investigation and When Campus Safety checked Sigma members" to try to get taken against the sorority and appeals process was "thor- raised about [Phi Alpha Mu appealed was Vice to it on a room in Blanch Ward to the bottom of the situation, and Gamma Beta Chi} were Ball in response to a possible according to Rose. President and Dean of Student ough." concerns of a different level" "I'm the final step when it hazing incident. The sorority's pledging Affairs Beth Gerl in early comes to these sorts of situa- said Rose. "They were mo;e November. factual and serious. For [Phi A story in the October 12 process and other campus Though members of Phi edition of the Free Press cited activities were suspended Sigma Sigma, Rose and Gerl tions," said Cerl. "When a sit- Alpha Muj specific people anonymous sources that con- throughout the investigation. uation like this gets to me [for came forward and were will- firmed that "the sorority had The interviews, which con- were unable to comment as to appeal], I want to make sure ing to be named. [Gamma Beta Chi] was caught in the act that any unsafe and inappro- the specificity of the punish- more than the allowed num- sisted of 13 to 15 specific ques- ment received, Phi Sigma priate behavior is stopped and of hazing." ber of people sleeping in a tions, were face to face and Sigma have been reinstated by that any. necessary sanctions donn in Blanche Ward Hall." occurred during one day in
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